EX Smokers, I need help.


New Member
Aug 17, 2005
Hey Blue, how's it going today?

Here's a sort of neat site for you: http://www.quitnet.com , they've got forums and some articles that might help. I just think the little counter tool is cool, LOL

Mine reads:
Time Smoke-Free: 82 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 43 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 2059
Lifetime Saved: 15 days, 17 hours
Money Saved: $807.70

(Cigarettes are really expensive here, btw.)

I didn't quit for any of the smart or noble reasons, I quit because 84 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 43 seconds ago I was lifting a desk and blew a hole in my lung. Over the next two days (What can I say, I'm an idiot with a doctor phobia) I sat around thinking I'd thrown my back out. In reality my lung was leaking air into my chest cavity with every breath I took, compressing and collapsing my lung. 82 days ago I woke up thinking I was having a heart attack and had no choice. A week in the hospital with a Borglike chest tube and some darned fine drugs and I decided I was going to hedge my bets and stay off the smokes. I realized there really are worse things than death, like living in absolute misery and having to look into your child's eyes and see the fear there.

I miss it, I really do. I miss the "breaks", the camaraderie, the whole "culture" thing, but I know I will never, ever, smoke again.

Some of the good things are pretty predictable, mostly things that I would've said "yeah, yeah... sure, sure" to when I was smoking. Cleaner teeth, hair, clothes, etc.... but one thing I wasn't expecting was how good food is. Not the taste, haven't found a lot of difference there, but I can now eat well and a lot! When you smoke, a certain percentage of the nicotine and other chemicals get swallowed and irritate your stomach. Now I can eat pretty well anything (although I'm sure my husband doesn't appreciate my new found love of all things garlic, LOL) and I don't feel ill.

Anyway, good luck breaking the habit. Drink a LOT of water, flush your system.
Feb 20, 2007
Las vegas nv
I had an unsuccessful attempt about 8 mo. I made it 1 week. since then a pack lasts about 2 days . Its been creeping up . I think I'm ready again , only I really don't want to tell my husband. Maybe after a week or so.
Feb 5, 2005
wasilla alaska
Well Im finaly out of tobaco so it is on now. Ordinarily a pouch of tobaco would last me about 2 days or less, this one lasted a week and a half and Im not buying any more.

My water intake deffinently jumped in the last week.

If I hadnt started this thread I would have givin up allready.

Edit.. I may be becoming addicted to tic tacs.


Dec 16, 2004
I am a tictac addict..i like orange. I use to share with a little girl my mama babysat until i was scolded for giving her too many. SO i told her if she could suck on one until it was gone i would give her another. SHe would bring me the tiniest sliver of a tic tac, sucked to a needle thickness. I have never been able to do that...:D
Way to go Blue your gonna make it this time.

i like the bold ones too fruit flavor
Apr 19, 2006
Hey Blue, how's it going today?

Here's a sort of neat site for you: http://www.quitnet.com , they've got forums and some articles that might help. I just think the little counter tool is cool, LOL

Mine reads:
Time Smoke-Free: 82 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 43 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 2059
Lifetime Saved: 15 days, 17 hours
Money Saved: $807.70

(Cigarettes are really expensive here, btw.)

I didn't quit for any of the smart or noble reasons, I quit because 84 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 43 seconds ago I was lifting a desk and blew a hole in my lung. Over the next two days (What can I say, I'm an idiot with a doctor phobia) I sat around thinking I'd thrown my back out. In reality my lung was leaking air into my chest cavity with every breath I took, compressing and collapsing my lung. 82 days ago I woke up thinking I was having a heart attack and had no choice. A week in the hospital with a Borglike chest tube and some darned fine drugs and I decided I was going to hedge my bets and stay off the smokes. I realized there really are worse things than death, like living in absolute misery and having to look into your child's eyes and see the fear there.

I miss it, I really do. I miss the "breaks", the camaraderie, the whole "culture" thing, but I know I will never, ever, smoke again.

Some of the good things are pretty predictable, mostly things that I would've said "yeah, yeah... sure, sure" to when I was smoking. Cleaner teeth, hair, clothes, etc.... but one thing I wasn't expecting was how good food is. Not the taste, haven't found a lot of difference there, but I can now eat well and a lot! When you smoke, a certain percentage of the nicotine and other chemicals get swallowed and irritate your stomach. Now I can eat pretty well anything (although I'm sure my husband doesn't appreciate my new found love of all things garlic, LOL) and I don't feel ill.

Anyway, good luck breaking the habit. Drink a LOT of water, flush your system.
This is just FANTASTIC!! I'm really rooting for ya Blue!!!!!!!:hail: :hail: :hail: :D


Dec 16, 2004
yup they are aren't they? I don't like the lime ones, they taste like fruit loops.phooey and lime is my favorite too. I got the citrus tonight, not so bad, but the bold is so hard to find around here i dunna know why.

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