2015 Secret Santa Wishlist Thread


Love My Mutt
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario
Once you've signed up and PM'd me the info in the sign up thread, come here and fill out a form for each dog! Feel free to add other pets, as well

Dog's Name:
Dog's Breed:
Collar Size:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Toy:
Treats they cannot have:
Toys they won't use:
Anything else!:

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

Your favourite colour(s):
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!):
Dog's Name: Doom
Dog's Breed: Flat coated retriever
Collar Size: L - XL
Favourite Treat:Doom is super picky but likes things like the costco jerky treats that come in the big tub... I have no idea what they're called and we're out. LOL
Favourite Toy: BALL!
Treats they cannot have: No grains for the Doom Dog, please!
Toys they won't use: Anything other than a ball.
Anything else!: Doom has gotten crochety and picky in his old age, he hates clothes, and is very picky about what treats he'll eat. If you want to just throw in a squeaky tennis ball for him, he'll be totally fine.

Clothing Size: No clothes, please.
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 18"

Your favourite colour(s): Blue for Doom.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!):I <3 EVERYTHING and am always willing to try new! Hugely obsessed with coffee & tea.

Dog's Name: Percy
Dog's Breed: Golden Retriever
Collar Size: L
Favourite Treat: Liver, tracheas, etc
Favourite Toy: Tug toys that squeak!
Treats they cannot have: None
Toys they won't use: ROFL.
Anything else!: Percy loves to wear bandanas, he has lots (being that I'm a groomer) but he can always use more fun ones.

Clothing Size: XXL when I buy sweaters, which he doesn't need, because this is AZ. LOL
Back length: 27"
leg length: 10" to the ankle front legs
chest size: Deep, but he won't let me measure. He keeps rolling over on it.
neck size: 18

Your favourite colour(s): Percy rocks lime green usually.

Dog's Name: Bridget
Dog's Breed: Cocker X Daschund
Collar Size: S - M
Favourite Treat: Crunchy things
Favourite Toy: She's not a toy kinda lady.
Treats they cannot have: None
Toys they won't use: She won't use any of them.
Anything else!: Bridget likes anything she can burrow in, blankets, beds, etc. She is not a big toy dog, but if she can get herself under or into something, she's happy.

Clothing Size: M
Back length: 18
leg length: 6
chest size: 6
neck size:13" currently. After I give her a haircut, I'll update this. She's pretty stinking fluffy.

Your favourite colour(s): Bridget likes purple.

Dog's Name: Piglet
Dog's Breed: Bulldog X
Collar Size: L
Favourite Treat: Peanut butter
Favourite Toy: Snuggle toys. She likes stuffies.
Treats they cannot have: Artificial stuff destroys her stomach.
Toys they won't use: Balls. She doesn't care for them and the boys will steal them.
Anything else!: Piglet has cushings disease and drops hair like crazy even with the Nizoral, so we prefer not to put clothing on her. I did include her collar size, but please don't send clothes for her! <3

neck size: 17

Your favourite colour(s): Piglet wears pink, we're not picky about shades. :)

Last thing, since last time I participated I was asked, Winnie wears a size 5T and Zephyr will be going on a 12 month by that time. PLEASE do not send them candy or sweets of any kind! They both love to be read to, but don't feel like you have to send them anything! They don't care! <3
Dog's Name: Finn
Dog's Breed: Who-Knows-What mix :p
Collar Size: usually a large
Favourite Treat: He will eat anything edible. Anything.
Favourite Toy: Loves squeaky toys, but once again, he's not too picky. I prefer toys without stuffing, for my sanity. Kongs are wonderful, as well as any kind of puzzle toy.
Treats they cannot have: Please nothing from China.
Toys they won't use: He doesn't really tug, so no "tug" toys.
Anything else!: We are not picky here! Love food, toys, collars of any kind, equipment of any kind. We do a ton of training, so training treats are always nice! Go crazy, there's not much dog stuff I wouldn't appreciate.

