Dog's Name: Doom
Dog's Breed: Flat coated retriever
Collar Size: L - XL
Favourite Treat

oom is super picky but likes things like the costco jerky treats that come in the big tub... I have no idea what they're called and we're out. LOL
Favourite Toy: BALL!
Treats they cannot have: No grains for the Doom Dog, please!
Toys they won't use: Anything other than a ball.
Anything else!: Doom has gotten crochety and picky in his old age, he hates clothes, and is very picky about what treats he'll eat. If you want to just throw in a squeaky tennis ball for him, he'll be totally fine.
Clothing Size: No clothes, please.
Back length:
leg length:
chest size:
neck size: 18"
Your favourite colour(s): Blue for Doom.
foodstuff you do not like (for humans!):I <3 EVERYTHING and am always willing to try new! Hugely obsessed with coffee & tea.
Dog's Name: Percy
Dog's Breed: Golden Retriever
Collar Size: L
Favourite Treat: Liver, tracheas, etc
Favourite Toy: Tug toys that squeak!
Treats they cannot have: None
Toys they won't use: ROFL.
Anything else!: Percy loves to wear bandanas, he has lots (being that I'm a groomer) but he can always use more fun ones.
Clothing Size: XXL when I buy sweaters, which he doesn't need, because this is AZ. LOL
Back length: 27"
leg length: 10" to the ankle front legs
chest size: Deep, but he won't let me measure. He keeps rolling over on it.
neck size: 18
Your favourite colour(s): Percy rocks lime green usually.
Dog's Name: Bridget
Dog's Breed: Cocker X Daschund
Collar Size: S - M
Favourite Treat: Crunchy things
Favourite Toy: She's not a toy kinda lady.
Treats they cannot have: None
Toys they won't use: She won't use any of them.
Anything else!: Bridget likes anything she can burrow in, blankets, beds, etc. She is not a big toy dog, but if she can get herself under or into something, she's happy.
Clothing Size: M
Back length: 18
leg length: 6
chest size: 6
neck size:13" currently. After I give her a haircut, I'll update this. She's pretty stinking fluffy.
Your favourite colour(s): Bridget likes purple.
Dog's Name: Piglet
Dog's Breed: Bulldog X
Collar Size: L
Favourite Treat: Peanut butter
Favourite Toy: Snuggle toys. She likes stuffies.
Treats they cannot have: Artificial stuff destroys her stomach.
Toys they won't use: Balls. She doesn't care for them and the boys will steal them.
Anything else!: Piglet has cushings disease and drops hair like crazy even with the Nizoral, so we prefer not to put clothing on her. I did include her collar size, but please don't send clothes for her! <3
neck size: 17
Your favourite colour(s): Piglet wears pink, we're not picky about shades.
Last thing, since last time I participated I was asked, Winnie wears a size 5T and Zephyr will be going on a 12 month by that time. PLEASE do not send them candy or sweets of any kind! They both love to be read to, but don't feel like you have to send them anything! They don't care! <3