Breed Guess


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I've asked this a long time ago and figured there are lots of new people here so thought i'd ask again.

Here's a description:

This the my dog Timber. I don't know what he is, he was dumped out of a car up north at about 4 months old. He's about 2.5 years now, 105 lbs at 27" tall at the withers.

Timber is very agile and loves to run and swim. He has very good stamina. He's really good with other dogs and has helped me a lot with some fosters. He seems to be able to bring them out of their shell and makes them feel comfortable. He's maternal with the others and loves to lay down across my lap and gives lots of kisses. He is very handler sensitive, handler biddable but has a stubborn streak when he feels like it.

He's too smart for my own good and many times I have to come up with alternate ways of doing things, lol. He's a very sweet dog and loves meeting new people. He has a very stable temperament and he's never shown aggression towards people or dogs but when push comes to shove, don't mess with him.

He's shown very observant behaviours. When we go to the beach and the waves are big and i'm swimming out he's watching very intently making sure he knows exactly where I am. He'll swim out and makes sure i'm okay then he swims back to the beach and watches. He continues to do this until I come back to shore, only then he's relaxed and plays around. Also, at night when there is lots of coyote activity he is fearless and check things out and makes sure i'm okay. He doesn't like to wander off too far from me when outside, he does run around but always stays relatively close. He is very trusting of me and I trust him too. He doesn't bark very much, can't remeber the last time I heard him bark.

He has a thick undercoat and blows coat twice a year. His coat is very soft and medium length. He carries his tail curled losely over his back for the most part and at times has it realxed too, mostly when standing. He has more of a rectagular body shape and has always had a ponch belly, lol.

So...what do you see in him?









He reminds me soooo much of this dog I used to work with except with thicker/darker fur, but seriously had the SAME face.

He was labeled a Dane X shar pei X shepherd, I believe, but I have no idea how accurate that was.
I'd agree with the Anatolian mix. Which is a bit obscure to run into as an abandoned dog, but the size and general look are right.
First thing I thought when I was his profile was Anatolian. It was nice to see all of the comments confirm my gut instinct! :)
He does look very Anatolian.

Is that a black splotch on his tongue?
If you google "Wicket Cornelius" there's a dog by that name that (to me) looks a lot like your dog. Apparently his mom is Anatolian x Akbash and his dad is an Australian Shepherd.
Anatolians aren't THAT uncommon in some areas where there's a lot of farms. I agree he looks like an anatolian mix or maybe another LGD mix.
Anatolian, and I still say some Spanish Mastiff. :P

I mean, this guy is a Spanish Mastiff:

I used to not think they were all that popular here in the US, but I saw two littermates listed on my local craigslist not too long ago. :( Whether they were pure or not remains to be seen, but the fact that someone was peddling puppies and calling them Spanish Mastiffs means they have to have gotten into the hands of someone disreputable at some point.
Wow, lots of the same guesses. That's what I thought too.
Yes, he's got black spots on his tongue.
It is not unusual for homesteaders to cross different breeds of livestock guardians together. Some do it because they believe in "hybrid vigor". Others do it because they can't find another of that breed near enough. And still others cross breeds because working ability is more important to them than pedigrees and purity. Anatolian x Great Pyrenees seem to be the most common cross.
It is not unusual for homesteaders to cross different breeds of livestock guardians together. Some do it because they believe in "hybrid vigor". Others do it because they can't find another of that breed near enough. And still others cross breeds because working ability is more important to them than pedigrees and purity. Anatolian x Great Pyrenees seem to be the most common cross.

I was gonna say lab x malamute but this makes a lot of sense actually.
Anatolian & Malamute...maybe with a little Shepherd or Sheepdog (I keep thinking Sheepdog when I look a him...Pyrenees??? Hmmm I don't know)...
I don't feel he has shepherd in him. Shepherds and I are not the right match for eachother. Every shepherd and shepherd cross that I fostered drove me up the wall.
Anatolians aren't THAT uncommon in some areas where there's a lot of farms. I agree he looks like an anatolian mix or maybe another LGD mix.

^This -- Running into Anatolians and mixes isn't terribly uncommon in various places I've lived.
If you google "Wicket Cornelius" there's a dog by that name that (to me) looks a lot like your dog. Apparently his mom is Anatolian x Akbash and his dad is an Australian Shepherd.

Anatolians and Akbash are the same breed.
^This -- Running into Anatolians and mixes isn't terribly uncommon in various places I've lived.

In the south, anatolians are used quite often as LGD's. Since it gets pretty hot during the summer, and anatolians are relatively easy to come by, plus they have a short (albeit double coat).

Some neighbors of mine had two out with their goats. They had a litter of puppies last year. I think it depends on the area you live in.

ETA: bleh.. I read your post wrong Shai, but the info still stands. Anatolians seem to be far more popular than I thought that would be, at least around here.

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