Clothing Size
Back length: 24 inches
leg length: not sure, will measure later
chest size: 28 inches
neck size: 17 inches

Your favourite colour(s): Green.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I am super picky with food, but chocolate of any kind (just nothing with nuts) is always super welcome. I really dislike fruity candy, unless it's like...chocolately fruity candy haha.
Dog's Name: Huddy-Huddy HudsonFree!
Dog's Breed: English Shepherd
Collar Size: wears it at 16"
Favourite Treat: ummm.... He liked some lamb lung I got one time in a bark box
Favourite Toy:
Soft Flex ball

Treats they cannot have: He can have anything, but he doesn't like a lot of treats. Definitely avoid made in China treats. He does not like antlers
Toys they won't use: He likes toys. He'll play with all toys. He does tend to destuff stuffed toys, but it's all in fun & games
Anything else!: Nope. Hudson likes all the toys.

Clothing Size
Back length: I'll have to check...it's 21-22"
leg length: Not sure
chest size: 26"!!! He says he's buff now
neck size: 15, wears collar at 16"

Your favourite colour(s): I like blue, and green, and yellow. I avoid light colors (white, grey)
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): we'll eat anything here. I don't like chocolate, but Ben does
Dog's Name: Skye
Dog's Breed: Pointer X
Collar Size: 14-15"
Clothing Size:
Back length: 20"-50lbs, she's like a larger vizsla/small GSP size

Dog's Name: Zoie
Dog's Breed: ACD/Pointer X?
Collar Size: 16"
Clothing Size: 18-20" 40lbs, normal sized dog lol

Dog's Name: Romeo
Dog's Breed: ACD
Collar Size: 18"
Clothing Size
Back length: 24"-60lbs, bigger chest

Dog's Name: Fiona
Dog's Breed: ACD
Collar Size: 16"
Clothing Size
Back length: 18" -35lbs

I don't have a measuring tape on me for the other stuff, if it's necessary let Jess Lough know and she'll poke me to get it :). If it's something in that back length range, someone will be able to use it! Skye does get the most use out of clothing though she gets cold.

Favourite Treat: They all like anything, really. We go through a lot of chew type animal part treats and the grosser/weirder the body part the better :p. Rawhide is ok. And training treats. And whatever. They aren't picky.
Favourite Toy: They like stuffies or stuffingless soft animal toys, but they kind of rotate through the toys they like everyday. Stuff that can stand up to a little bit of chewing is always good. Puzzle toys are good. Handheld tug toys are always a hit with Fiona.

Treats they cannot have: Nothing from China please, brazil or similar is ok. I don't really like "rib bones" or the kind of bones sometimes called ham bones or lamb femur bones, they break off unsafe pieces.

Toys they won't use: Really basic/loosely stitched stuffies get destroyed quickly, but if it's put together well they do last a bit.

Your favourite colour(s): Anything
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): Mushrooms and seafood ahaha. Please don't send me lobster or mackerel through the mail :rofl1:.

I also have two cats Morgan and Lucy, and a Starling bird named Pronto but he has a special diet.
Dog's Name: Abe
Dog's Breed: Aussie
Collar Size: 18"
Favourite Treat: soft things or crunchy he tends to ignore fruity things.
Favourite Toy: he's not a toy boy but he loves blankies
Treats they cannot have: nothing from china
Toys they won't use: most
Anything else!: Abe is pretty simple. He likes food and cuddles.

Clothing Size xl
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:27
neck size: 18

Your favourite colour(s): red
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): love anything but no peanuts please.

Dog's Name: Zooey
Dog's Breed: Maltese
Collar Size: 9"
Favourite Treat: soft things, she has very few teeth
Favourite Toy: not a toy fan
Treats they cannot have: nothing from china
Toys they won't use: most
Anything else!: Zooey likes food and being warm

Clothing Size small or sometime a medium
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 9

Dog's Name: Figment
Dog's Breed: Border collie
Collar Size: 14"
Favourite Treat: all the things!
Favourite Toy: balls, tugs, squishes ALL THE TOYS!
Treats they cannot have: nothing from china
Toys they won't use: lol
Anything else!: fig is go go go, play, run, play, run

Clothing Size m or l
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 14

Your favourite colour(s): pink for fig
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): love anything but no peanuts please
Dog's Name: Elsie
Dog's Breed: Belgian Tervuren
Collar Size: 14"
Favourite Treat: Redbarn's bully nuggets and/or zukes. She also loves long term chews like bully sticks.
Favourite Toy: Tugs! We can never have enough tugs and distance throws.
Treats they cannot have: She can't have rawhide.
Toys they won't use: She'll play with anything.
Anything else!: She doesn't really wear clothes since we live in southern California and it's too hot (hot ****) for Elsie.

