How old is too old to add another dog?


Priscilla Winifred Corgi
Apr 12, 2006
Twin Citay!
Totally depends on the dog. Mollie was 6 when the puppies came home. She pretty much just ignores other dogs though, and we kept them separate a lot so that they couldn't bother her too much.

With Frodo I think it could go either way. Integrating a dog in with him is going to take a while, regardless of what dog it is, but honestly I think he will like having a buddy around once he gets used to them. Whether it is just mellowing with age or all the work we have been doing, he seems to be getting better around other dogs in general, and doesn't get defensive when they want to do things like sniff the same tree as he is sniffing. On our last hike with SpringerLover Buzz pretty much bowled him over and stepped on him at one point and he didn't have much to say about it.
He is going to be 6 in January though, and I'd like to add another dog sooner rather than later, though I am thinking it will be one around his same age, then a puppy down the road.


New Member
Jul 13, 2008
It depends on the dog, Peewee was 7 when we brought Ivan into the home. It was a big different then 4 years earlier when we brought Chloe home. Pretty close to the age Ivan is now. Hopefully I will be adding to the house this late fall/early winterish. Peewee hated having another dog again. I don't know if it was just ivan or having another male or what. He just pretty much advoided Ivan when he could and ignored him the rest of the time. I think Ivan will have a totally different outlook on having another dog in the house. Even though hes almost 6 1/2 years old he still acts very much like a puppy.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
This picture is really cute!! And Bonnie was gorgeous. I love chocolate labs.

We added Mu when Murphy was 6ish. He is pretty much the worst dog EVER to teach a puppy manners. He let her do whatever she pleased, she pulled fur out of his tail, she ran full speed into him more times than I can count, she took things from him, she chewed on his ears constantly. She was a terror and he was like that indulgent older brother who says "Oh she's just a baby, she doesn't mean it." :lol-sign: On the plus side, I never ever worried about him hurting her. And once she grew out of the piranha stage he really enjoyed her. I can't say that he acted younger, but he really liked having another dog around. Before we got Mu he used to go play at my sister's house all day, but a couple months before we had to stop because he didn't get along with one of her dogs. :( So he was lonely and I think he liked the company. When we added Tipper he didn't even blink. Although at that point him and Mu were used to the fosters coming and going.

Anyway - this is a long winded way of saying, know your dog. And if your dog is too tolerant make sure you find one that will discipline your puppy! (Properly of
Apr 17, 2006
Argon was 7 when I brought Gambit in. He took it suprisingly well, and I think is now fond of Gambit in his own way. He mostly ignores him, doesn't mind being seperated from him, and probably wouldn't care if I got rid of Gambit tomorrow. But that's just Argon's personality.

I do not think I will bring in another dog while Argon is still alive (never say never), but that would be more due to the dynamics in the home then age considerations.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
I've fostered tons of dogs throughout Maddie's life, so she's used it it. I've also always lived in a multiple dog house, whether it was hear with my parents, or with my rommmates and their dogs. And I've always considered Missy(GSD) mine, though technically she is not.
That being said, things were "different" when I brought Bailey home. She's 2, so it's easier in that sense, I believe. Maddie doesn't have much tolerance for baby puppies anymore :p but she was 8 soon to be 9,and it always shocks me how well they got along and so soon. They sleep together, they even play together (Maddie doesn't play with dogs much, she's more people-oreinted), and I'm able to take both of them most places ;)

So I'm in the "I'd depends on the dog" club ;) I think you and Jackson would like a buddy. But that's only what I've read/seen on here and FB. It's sounds like you're interested, but hesitant... So what's up? What's worrying you the most? Maybe we can talk it out with you & help you 'decide'? Either way ~ As always, feel free to PM me if you ever want ;)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
Great posts! Thanks for all your insight.

I loved seeing the pictures, Doberluv. How sweet. :)

So I'm in the "I'd depends on the dog" club ;) I think you and Jackson would like a buddy. But that's only what I've read/seen on here and FB. It's sounds like you're interested, but hesitant... So what's up? What's worrying you the most? Maybe we can talk it out with you & help you 'decide'? Either way ~ As always, feel free to PM me if you ever want ;)
Hmm... well, I think what worries me most is the change of lifestyle... if it will even change THAT much. I just worry too much. I'm content with just Jackson and I feel like, why am I even thinking of adding another dog? I really think Jackson would enjoy a friend since he loves other dogs so much but then I always read "don't get a dog to be a friend for your first dog!!" LOL.

I really like that I am able to take Jackson with me most places that I go -- meaning, on holidays, we go to my uncles house for Thanksgiving for example, he comes with me. Don't know if I could do it with two. I suppose the family wouldn't care, but I feel like it can be more of a nuisance with two, but I could be wrong. We go to Gettysburg every summer, he comes with me, it's easy with one... two may be an issue, plus the hotel fees of keeping two vs. one. I don't want to end up just, like, leaving both at home because I don't want to take only one. That sort of thing.

