How's 2012 been for everyone so far?


just call me Nilly
Nov 27, 2005
Peterborough, Ontario
My year so far... it's been a mix of everything right from wonderful to awful.

Bad stuff:
Cancer. I guess that's the biggest and worst, and really the only one needing to add to this section. Finding out I've got a brain tumor on the day Carter was born, finding out it's actually cancer, finding out it's Glioblastoma Multiform which is a vicious fight I'm going to have to continue to fight, it goes on. It's evil. It's the worst of the worst that could happen to my life.

I don't usually get that negative, and I'm doing it for a good reason. This is why.

Good stuff:
CARTER! My wonderful son, who is gorgeous and wonderful and gives us very few (none!) problems at all. He's my angel who gets me through day to day and will fight my A$$ off to be the mother he deserves. If it weren't for the day he wasn't born, I'd surely be dead now. I still wouldn't have any idea for what was going on in my brain. He is the reason I have to thank for every single day of my life.

Now the other things:

We've had such wonderful support financially from so many people. I still get funds passed along to us each few weeks, they are still surprising and such a gift and we are so incredibly thankful. Without that help we would have been completely screwed, through my own medical costs, all the traveling we still have to do, etc. We are so thankful for this support.

The emotional support that so many people send/pass through/think of would also be one of the big things. There so many people that think of me, and pray for me, and continue to support me and help me mentally. It never seems to stop, which is so incredible and something I cannot thank in any way enough. There are so many people that I know do this, and there are so so so many that have even never met me in any way but support me to help push forward and positively. That is incredible.

My husband. Yes he can be a giant BIA sometimes (haha), but he's keeping us together in ways I couldn't imagine.

So that's where I'm stopping. I guess I need to do an update soon, I'll be finding out my MRI results next week!


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
It's had its ups and downs. I don't feel like it has been a bad year, but a lot is definitely changing.

Mike and I have officially been together one year now.
I am now working full time, had a position change (from kennel tech to vet assistant), and got a raise.
We got two rats. ^^
Rinnie passed away.
Larry passed away. :( And with that came a whole lot more stress dumped onto Mike's shoulders, which he absolutely does not need.
We inherited Gracie and Cooper, which messed up my puppy plans.
I get my own place in four weeks. o_O
I passed my organic chemistry class (third times a charm!) and will be graduating this December! :D
Chloe's finally be started on anti-anxiety medication...we'll see how that goes.

So, all in all...its been very "meh". Good, and bad, but a whole lot of potential! This year and the beginning of next year I really feel is going to be a huge turning point in my life.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
This thread has really been interesting.

This year has been great overall so far.

There have been a few bumps in the road along the way. Brian's dad has been having a lot of health issues this year that have required trips to the hospital. A couple surgeries, a bout of pneumonia, a blood clot.... etc, etc. It's been a bad scene but right now he's doing well. He just had something going on with his pancreas but it's bad to normal and they are switching around some of the meds he's on.

Brian severing ties with his old job and setting out on a quest for a new job was exciting to say the least lol. It WAS nice to have him home for that whole month and I wish we won the lottery or something so we could always do that LOL but after being off only three weeks he already had a new job lined up and things with that job are going very well. Now we are just praying that at the end of his contract they hire him on full time (he's a contractor there through another company for 6 months at the end of that the company he's contracting to can decide to hire him on as an employee instead of a contactor). They said they would let him know by the end of august either way so at least he would have time to prepare for whatever they decide. His boss and his bosses boss are really pushing for him to come on full time but they have to convince the money lady. so praying for that but prepared for whatever happens. Either way he really likes this job and the people he works with and he gets to work from home two days a week and it's just a healthier environment for him, he's so much happier and less stressed and the pay is good.

This job gives us the prospect of getting out of this house and into a place in the country in the next year if he gets to stay on full time. that's a huge deal for us. We have way outgrown this house and I said that I had to be out of this house before Hannah was old enough to want her room re painted. I cannot bring myself to paint over the Hundred Acre wood paint job our friends had done to it.

All our parents have made it here for a visit this spring/summer so that was wonderful and there is a strong possibility that my mom will be coming here for Christmas which would be AWESOME!!!!!

We had to cancel our September trips up North and down to Disney for Hannah's Birthday but that's Ok. We have a BIG trip coming up in December and that just means we will get to throw a birthday party for Hannah here with all her friends :) and many of her friends also have birthday parties in September/October so we won't miss any of those either :)

We have a big Disney trip planned in December. it's going to be chaos because there will be 14 of us but we'll work it out :)

This year has been a big year for Hannah. she has grown and changed so much in the last 6 months. She's become so independant and she is not nearly as cautious as she used to be. She is still cautious about certain things but she's got more confidence and she's willing to try new things by herself. she also seems to have mostly outgrown the ear sensitivity that she was having. She still doesn't like REALLY loud things but last night we went to the fireworks and she only covered her ears twice for a few seconds when they let off the big boomers. She just seems so grown up now.

