How do you like your hair "down there"?

How do you like your hair "down there"?

  • All natural, untouched

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • American wax (hair limited to the direct area and short)

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • French wax (landing strip)

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Brazilian wax (bald eagle)

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • Particular pattern/style not listed

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Octopussy pie

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
No fixed abode.
I was reading a comical review of the Vagina monologues and it lead me to be curious about the fact of how everyone keeps their coiffures down there.

I liked it Brazilian style for the longest time but have been trying out a bush/jungle woman look for the past little bit - like totally intact, bikini line and all, been pretty fun having it rather unkempt down there lmao. Will probably clean it up pretty soon though. I think I'll keep a landing strip from now on - I've had comments before about it making my lower half look like that of a pre pubescent girl and being abit creepy - I finally kinda understand how it may have been perceived that way. does everyone style their nether regions?
I guess I can be "old" and say.... Yeah....
not okay


oh and
Shouldn't this thread belong in the Cat section?
:rofl1: :rofl1:
*blinks* umm... uhh.... *blinks*



Generally a landing strip but if I get particularly bored in the shower I go bare.

Jess, you can't possibly find this surprising. It's Chaz! Land of poo, sex, political, and the occasional dog conversation threads.
We've had this thread before ;) there's not many topics that haven't been covered!!!
I'm a guy so you can probably guess I haven't read/seen the vagina monologues. And I've never heard of it. And I didn't know you could publish a book with the word vagina in the title.
It isnt a book its an episodic type of play.

I go from Brazilian to American depending on how lazy I feel lol!
Depends if I know I'm getting laid or not :D:rofl1:

Same goes for my legs, I'm lazy and will go as long as can before going bald!!!! I love being bald :)
I don't even wax anymore. Winter is coming. Trim with beard clipper and shave the bikini line and call it good, man.

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