Doggy Diaper rash?


New Member
May 21, 2008
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SHe is having discomfort. I have been changing the pads as often as possible but she still acts like something is biting her there when she pees. I first used the antibiotic with painkiller ointment, waited for that to "soak" in and then she was fine. I then added some gold bond powder which seemed to help. I bought some Hydrocortisone cspray, which does not seem as effective. This is a $2500 show dog. My vet was NO help. The only answer I was given there was that I should fix her. Right. $2500 down the drain, thanks doc. If one more person tells me that I am going to buy a rolling pin and BONK them on the head...why should I negate my investment to satisfy other people's stupidity? And then there's the CA SB 250. Mandatory neutering for one infraction. A lifetime sentence for one mistake.

Can we say "Class Action Suite"????

SO what else can I do for the discomfort until she is out of heat???
I'd leave her as is then . I'd rather deal with a heat in a way that's more comfortable for her . I never used pads .
I've never had to deal with a dog in heat, but I did have a ferret develop a rash in that area due to her incontinence. I would just clean her up after she messed herself and put diaper cream on. When it dries it'll leave a protective coat over the rash giving it a chance to heal.
I like cloth diapers with a feminine pad in them.. We have had no diaper rash issues here. How long has she been in diapers for at this point? I'd only be using them for the short period when she is actively bleeding and then discontinuing them when the mess is minimal.
As others have said, I'd try to keep the pad/diaper to a minimum and change it often. Has she been checked to make sure there's no urinary tract infection? What does her breeder suggest?

I will note that calling her an investment does strike me as odd...
I will note that calling her an investment does strike me as odd...

you and me both.

And a class action lawsuit for what... because your dog is getting a rash?

Im obviously failing to see the point here, right?
I'd also wonder UTI. Cider was forced by my grandparent's as a small puppy to wear diapers for Christmas or we were uninvited.. I was okay being uninvited, my parents weren't. She wore diapers for 2 weeks, and the timing makes it likely they caused the UTI. Seems to be semi common in pups who wear them 24-7 like spina bifida dogs. Maybe get a urinalysis done.
If she is having issues and must be spayed.. your breeder should exchange her for another if you bought on a show prospect contract.

Though to most people here calling your dog an investment isn't going to go over well. Yes a good foundation bitch IS an investment.. but its an investment of more than just money.
If she is having issues and must be spayed.. your breeder should exchange her for another if you bought on a show prospect contract.

Though to most people here calling your dog an investment isn't going to go over well. Yes a good foundation bitch IS an investment.. but its an investment of more than just money.

:hail: Also, the mention of a law-suit makes it harder for us to take you seriously.
No, I was talking BOUT 2 DIFFERENT TOPICS, ONE AGAINST cALIFORNIA FOR PASSING A MEASURE THAT MAKES IT mandatory TO NEUTER YOUR DOG, whether you want to or not. You don't think the state should be sued for that? Well, if we do not want any more dogs I guess it is a good idea, altho it will not stop out of state puppy mills.

Whoops. Caps lock by accident.

The other issue was her rash. The vet had no idea if she needed to be fixed or not, it was not a vet issue as she was not seen by the vet when I telephoned. Instead of speaking to me or giving me recomendations to help her, I was told to get her fixed. Period. (You may not take exception to that, but I do. The AKC does not allow neutered dogs in the ring., and it needs to be MY choice, not someone else's. If she were not a show dog that I PROMISED I would show, she would have already been neutred.) I will not take a dog in heat anywhere unless it is a matter of life & death. It is stupid to take dogs out in public in heat. That is how "accidents" happen.

Of course a dog is an investment, not only monetary, but in time and care and emotional (heart). And if one buys a show dog it is tripled. That is a huge chunk of money and everything else. Do you have ANY idea how much time is necessary for proper training, not just in normal behavioral training, but in show training as well as obedience and rally and agility, not to mention the amount of money required for the lessons? How about $250 a section? Not to mention making sure she is happy and well cared for at home besides all the other stuff. If y'all can't view that as an investment then that is not MY problem. It might be the application of the word that you do not understand? Just go buy a show dog and then come back to me about all that, hey.
tantrum much?

I must admit, I didnt understand much of what was typed.

But the part I did understand is that your investment is much more important because it is paraded around a ring. Your the kind of person who give show people a bad name.

Lots of people on here show their dogs or compete with their dogs in some other arena... I have never heard any of them refer to their dog like a gold nugget nor have I heard them make their "investment" sound so much better than some lowly "pet". You could learn a thing or two from these people.
The other issue was her rash. The vet had no idea if she needed to be fixed or not, it was not a vet issue as she was not seen by the vet when I telephoned. Instead of speaking to me or giving me recomendations to help her, I was told to get her fixed. Period. (You may not take exception to that, but I do. The AKC does not allow neutered dogs in the ring., and it needs to be MY choice, not someone else's. If she were not a show dog that I PROMISED I would show, she would have already been neutred.) I will not take a dog in heat anywhere unless it is a matter of life & death. It is stupid to take dogs out in public in heat. That is how "accidents" happen.