Clothing Size (I will come back to this, not sure off the top of my head.)
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:
Dog's Name: Auggie
Dog's Breed: Sheltie
Collar Size: Martingale 8-12"
Favourite Treat: Peanut butter
Favourite Toy: Squeaky tennis balls forever
Treats they cannot have: Antlers or anything super hard like that (bully sticks are okay.) Nothing from China.
Toys they won't use: Anything plastic.
Anything else!: His color is red, his sport is (Illini) basketball, and we like skull & crossbones and sharks.

Dog's Name: Payton
Dog's Breed: Sheltie
Collar Size: Martingale 8-12"
Favourite Treat: CHEESE
Favourite Toy: He likes to tug, but anything is a toy for Paytons.
Treats they cannot have: Nothing from China please!
Toys they won't use: He doesn't prefer hard plastic toys, but he'll play with anything.
Anything else!: His color is blue, he is named after Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears (football!) and his animal is an alligator.

Clothing size - no clothes for either kid please, Payton hates clothes and Auggie has what he needs to stay warm.

Your favourite colour(s): Pink
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I can't eat gluten and HFCS does bad things to my tummy also.
We love training equipment (clickers, target sticks, fitness stuff, etc). I'm not big on red or pink for the dogs. I feed raw but will happily use anything for treats.

Dog's Name: Embyr
Dog's Breed: lab x
Collar Size: 18"
Favourite Treat: she is a lab x
Favourite Toy: tennis balls
Treats they cannot have: no grains, please
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 28"
neck size: 18"

Dog's Name: Bloo
Dog's Breed: pit bull
Collar Size: 15"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: wubba, nylabones, tuggies
Treats they cannot have: no grains, please
Toys they won't use: anything goes
Anything else!: no rawhide, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 24", I think?
neck size: 15"

Em and Bloo are the two dogs considered "my" dogs. Zelda, Copper, and Shadow would love gifts, but they are good at sharing. Do not feel obligated to buy for all five, please!

Dog's Name: Zelda
Dog's Breed: fattle dog mix
Collar Size: 18"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: not fussy, but squeaky stuffies are preferred
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 28
neck size: 18

Dog's Name: Copper
Dog's Breed: american foxhound
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: not big on most toys, but will play with stuffies
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 27"
neck size: 16"

Dog's Name: Shadow
Dog's Breed: lab
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: squeaky stuffy things, tugs
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 26"
neck size: 16"

Your favourite colour(s): green, orange, purple, blue.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I am allergic to pineapple, kiwi, and papaya. I dislike banana. If I don't like something, I have boys in the house who will eat it!
Dog's Name: Liz
Dog's Breed: Plott
Collar Size: 14.5"
Favourite Treat: Everything that is soft and easy, she's nearly toothless, now.
Favourite Toy: soft stuffies!
Treats they cannot have: nothing, really, but we try to keep the carbs down with her cancer
Toys they won't use: anything that is NOT a soft stuffie ;)

Dog's Name: Keena
Dog's Breed: pit/catahoula
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: she'll eat anything that doesn't eat her first.
Favourite Toy: she'll also play with anything her dad says is a toy.

Dog's Name: Rage
Dog's Breed: Plott
Collar Size: 15.5"
Favourite Treat: anything edible is fine
Favourite Toy: treat-dispensing toys/stuffable things like Kongs. She also likes stuffed animals, but won't play with something like a ball or fetch toys.
Toys they won't use: stuff that you interact with them with, stuff that won't be destroyed... lol

Dog's Name: Pink
Dog's Breed: Plott
Collar Size: growing like a weed, but I estimate 15-16" when full grown? Currently wearing a 10-14" puppy collar
Favourite Treat: loves everything, even lima beans...
Favourite Toy: will play with bottles and paper towel rolls. So anything goes.

Dog's Name: Bruce (and Linus, the foster, if he's still here)
Dog's Breed: Pom
Collar Size: 10"
Favourite Treat: everything
Favourite Toy: he really likes the eggs that come in the egg babies! Soft stuff he can fetch.
Toys they won't use: I'm not sure, big stuff?

Anything else!: We have finally destroyed what was left of our egg baby from a few years ago SS, so we can always use one of those ;) and anything that keeps dogs busy. I listed all of the dogs, but as you can see from their write-ups, they're pretty much a one-size-fits-all crew in terms of treats/toys! Cancerous Lizard is the only one who gets soft stuff and has dietary restrictions. So we'll love whatever you get us!

