Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

I don't know why you wimins are always complaining so much. I didn't experience any of those things :D

:mad: :p

I'm on a few groups but only shared that photo in the UK lenny lamb page and to try to win a competition hahaha (never tried before but you never know!). It's a lenny lamb (obviously from above!) :) I'm turning into that crazy person (I have 3 ssc now). She loves it. We love it. Hardly ever use a pram! That was just a for fun picture, she's still a bit too small to stay on my back for too long!! Can't wait till she can though.

I might be on that page. I've got two Lenny's already...hoping I love them as much as you do!
Its amazing to see how the babywearing options just continue to grow. So cool.

I did back carries with my son from newborn up with mei tais. So helpful for longer naps when they are real little and then for keeping them entertained and out of the way when they are older lol
NT scan was yesterday and everything is looking good. Baby looks more like a baby than a jelly bean, too! :D DH was surprised by how much the photo of the baby affected him. <3

Next appointment in 6 weeks for our anatomy scan!
:mad: :p

I might be on that page. I've got two Lenny's already...hoping I love them as much as you do!

It took a bit of playing with. It's definitely not the easiest to figure out. But I think it's my favourite right now :D it's sooooooooo pretty. And now I've got it adjusted right it's so comfy :) i have a connecta and a beco soleil too :) and a stretch wrap, but massive baby is too heavy for it now.
I could never get Lillian on my back, she hated it. I wore her til she was maybe 8 months or not even...she liked it as a newborn/small infant but once she was really crawling and starting to walk, she was pretty much done.

I'm hoping my second enjoys it more, although I did wear her A LOT in the first 3-4 months.

I have an infantino, moby style knockoff wrap, moby style I made, and a sling.


Zephyr is just over 5 months now and she's trying desperately to crawl. She's already managed to sit (and does so quite well, actually!) Now she throws herself forward and does a combination of scooting on her belly and rolling over to get wherever she's wanting to go.

Oh dear, we ARE in trouble!
Lillian crawled at 5.5 months (and FAST) are in trouble!!

On the bright side, she didn't walk THAT early (10 months). She did stand/cruise at like 6.5 though. Start baby proofing now if you haven't already from Winnie, lmao, and good luck
I can't believe how big all of our babies are getting! Nora is 10 months old and the time has just flown by. I love this age (I swear I say this about every age) and Nora is so much fun. She is getting ready to start walking- she stands on her own and I keep expecting her to walk across the room! I'm not ready for this!

She still loves to be worn and I'm hoping I can continue to wear her for a long time! My weakness has been Tula's wrap conversions... I have 4 of them! I keep thinking about wrapping, but SSCs are just so quick and comfortable. I probably wear her for 2-3 hours a day at least.

I am still breastfeeding her and I hope to continue until she is around 2.

I've been SO busy lately. I started my own home business which has been more successful than I could have ever imagined! When Nora was about 6 months old she broke my favorite necklace and I decided to make my own fine piece of jewelry that wouldn't break but would also be appealing to her to play with.

I am hand forging and fusing fine silver (blowtorch fun!) and making charms :) It has been so rewarding being able to create pieces for mamas and babies!
Your jewelry looks awesome, Jessie! I don't really wear jewelry but I'll definitely keep it in mind for gifts :)

I had to postpone my anatomy scan 3 times due to work...I didn't even want to know the sex but now it's driving me crazy!!
That is SO cool Jessie!

MM, my anatomy scan is in less than a month. So exciting!

I thiiiiink I might've felt baby move for the first time tonight. Not 100% sure, but it was definitely a new sensation. DH is super jealous LOL
That is SO cool Jessie!

MM, my anatomy scan is in less than a month. So exciting!

I thiiiiink I might've felt baby move for the first time tonight. Not 100% sure, but it was definitely a new sensation. DH is super jealous LOL

How many weeks are you again? I'll be sixteen weeks tomorrow, and I swear I felt movement last week. It was like this slight vibration near one of my hip bones. It went on intermittently for a few hours. Nothing since that I've felt.

Just barely starting to show. Really only noticeable if you really knew me well beforehand. I've gained about ten pounds thus far. Feeling pretty good but still really tired and it sucks waking up at night to pee!! That's just started happening. I crave water and milk so I drink all day long-at least 70 ounces of water-so it's partially my fault lol.
How many weeks are you again? I'll be sixteen weeks tomorrow, and I swear I felt movement last week. It was like this slight vibration near one of my hip bones. It went on intermittently for a few hours. Nothing since that I've felt.

Just barely starting to show. Really only noticeable if you really knew me well beforehand. I've gained about ten pounds thus far. Feeling pretty good but still really tired and it sucks waking up at night to pee!! That's just started happening. I crave water and milk so I drink all day long-at least 70 ounces of water-so it's partially my fault lol.