Of course a dog is an investment, not only monetary, but in time and care and emotional (heart). And if one buys a show dog it is tripled. That is a huge chunk of money and everything else. Do you have ANY idea how much time is necessary for proper training, not just in normal behavioral training, but in show training as well as obedience and rally and agility, not to mention the amount of money required for the lessons? How about $250 a section? Not to mention making sure she is happy and well cared for at home besides all the other stuff. If y'all can't view that as an investment then that is not MY problem. It might be the application of the word that you do not understand? Just go buy a show dog and then come back to me about all that, hey.

Those of us who do show, trial, etc likely don't appreciate the attitude. Your questions got answered. Instead of replying you had a fit. Would you like a hero cookie?

Generally it is seen as rude to parade around exactly what you paid for your dog. The price of yours does not devalue anyone else's, but thank you for making it look that way.

Most of us are quite aware that you cannot show fixed dogs in the breed ring. The problem has nothing to do with chazzers and everything to do with your choice of vet. If you have an issue, get a new vet, don't have a fit about it.

If your dog wasn't seen by a vet is everything you are doing DIY? Maybe you need to find another vet and actually seek some real help.

Statistically I doubt most accidents happen by people taking bitches in heat out in public on purpose. They are far more likely to happen around your home and in your yard.

Most chazzers aren't stupid, and do understand what it costs in time, effort and training to put dogs in the breed ring, rally, obedience, flyball, agility, tracking and breed specific sports. You are not the only one who does these things, so do not act like the rest of us do not have a clue. Your entire post was uncalled for rude. If you do not want advice, then do not ask, but don't treat the people on the board like you are better than everyone else.

Shall I start adding up the years of training on my dogs so I can parade the monetary and time numbers around? How about Red.. she's got to have a lot invested in hers, I appreciate her training videos and brags. The exception is, we don't make brags like that. There is no need for it. The finished product is brag worthy enough, along with the bond we have with our dogs.
Ummm.... what? :confused:

I don't know where you live, but classes don't usually cost that much. Classes around here are about $80. Conformation classes are $3 a night. *shrug*

Besides... it seems to me that:
1. you're painting show dogs and owners of show dogs with a nasty brush, and
2. you're putting more of a value on your dog's training and purchase price than the dog herself. Yes I have a show dog, Yes she's a NICE show dog... and YES - she is a pet first, a show dog second.

I don't know what this rash is from. If you're unhappy with your vet, seek a second opinion... not for the sake of your investment, but for the sake of your poor dog, who is in pain.

I've spent a lot on my dogs. Training, food, entry fees, purchase price, etc. But when it comes down to it, I'd pay it all again without a second thought, if it would mean another day with them, on the couch watching a movie or out in the woods on a hike. The money I've spent on them is of no consequence... and I'm not the only show person who thinks so.
I will not take a dog in heat anywhere unless it is a matter of life & death. It is stupid to take dogs out in public in heat. That is how "accidents" happen.

Surprise! If you get into showing.. you will be taking your dog out in public in heat. It happens and no extra puppies show up. Its NOT a big deal.. get over yourself!

Do you have ANY idea how much time is necessary for proper training, not just in normal behavioral training, but in show training as well as obedience and rally and agility, not to mention the amount of money required for the lessons? How about $250 a section? Just go buy a show dog and then come back to me about all that, hey.

Hey another surprise for you..... Ready for it?....
I do know how much it costs. I show my dogs. The whippets show in conformation, CARA racing, and will show in agility, obed and rally. The JRTs show and are titled in Agility, obed, rally, dock dogs, and terrier trials!

Wow huh?

ANd I didn't get swindled by a breeder to the point where I think the value of my dog is how much I paid. Now part of it does depend on breed.. you can go out and buy a top JRT from the top conformation and working Kennel for under 1500... The LHW go for about that too. If you paid that much for a show prospect and something goes wrong you should get another dog. If you paid for a show prospect then any good breeder is going to offer you a replacement puppy if anything happens (whether or not you chose to take the puppy would be up to you)

Don't assume you know more than others. On a large forum there is always someone who knows more about something than you!
The only things needed to prevent an accidental breeding when your bitch is in season is a brain and a leash. ;)

I have had intact bitches for over 20 years, and they do go with me.

You might try crating her for periods of time without the britches, and only put them on her when she comes out. I find my girls mostly keep themselves very clean, and also clean up any drippies after themselves, but I have very little carpeting.

If this is your first intact girl it does take a little getting used to, but it will all turn out fine.