Clothing Size: Please no clothing (other than bow-ties for Bruce) - it's SoCal, and we have enough clothing that we brought from PA that we never use :)

Your favourite colour(s): Black and hot pink!
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): bananas, fruit cake, cream cheese icing or peanut butter icing (or, god forbid, peanut butter cream cheese icing... ACK!) I'm not opposed to peanut butter, just when you make icing out of it...
I'm just signing up with two, since I think 5 would be overwhelming, lol. Only Brooks plays with toys and they'll all share treats/chews/etc :)

Dog's Name: Brooks
Dog's Breed: Standard Poodle
Collar Size: 15" neck
Favourite Treat: He loves all treats. Chews are always appreciated, as he goes through them like a mad man, but biscuits and the like are always fine too....really anything that can fit in his mouth he'll eat
Favourite Toy: He likes stuffies, rubber balls, Orbees, and the like
Treats they cannot have: He can eat pretty much anything, but no rib bones/cooked type bones as he gets pieces off
Toys they won't use: He doesn't like rope toys or tennis balls, or anything too heavy. He also does not use Nylabones or antlers
Anything else!: He looks good in teal or light blues.

Clothing Size XXL probably? He's kind of long
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 15"

Your favourite colour(s): I dislike yellow. I'm ok with anything else :) I love manatees and axolotls...it's not a color, but you can do what you will with that, lol
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I'm trying to steer clear of excessive sugars. And peppermint gives me a migraine. Anything else is fine :)

Dog's Name: Goose
Dog's Breed: Chow Chow
Collar Size: 20" neck size
Favourite Treat: All treats and chews. They even do ok with rawhide
Favourite Toy: She does not play with toys :(
Treats they cannot have: She can have anything
Toys they won't use:
Anything else!: She gets collar neck fur troubles, so thin tag collar type collars are handy for long wear. Otherwise we stick in the 1-1.25" range, as she has a stout little neck :) She looks good in light purples and light blues or cute prints .

Clothing Size: Probably an XXL? She has a thick coat, though, so probably wouldn't have need for clothes :)
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:20"
Dog's Name: Maddie
Dog's Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Collar Size: Med 11-14"
Favourite Treat: ANY. Seriously, she loves food
Favourite Toy: stuffed squirrels or hedgehogs are her favorite
Treats they cannot have: allergic to wheat but other than that any
Toys they won't use: hard rubber toys she won't play with
Anything else!: she's a blanket baby

Clothing Size usually S or M
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 13"

Dog's Name: Bailey
Dog's Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Collar Size: 8-12" martingale
Favourite Treat: any
Favourite Toy: tennis balls, bumi, anything that squeaks
Treats they cannot have: n/a
Toys they won't use: she's phobic of frisbees. Seriously
Anything else!:

Clothing Size usually m. She is mostly hair lol
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

Your favourite colour(s): purple or blue
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): allergic to tree nuts but I like just about anything. I can have (and I like) peanuts just not tree nuts
Dog's Name: Fable
Dog's Breed: Australian Cattle Dog x Corgi (she's 40 lbs.)
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: EVERYTHING
Favourite Toy: She likes rubbery-type balls the best, like orbees and the orange chuck-it balls. But the shape doesn't really matter as long as she can squish it and it bounces!
Treats they cannot have: She eats it all!
Toys they won't use: Pretty much anything except for rubber balls and Nylabones. She's not that into toys.
Anything else!: I'm a collar hoarder, so new collars are always appreciated!

Clothing Size: Please no clothes! She is very hard to fit since she has a long back and a deep chest. She also doesn't really have a need for them.

Your favourite colour(s): Green!
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I'm vegetarian, so no meat please. But I pretty much love everything!
Dog's Name: Angel
Dog's Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Collar Size: Wears collar at 10.5â€
Favourite Treat: Will eat anything. I prefer more natural/healthy treats, but that is not a requirement.
Favourite Toy: Large toys. She used to have a giant (basically same size as her) orange gorilla that made a strange sound she really liked. She also really likes basketballs. Will play with pretty much anything though. Balls (small or large) or large stuffies tend to be a favorite. Loves obnoxious sounding toys as well. She would probably love one of those hard plastic large egg toys as well.
Treats they cannot have: Nothing from China, no rawhide
Toys they won't use: Cannot have the thin rubber squeaky type of toys as she will tear them up and eat them, she does fine with the orange chuck it balls and bumi’s/other thicker rubber.
Anything else!: Angel’s color is blue. Is not fond of antlers- bully sticks and things like that are a favorite though! Puzzle toys (I have a kong wobbler, tug a jug and iq ball) and tug toys are good too.