14w2d yesterday - felt like a little nudge but several within a few seconds of each other.

I only show if you know me well and I'm wearing a tighter shirt. Have gained about 5lbs. And I hear you on the peeing at night, even though recently I haven't been drinking as much I STILL wake up twice to pee. >.<
Zephyr is just over 5 months now and she's trying desperately to crawl.

She is so pretty! I can't believe 5 months already!

Nora is 10 months old and the time has just flown by.

She still loves to be worn and I'm hoping I can continue to wear her for a long time! My weakness has been Tula's wrap conversions... I have 4 of them! I keep thinking about wrapping, but SSCs are just so quick and comfortable. I probably wear her for 2-3 hours a day at least.

10 months!? I remember seeing pics of your nursery...LOL

I have two Lenny Lamb ssc (one is going up for sale soon), and just ordered a Didymos wrap. I really want to try the wrap too, it's so pretty! I don't have any friends to help me so I've been stalking YouTube, I'm going to try doing the wrap itself before baby comes. I also have a Baby K'tan I got at my shower. I hope this kid likes to be worn because that's how I plan on doing almost everything!

I didn't even want to know the sex but now it's driving me crazy!!

We didn't find out sex and as we're getting closer (2.5 weeks from due date), I'm getting more excited to know!

I thiiiiink I might've felt baby move for the first time tonight. Not 100% sure, but it was definitely a new sensation. DH is super jealous LOL

LOL that's how mine went too. My stomach was definitely feeling different than usual and DH kept putting his hand on there to feel but couldn't feel anything LOL

I've reached the REEEEAALLLLYYYY uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. Nothing is comfortable, I think the baby has run out of space! Sitting, standing, laying down, sleeping, eating, not eating...all uncomfortable. *sigh* We have one last little shopping trip to round out what I want to set up in the baby's room and then we're "ready" (ish).
I found out it's a girl!!!!! And everything looks great!

I ran into a friend who is due around the same time as me outside the midwives. Her baby isn't doing well. They are running more tests, but it appears the organs are forming outside the body cavity. Please keep her family in your thoughts.
I've been SO busy lately. I started my own home business which has been more successful than I could have ever imagined! When Nora was about 6 months old she broke my favorite necklace and I decided to make my own fine piece of jewelry that wouldn't break but would also be appealing to her to play with.

I am hand forging and fusing fine silver (blowtorch fun!) and making charms :) It has been so rewarding being able to create pieces for mamas and babies!

Very cool! Congrats!! I followed you on Etsy I have a shop on there too :)

Clarissa started walking at 14 months but it never seems like you are ready for it. Now shes talking to me in little sentences... time flies! Here she is throwing the ball for Aura (Aura is jumping - looks like she is a giant lol)

I've reached the REEEEAALLLLYYYY uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. Nothing is comfortable, I think the baby has run out of space! Sitting, standing, laying down, sleeping, eating, not eating...all uncomfortable. *sigh* We have one last little shopping trip to round out what I want to set up in the baby's room and then we're "ready" (ish).

So excited for you guys :D:D Hang in there, the last few weeks are hard!
Question for other moms of toddlers you expect all good to be served at parties your child is invited to be "kid food".

I'm expecting 5ish 18 month - 3.5 year olds for Lil's party. The food will be a taco bar. I'm serving beef, chicken, fish and beans and a plethora of DIY toppings. This party runs between 1-4pm, so not a typical time for toddlers to eat a meal, anyway. I'm also serving snacks for the kids, goldfish (pretzel and cheese), Apple slices, popcorn and chips. Plus cake. Plus rice and green salad and bean salad.

Shane thinks we should get a box of chicken nuggets or some hot dogs or whatever in case the kids won't eat tacos. It's not a bad idea and we probably will...but is this expected? Am I a huge jerk for thinking if your kid is that picky you should either feed them first and/or bring something for them to eat??? Maybe it's just because my kid is a walking garbage disposal, but I can't imagine with a picky eater I wouldn't plan around outings to be sure they'll eat without other people accommodating their pickiness??
Am I a huge jerk for thinking if your kid is that picky you should either feed them first and/or bring something for them to eat??? Maybe it's just because my kid is a walking garbage disposal, but I can't imagine with a picky eater I wouldn't plan around outings to be sure they'll eat without other people accommodating their pickiness??

My kid is super picky. I just go everywhere expecting that he won't eat what is offered (though sometimes he surprises me). I feed him first and sometimes bring snacks. That said, even my horribly picky child would eat several of the available kid foods :)

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