I missed what breed she is? Do you start showing soon? I love dog shows!
Also, some of her apparent irritation may be due to her not being able to clean herself as she would like due to the britches. I would not be putting any foreign substances on or near her vulva because of the level of cleaning themselves that most bitches do when they are in season.
If she is in season and this has only happened since she was in season and you have her in a female pad system that is probably irritating her vulva. The vulva is now very enlarged and more sensitive then normal. She may simply be reacting to the weird way that everything feels now as her hormones kick in. The pads may be irritating that engorged flesh if they are moving around a lot and then the urine is burning the irritated area. I don't use pads on my dogs but I also don't have an area that I can't clean up if they are drippy. I don't let my bitches sleep with me in season for that reason, i have my limits and pools of blood are one of them.

Some bitches just want to clean themselves obsessively. If your vet does not deal with breeders or breeding in general they may be very lost on what affects a dog when they are in season since they never deal with it.

I forgot to add, don't put all that crap on her. She is in season it is normal and natural.

Diapers will not stop accidental breeding. Crates, leashes, and supervision are about all you have to worry about. I've never had an accident. Its all about vigilance and sometimes a bit of inconvenience.
This is obviously a problem with semantics. I do thank the people who gave me advice, and I apologize for not doing so previously. I was however trying to explain the misunderstanding as quoted below:

“will note that calling her an investment does strike me as odd...

And a class action lawsuit for what... because your dog is getting a rash

Though to most people here calling your dog an investment isn't going to go over well. Yes a good foundation bitch IS an investment.. but its an investment of more than just money.

Also, the mention of a law-suit makes it harder for us to take you seriouslyâ€

I therefore saw the need to explain that I was referring to 2 different topics, not suing someone because of a diaper rash, for pete’s sake. And also defending my use of the term “investment†which was legitimate and correct usage, especially when I was thinking of creating a case against the State. Correct terminology in court is vital.
1. the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit [syn: investing]
2. money that is invested with an expectation of profit
3. the commitment of something other than money (time, energy, or effort) to a project with the expectation of some worthwhile result; "this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking"; "he made an emotional investment in the work"
4. outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
5. the act of putting on robes or vestments
6. the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office; the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank

I note, however, that the use of the term “investment†on this board is a bad word. I forget that other people have different prejudices.

I was surprised, especially after nursing my other dog (that I made the mistake of buying from a store) through lymphoma until he died at 5 years old, which broke my heart. So when I bought another dog, it was more expensive due to the breed, and done after extensive research. I was not trying to insult any one else.
The mention of the cost was in reference to the State of CA SB 250. Part of my purpose was, as I stated, in thought of a law suite.

I will not, however, make the mistake of using the word again, as it apparently creates enmity. As per:
“But the part I did understand is that your investment is much more important because it is paraded around a ring. Your the kind of person who give show people a bad name.
Lots of people on here show their dogs or compete with their dogs in some other arena... I have never heard any of them refer to their dog like a gold nugget nor have I heard them make their "investment" sound so much better than some lowly "pet". You could learn a thing or two from these people.

Those of us who do show, trial, etc likely don't appreciate the attitude. Your questions got answered. Instead of replying you had a fit. Would you like a hero cookie “

Of course, regarding fits, that was not my intention, but you may intrepert it however you choose. Thanks.

Therefore I do apologize for using the word investment and will note that it is forbidden to use on this board. Thank you for the education in semantics and in board conversation per se.
Therefore I do apologize for using the word investment and will note that it is forbidden to use on this board. Thank you for the education in semantics and in board conversation per se.

Its not so much that you used the word investment. I do understand that (and have said so before) Its that you assumed that your dog was worth more than ours and did we know how expensive stuff is?

It was this that was offensive...
Do you have ANY idea how much time is necessary for proper training, not just in normal behavioral training, but in show training as well as obedience and rally and agility, not to mention the amount of money required for the lessons? How about $250 a section? Not to mention making sure she is happy and well cared for at home besides all the other stuff. If y'all can't view that as an investment then that is not MY problem.

Many of us here (who are responding to you) DO compete and breed. We know all about such things...

Anyone can pay lots of money. You can dump a lot of time and money into a free dog.. Its not how much you pay.. its what the dog proves it can do that makes it an investment. If you get to know breeders and you have proved you can title dogs (and provide a good home) you will find breeders who are willing to nearly GIVE you dogs. Its in their best interest (investment wise) for you to have their dog and title it.

Its not how much you pay for your dog that makes it a great investment. Its what your dog has accomplished and adds to your breeding program. I know some people who have spent as much as you did on a labradoodle... does that make that dog an investment?
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So does that mean a dog is only an investment if you paid a lot of money for it? What about those of us who put a lot of trainign and compete in sports with rescues?

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