Clothing Size- No clothes please!

Dog's Name: Chloe
Dog's Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Collar Size: Wears collar at 10â€
Favourite Treat: Same as above.
Favourite Toy: Water squirting things.. not sure if there is a dog toy for that. Definitely obsesses over water squirting at her. She likes small toys (like cat toy size or just a tiny bit bigger). Especially small stuffies. For instance I have a toy that is a long fuzzy purple weaner dog that squeaks, the ear (2†or so) fell off and that is her favorite. She also like crinkly toys.
Treats they cannot have: Same as above.
Toys they won't use: Same as above.
Anything else!: Chloe’s color is purple. Same as above.

Clothing Size- No clothes please.

Your favourite colour(s): Blue, Purple, Lime Green, Black
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I am very picky… it may be easier to say things I do like. I like peanut M&Ms and kit kats. Hot chocolate. Beef Jerky.

Anything else?: We love training equipment (clickers, treat bags, tiny training treats, fitness stuff, hard balls on a rope, tug toys, stuffable things like kongs (larger ones though), dog discs, etc.
My dogs already have 1 fancy leather collar, a more plain leather collar, and a biothane collar, so probably are good on those. Really would love toys/treats/training items to play/train with my dogs.

My boyfriend has a 14 year old flat coated retriever named Tucker who would appreciate anything, but do not feel obligated!
Dog's Name: Morgan
Dog's Breed: Labmutt
Collar Size: ~16" (generally "medium")
Favourite Treat: He has a fondness for peanut butter and pumpkin flavors. Granted, he will eat anything with great joy. No allergies.
Favourite Toy: Stuffies with squeakies, balls, and tugs are always a hit. And squeakies. Did I mention squeakies?
Treats they cannot have: I avoid treats made in China and rawhide chews.
Toys they won't use: Complex puzzle toys (ie: anything with sliders, caps, or doors to manipulate)
Anything else!: Despite not being fond of complex puzzle toys, he does enjoy simpler things like roll-around treat dispensers and egg babies. He's just a simpleton, what can I say. :p I also do like seeing new and creative doggy things... I'm kind of out of the loop when it comes to the latest dog favorites. LOL!
::EDIT:: Oh, he is actually lacking in outside toys at the moment, now that I think about it.

Clothing Size
Back length: ~25" from base-of-neck to base-of-tail
Leg length: ~23" tall at the shoulder
Chest size: ~26" around
Neck size: ~16"

Your favourite colour(s): At the moment, I'm fond of pink, purple, and yellow. But in all honesty, I just like colorful things in bright and happy.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I like foodstuff. Period.
Dog's Name: Hugo
Dog's Breed: ACD Mixish?
Collar Size: 14"
Favourite Treat: All foods. The meatier smelling/tasting the better.
Favourite Toy: Hugo loves most toys. If I can put food in it or tug with it then throw it, he will probably love it.
Treats they cannot have: We don't do rawhide.
Toys they won't use: He is the toy king. Although it takes a tough stuffy to last very long.
Anything else!: He loves toys and treats. I love collars. Especially unique/local ones. I also love training/fitness items.

Clothing Size- Hugo thinks clothes were made by satan. He only wears his hurtta coat.
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

Your favourite colour(s): Blue/Green/Purple

foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I'm vegan so I'm tough to shop for. No pressure on food stuffs. Although I'll never say no to dark chocolate : p
Dog's Name: Muffin
Dog's Breed: Corgi
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: soft treats
Favourite Toy: tug toys
Treats they cannot have: we try to stick with North American made things
Toys they won't use: super hard platicy toys
Anything else!: we're open to everything!

Clothing Size
Back length: Will have to measure
leg length: short
chest size: idk? Will have to measure.
neck size: 16"

Your favourite colour(s): all colors
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I like most things and if I don't the SO usually does.
We love training equipment (clickers, target sticks, fitness stuff, etc). I'm not big on red or pink for the dogs. I feed raw but will happily use anything for treats.

