Chaz blogs - updated list

Allie, check mine and let me know if it's fixed, please? I'm pretty sure that the option I selected is what you meant, but I'm not positive.
Allie, check mine and let me know if it's fixed, please? I'm pretty sure that the option I selected is what you meant, but I'm not positive.

Linds has it now, but not you, Jess? Linds, maybe share what you did?

It's much nicer in general, as fellow bloggers like me tend to prefer leaving their name and a URL back to their blog for cross-networking goodness. :D
Okay, I set it so people could leave anonymous comments. Does that work now?
Okay, I set it so people could leave anonymous comments. Does that work now?

It does! Just be careful you don't get spammed too much. D: I'm a big snob of Wordpress over Blogspot simply because of Akismet, the Wordpress spam plugin, but I've heard Blogger is much better at spam tracking now, so you should be fine!
I finally got around to doing a quick update on my blog. Nothing stupendous, but it's updated!
I love all your blogs :) I have a few chaz blogs I keep up with in a way that could almost be considered stalking lol but I don't have a blog so I'm technically not a "follower"

I have a tumblr, link is in the siggy. Its personal to me (like I look at stuff and remember what I was going through when I posted it.. I love my tumblr! lol but a lot of people don't "get it")
but to others, its a really fun jumble of music, quotes, pictures and randomness lol I have a personal blog attached to it but that is a diary of sorts...

here is the general tumblr link
Just Fransheska
Fun! I needed more dog blogs to read. I just started one, it's The DIY Dog
Dog training, dog stuff and DIY/interior design stuff (that may or may not relate to dogs.)

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