My dogs have always known " carefull " and " no bite " . But then I've never had a small dog .
Size has nothing to do with that.

My dogs have always known " carefull " and " no bite " . But then I've never had a small dog .
Poodles are a pretty hardy breed, they're not little French Figurines.
So if you KNOW he's not good around other dogs... WTH did you bring a strange dog into your home?
And I dunno how you'd link DR to a seizure disorder popping outta nowheres.
Frankly... I think you need to stop coddling your dogs and treat them like dogs, not children.
I'll answer 1 at a time. We didn't bring a strange dog into our home. He had met him on several occaisions and we thought they'd do okay and they did just not as good as I would have liked.
Lot of dogs do well outside your home.. and don't get along as well in your home. And just because they do get along in your home, doesn't mean they always will. Maybe it was a little too fast, who knows. Either way you corrected the dog for letting go as your correction was ill timed.
And my dog doesn't have a seizure disorder I was referring to my childhood shih tzu how was agressive toward children and was abused and had a seizure time read more carefully.....
Just curious... but is there any particular reason you constantly ask for advice, yet never listen to it?
YOU should read more carefully... as I quoted you saying that your past dog was aggressive and got a seizure disorder, and how you wouldn't want your current dog to get that.
YOU should actually read the advice people are giving you, instead of going into a crybaby fest over every little thing.
I take the advice I think works...but was I asking for advice no...I was asking if the behavior was strange.
Obviously I don't agree with a lot of advice given but I do take the advice I feel pertains best to my dogs and I always run all the advice by my trainer before doing anything
And my dog doesn't have a seizure disorder I was referring to my childhood shih tzu how was agressive toward children and was abused and had a seizure time read more carefully....
So basically you're wasting everyone's time? Why not ask your awesome-petsmart trainer for "real advice"?
No but I personally wouldn't take your advice....and I'm not wasting everyones time I've gotten good advice on here it doesn't always work but some people give great advice (and other people I wouldn't take there advice
Maybe because you aren't taking the "right advice?" :rofl1:
And that's okay... I wouldn't give advice to you... as I wouldn't think you, CM, and Petsmart would get it.
The problem appears to lie with the fact that you don't take anyone's advice. Period.
A ton of people have politely replied to this thread, gave you great advice about how to properly do things, and explain why the dogs acted the way they did, and you chose to ignore every bit.
You do this with nearly every thread started. You ask for advice, yet you completely ignore any and all advice given to you.
So I have to ask... why ask for advice, if you have no intention of taking any of it?
I don't know what CM means and I don't use petsmart....our petsmart sucks....not just the trainers but the store really sucks
But I'm going to step away now because I don't want to say anything I'll regret....I do get a temper on these forums so I'm stepping away from the night as to not get snippy
I'm going to step away now because I don't want to say anything I'll regret....I do get a temper on these forums so I'm stepping away from the night as to not get snippy
half the time you all don't get what I'm saying and I have to explain and it starts fights anyways I'm done for the night