Dog's Name: Embyr
Dog's Breed: lab x
Collar Size: 18"
Favourite Treat: she is a lab x
Favourite Toy: tennis balls
Treats they cannot have: no grains, please
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 28"
neck size: 18"

Dog's Name: Bloo
Dog's Breed: pit bull
Collar Size: 15"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: wubba, nylabones, tuggies
Treats they cannot have: no grains, please
Toys they won't use: anything goes
Anything else!: no rawhide, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 24", I think?
neck size: 15"

Em and Bloo are the two dogs considered "my" dogs. Zelda, Copper, and Shadow would love gifts, but they are good at sharing. Do not feel obligated to buy for all five, please!

Dog's Name: Zelda
Dog's Breed: fattle dog mix
Collar Size: 18"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: not fussy, but squeaky stuffies are preferred
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 28
neck size: 18

Dog's Name: Copper
Dog's Breed: american foxhound
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: not big on most toys, but will play with stuffies
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 27"
neck size: 16"

Dog's Name: Shadow
Dog's Breed: lab
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: anything goes
Favourite Toy: squeaky stuffy things, tugs
Treats they cannot have: anything goes, grain free preferred
Toys they won't use: if she doesn't use it, another dog will
Anything else!: no rawhides, please

Clothing Size
Back length:
leg length:
chest size: 26"
neck size: 16"

Your favourite colour(s): green, orange, purple, blue.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): I am allergic to pineapple, kiwi, and papaya. I dislike banana. If I don't like something, I have boys in the house who will eat it!

I'd like to revise this to not include Shadow or Copper - I will not be living with them by Christmas. :)
Dog's Name: Crossbone, ACD/Terrier
Dog's name: Smallpox, Rat Terrier

Favourite Treat: Any!

Favourite Toy: Crossbone LOVES the rubber toys that honk differently than a squeaker (like the pig). Please no stuffed toys, they just get de-stuffed immediately. We love pridebites or any kong rubber toy. The orange chuckit balls are always welcome. Pox is an antler fanatic.

Treats they cannot have: n/a

Toys they won't use: they'll use and play with anything! Just stuffed toys will be de-stuffed immediately.

Anything else: We love anything skull & crossbone themed ;)

Your favourite colour(s): black, orange, lime green
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): love it all

I'll update will collar sizes later. (Is it bad that I don't know?!)

Really, forget the toys. The dog's dream gift would be a box filled with tiny boxes. They love to destroy boxes. And kill balloons.
Gah. Sorry I'm late, guys.

Dog's Name: Iggy
Dog's Breed: CBR
Collar Size: 17"-ish
Favourite Treat: Anything without chicken.
Favourite Toy: Balls. Tugs with balls. More balls. And bumpers.
Treats they cannot have: Chicken inclusive food is out.
Toys they won't use: N/A He loves toys.
Anything else!:

Clothing Size
Back length: N/A he would have no use for clothing. :)
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

Your favourite colour(s): Turquoise or Orange
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!): Cherries.

Dog's Name: Harlow
Dog's Breed: Boxer
Collar Size: 17"
Favourite Treat: Anything.
Favourite Toy: Not many toys she really likes. Does like bunny tugs and the occasional Cuz.
Treats they cannot have: N/A
Toys they won't use: She isn't huge into toys, but honestly anything will get used by Tulsa or Iggy so it wouldn't go unloved. :)
Anything else!:

Clothing Size
Back length: 23"
leg length: Uhh.. 18"?
chest size: 27"
neck size: 17"

Dog's Name: Rider
Dog's Breed: ACD/BC/???
Collar Size: 15.5"
Favourite Treat: Anything.
Favourite Toy: He likes squeaky balls. That's pretty much the end of the list.
Treats they cannot have: N/A
Toys they won't use: See Harlow.
Anything else!:

Clothing Size
Back length: He's double coated. No concerns here. :)
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

Dog's Name: Tulsa
Dog's Breed: ACD
Collar Size: 16"
Favourite Treat: Seriously anything.
Favourite Toy: Again, seriously anything.
Treats they cannot have: N/A
Toys they won't use: N/A
Anything else!: For all, I do prefer grain free and made in America, but I know Chaz is good about that anyways. :)

Clothing Size
Back length: No need.
leg length:
chest size:
neck size:

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