How many of you actually put your dog tags on the collar

T-Bone always wears hers. She even wears them inside. I actually like to hear where she is and what she is up to :D
Gunnar lost his tags. One day I found them stuck between 2 boards on the deck, I got them out, and reattached them. A few days later, they were gone again. Now I have his rabies tag in a safe place. I have a copy of his license and rabies info in the little duffle bag we bring with us to class or anywhere where we're going to be outside for any length of time.
I have to admit, I am a slacker. I have yet to attach the new Home Again tags to the collars.

I don't keep collars on Brutus and Roxie, but I do Maggie. I am afraid the big dogs will get their collars caught on something. They explore more than Maggie and make frequent trips to the pond. I would never find the tags if they were lost in the pond. However, if they go out of this yard, they do have their collars on.
Lilly wears her collar when she is outside with me and on walks. Other than that she doesn't wear it in my house, but she can't get out.
we got the tags on......and it's like some freakin charm bracelet. THEN..when Hammie is outside, he prances ( a horse or something)...and the jingling about drives me nuts. Miss Addie.....well, she thinks her necklace is the living end..cause she is a girl. LOL she never moves to 'jangle'...she just likes the BLING. :) (not only the rabies tag, license tag, but little bone shaped tags with all info on in case they would get loose...Heaven forbid!)
I wish there was a better design. It really was scary when Vic was caught, he had twisted trying to free himself until his collar was a third of it's size and twisted like a bread tie between the concrete block and himself. I had to push him forward while he was struggling to pull back with all his strength just to get enough give to release the buckle. It isn't an experience i want to go through twice.
First walk of the morning, the collar goes on. It stays on all day. There is a cute ID tag hanging from it. I made a makeshift attachment for it so that it would stay on securely and not dangle around too much. There is also a Pet Pocket I.D. wallet on the collar which holds the rabies tag, license, and a waterproof card with all important info. The collar only comes off after the last walk of the night. We are in and out all day, and the door opens and shuts all day, so I wouldn't want to risk him being without it.
I can't imagine the dogs that have been 'caught' (in the examples above) with tags that have been a trauma. my area it is HUGE to have your pup wearing his rabies tag..come hell or high water, that is monumental in how they deal with the dog IF he is loose. I pray mine never get loose, but I want ALL tags on to help in their care. and especially the one that has our info hopefully get them back to me. it most likely depends on your area........but around here, no rabies tag........don't count on the dog not being shot. THEN examined. tags are sooooo important. IF you watch your dog constantly, then there is no reason to be afraid of them having the tags on.

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