This year we really start our adventures with homeschooling with the start of Kindergarten. We've joined two co ops (one we were with last year) this year so that will be fun.

So really overall... we are incredibly blessed.


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
January through June didn't being any "life changing" events. We've been in our house for almost 3 years, went on our yearly "big" trip (this year was Nicaragua, which was an absolute BLAST!), still have all 5 of our dogs, still have the same jobs, and things are just staying pretty even. lol.

Ian now has his CPA, which means more income and more room for growth- he'll be finishing up his MBA program in the fall which should bring us even more opportunities for the future. Other than that, things have just stayed pretty much the same in our lives!

We're planning on going to NC this fall, and then somewhere else in December. Not sure where- probably WV for skiing, but we're considering going back to Nicaragua since we loved the house we stayed in so much!

I'm sorry for everyone who hasn't had the best start to the year- there are still 6 months left, so there's plenty of time for things to turn around!


Love My Mutt
May 16, 2009
Guelph, Ontario
January through June didn't being any "life changing" events. We've been in our house for almost 3 years, went on our yearly "big" trip (this year was Nicaragua, which was an absolute BLAST!), still have all 5 of our dogs, still have the same jobs, and things are just staying pretty even. lol.

Ian now has his CPA, which means more income and more room for growth- he'll be finishing up his MBA program in the fall which should bring us even more opportunities for the future. Other than that, things have just stayed pretty much the same in our lives!

We're planning on going to NC this fall, and then somewhere else in December. Not sure where- probably WV for skiing, but we're considering going back to Nicaragua since we loved the house we stayed in so much!

I'm sorry for everyone who hasn't had the best start to the year- there are still 6 months left, so there's plenty of time for things to turn around!
We have skiing here. Just sayin'


Active Member
Nov 24, 2004
It's been good besides losing my job at the shelter due to budget cuts a few weeks ago which is probably not exactly true because they hired a new girl for 40 hours a week instead of asking me if I wanted the job I was basically replaced. :rolleyes: At the end of February I discovered zumba and have been going to classes ever since.

My instructor is awesome and we were in the 4th of July parade yesterday which was a total blast and I am going twice a week now. So yeah it's not going too bad, I just wish I didn't lose my job there as I am probably not going back because of how I was treated. If my boss never quit in March, I would still be there whether I lost my job or not.


Mild and Slightly Nutty
May 9, 2011
Madison, WI
It's been alright...

There have been good times and bad ones...but nothing that would make me want to hide in the corner ;)

One of the great things is that one of my best friends got married to her very awesome boyfriend and I got to be there and be her maid of honor.

Another close friend is currently planning her wedding for next year :)

My dogs are growing out of their adolescent stage...this means Watson has really started settling into the dog he is going to be. You can see it and it's pretty awesome even if we still deal with the monster basenji at times. Menchi is always just fabulous!

We had some financial struggle and have had to do some careful planning and cutting our spending...which meant the dogs and I had to take a little hiatus from taking classes :(
However, the good news is that already after a couple of months we can see improvement and things are getting better :)

I am in the process of trying to change my lifestyle for a healthier version and it's been a bit of a struggle...a work in progress.

All in all...our life is good this year. I have a supportive better half, a job I enjoy, wonderful dogs, the world's most adorable tabby cat, and great people for friends online and in real life :D


Dec 2, 2006
Olympia, WA
(((hugs))) for everyone that's had a rough year. Especially you Nilly.

This year has definitely been challenging. I'm really grateful for everything that has gone right and that my kids are safe. There's just been a lot of small blessings, tender mercies I guess you could call them, that make the bad things bearable.

Like my car used to get about 30-32 mpg. Gas prices went up and I started to panic about being able to afford gas. Then my mpg went up in proportion, until it hit 40 mpg. Gas prices dropped back down again, and it still gets 40 mpg. I didn't even do anything to my car around the time it happened. No oil change even. It just happened.


Active Member
May 29, 2006
Michigan, USA
((hugs)) to all that need 'em

This year I made some life-altering decisions. I was offered a full time position that I accepted, which forced me to end things with my boyfriend of 5 years and I simultaneously fell in love with a colleague. My life changed so quickly and my future as I thought it would be changed as well. I hope it's all for the good - everything has such a 'meant to be' vibe & I'm just along for the ride.
May 2, 2011
Ithaca, NY
Sorry for those that have been having a bad year - I hope things start to look up for you soon.

