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  • Just wanted to say Thanks.... It was partly on your advice from that *looong* thread that I decided to buy my Mac, and I am in LOVE!!!! This is the coolest computer I have ever owned:D!! If I have any questions mind if I pm you??
    Hey, guess what? you would be sooo proud of me, I went and hung out with Kyle, and... I didnt cry! I thought I was going to for a bit, but I held my tears back and at the end of the night, he gave me a great big hug!
    I was bored and not sleepy... and calm down missy bitchy moody pants...

    I just noticed that I had some notifications :p
    OMG, Nikki!

    I didn't even look at the message/sn... but I had just gotten like 3 weird spam messages... so I blocked yours. I'm sorryyyy. D; *hug*
    I just fixed a large mug of capuccino and I'm nursing that for a bit, then taking Kharma out for a short potty/poop walk and then crashing. All three of them are laying here on the bed with me right now, lol . . . Tallulah's plastered up against me as close as she can get. She's being extra good tonight, since she spent most of last night by herself in the laundry room for various and sundry offenses against the crown. And the crown's favorite Born sandals.
    ****, she is out like a light. I can pick her leg up and drop it and it's limp. I can do the same thing with her chin. She doesn't even stir, lol. Just snores a little bit. I think she and Kharma and Bimmer have been playing most of the afternoon.
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