I think, for me, 2012 had the potential to be a great year. I finished my senior year of high school, and got accepted into every college I applied to. I've grown closer than ever to my friends, and we've been spending a ton of time together before we all go our separate ways. I've made some amazing new friends as well, and I'm ridiculously excited for college in the fall. I've grown up a lot this year - in some ways it feels like my life is just falling into place. But in other ways, this year has been truly awful. I lost a close friend to suicide five months ago - he was only 17. A lot of this year has been spent trying to come to terms with that, and realizing that, yes, terrible things do happen to good people.
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Hmmm . . . suckass job ended, but it was better than no job, which has been the situation so far since the beginning of the year.

Waiting to find out if I'm going to get to endure foreclosure or if I'm accepted for one of the mortgage relief programs, which will help for now, but bite me in the ass on the back end of the mortgage. Ah well, you do what you have to.

Still can't wrap my mind around a world without Brutie in it.

Family is getting crazier by the day. I just assume that when either one of them says something it's a lie or at least a very weird exaggeration.

Bimmer is showing his age -- that may be the worst.

If -- WHEN I do get a real job interview I'm going to have a serious wardrobe challenge as everything appropriate is way too big. That's one of those good/bad things and a slick segue.

But, getting back into shape physically and mentally, time in the gym, clean diet.

My CPA friend got all the tax craziness from Charley and his lack of -- everything -- at the store straightened out and I wound up with enough of a return to order a nice refurb MacBook with great upgrades before my probably-ten-year-old overworked G4 had something dire happen to it.

Had some established, published authors seek me out for read-throughs and editing advice, which they appreciated and USED.

The Black Dog Dialogues is going . . . :) Romy is doing my cover art and an excellent photographer contacted me and asked if he could do a shoot for me for the back cover.

Bimmer, Kharma and Tallulah are all well, despite Bimmer's age, and that's the most important thing of all. My health is still the bane of the western medical industry, lol.

I love how long and thick my hair's getting. I feel like I look better than I have at any time in my life, and with the book progressing so well, maybe it's just everything finally coming together at the right time :)

Or, as I've said about other things (and sadly been right), maybe it's all going to blow up in my face.


Bloody but Unbowed
Apr 11, 2007
new jersey
OK, well, there are a ton of positives, which as many know, is not the usual run of things for us. My work is going very well. They think I'm great and wonderful and terrific, for reasons that are not clear to me. I love going to work, it's such a change from working at Starbucks, I still can't believe I really get to be a doctor every day, and that I can actually take this grueling schedule as well as all the twenty and thirty year olds around me. When i wanted a moonlighting job, because we need the money, my assistant prof=gram director found me the job, and then another attending applied for it for me. I just had to show up for the interview-amazing.

The kids are doing well, Rachel is making tons of money and living a crazy dream life working for the Saudi royal family as an art instructor (see her blog-- Rachelinriyadh on tumblr) john got into Columbia for grad school, and Ricky looks to do way better than he deserves in the college admission game. Molly is not being thrown out of her school- and that's all I have to say about that. The younger kids are doing great- travel soccer and fencing, etc.

Steve has the possibility of getting a really great amazing job through the most lucky coincidence imaginable. It's really freaky to tell you the truth. Still don't know if it will really happen, but whoa....

The dogs are good. The cats are fine too- all six of them. We almost lost Smedislav to some mysterious infection that caused hemolytic anemia, but he pulled through, and is nice and plump and self-satisfied again. Buggy is showing his age at at least sixteen, but is still feisty and grouchy as he ought to be.

On the minus side my health is kind of crappy- since I now have full scale type 1 diabetes and it has been a tremendous adjustment. It is rough physically and emotionally, but I am managing. I realized I take 10 prescription medications-- which makes me feel like I'm about 95 years old. And I don't feel just fantastically great most of the time, but I can mostly ignore it, and it is true that I only get like three hours of sleep a night.

Anyway, I soon expect to be rich enough to actually declare bankruptcy with a plan to pay everything off in five years- and can see my way clear of this mess.

Renee- things sound really stressful. I believe they will fall the right way, and when you get that book published you will evidently look really good on the dust jacket. I'm looking forward to buying it.


Are you dead yet?
Aug 1, 2004
Lots of change. Moved out of Mexico to Ohio, got a retail drone job working nights. My dog and I are now living with my boyfriend and close to his family, and they're all wonderful.

I left my own family in Mexico and it kills me some days, especially now that it looks like I may be making this my new home. I miss them so much.

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