Most things would be fine with two. Ya know, parks, trails, dog parks, pet stores, etc, I could easily do with two. I suppose it's not a huge deal if I have to give up bringing him with me on holidays. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, those only happen... what, a few times a year, whereas I think a second dog would fit great into my life in every other aspect.

I do still live at home, but that may be for another two years, so I also don't want to wait that long to add a second, either. Sooo... basically, I'm actively looking right now (at breeders and petfinder). I *think* I've decided I'll want a second dog to be an adult and not do the puppy thing again. I dogsit a puppy so Jackson sees him every day and gets along with him alright but gets annoyed real quickly with him, plus then I remember all the hard work that comes along with a pup and I think an adult wouldn't screw up our 'dynamics' so much, LOL. I really enjoy that Jackson will sleep in with me til 10am if wanted :p Oh, that's another thing... no longer will Jackson be able to come with me on my dog-walking runs during the days. I mean, I suppose he could, but I'd have to leave new dog at home.

Sorry this turned into another 'why should or shouldn't I get a second dog' rant again. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Priscilla Winifred Corgi
Apr 12, 2006
Twin Citay!
Have you considered fostering at all? That way you get to live it and see what it is REALLY like, and then if you don't like it, you aren't stuck with a dog.


Dec 16, 2004
`I think it depends on the owner too. If your just going to throw them together and not be around to monitor then it would be an a plus bad idea. If your really involved and can make sure to give the older dog, space and time, and extra attention then that would be ideal.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
Have you considered fostering at all? That way you get to live it and see what it is REALLY like, and then if you don't like it, you aren't stuck with a dog.
I was going to say this too. It's a great way to figure out if you can handle one more dog. That's how I learned that three is our limit. :p Plus you get to help other dogs and it's easier (I think) to find a dog that fits you because you'll see their real personality because they're in your house. I miss fostering.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
I'd love to foster! A few rescues I've contacted have made it impossible though. I'm living at home, almost 21, (some have an over 21 or 25 rule, own home, etc) and the one told me I had to attend foster meetings 2x a month and it was like an hour drive from my house. But yes I'd love to foster if I could find someone willing to give me a dog. :)


On second thought...
May 15, 2011
I used to babysit a dog named Sasha at my home. She was an old GSD with hip dysplasia, and Cameron was maybe a year old and full of p!ss and vinegar. I think the fact that Sasha couldn't and didn't want to go, go, go was a hard concept for Cameron, but they did have their playful moments. Mostly I think it was important for Sasha to have alone time, away from Cameron's meddling.

Sasha was 8+, I want to say she was even 11 years old, but I can't remember.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
You say you're in Maryland? If you're anywhere near the DC metro area it shouldn't be a problem to find a rescue to foster for. TBH, if the rescues are still having issues with your age, I'd get your parents on board, making it clear to them that this is your thing, but asking them if they'll sit in on the home check and thus make it more of a "my family and I" type thing to the rescue.

As for the foster meetings, I've never heard of that, but you probably will have to commit to transporting the dog to adoption events, which may be a ways away. Mine usually take me ~30 minutes to get to, but then I have to stay for the duration of 3-4 hours each time.

I really do enjoy fostering. This may not be the case with everyone, but for me, a lot of my excitement about getting a new dog is anticipatory. That's not to say that I don't enjoy actually having the dogs, because I do. That being said, before I get the foster dog, I go through my "let's look at dogs!" phase. Once my foster is set up, I go into "let's plan for puppy!" mode. Once it comes home, I typically go into "let's teach the puppy manners and get it adopted!" mode. Fostering gives me the opportunity to do that. I would certainly love any new permanent addition just as much, but I can guarantee that within a few weeks, I'd be back to stalking petfinder dreaming up my next dog. Fostering is a way to make all that anticipating a reality that doesn't end. If you sound anything like me, you might enjoy it.

Of course, Jackson will have to be the kind of dog that is tolerant of lots of different dogs if you want to foster. Granted, Boo is not very tolerant of other dogs, so I foster puppies because she likes them better and is much (did I say MUCH) more tolerant with them.

ETA: Boo is somewhere between 6 and 8 years old, so not an old dog, but no longer a young dog.
Feb 7, 2007
Toronto Area
Blaze was 7 when we added Solo about 9 months ago. At first i felt guilty ( I still do at times) But they are BFF's. Solo has brought out Blazes inner puppy. Blaze was a only dog for about 5 years, So bringing n a teeny 5ish week old puppy then. When he first showed up Blaze didnt wnat a thing to do with him. Now they play so hard every day, its hard to believe they have not lived together forever lol

Some days I do still feel guilty. But blaze and I have our days away from Solo. Solo is more my boyfriends dog, So if he leaves, 98% of the time he takes Soloman with him.

Or we do different walks so they get their own alone time still.

Some days i wake up super early. and just take Blaze for a long walk alone. lol


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
I SWEAR I typed a really long reply, but I don't see it here! :(
*sigh* I'll try again. But it probably won't be as good as the first time lol

Hmm... well, I think what worries me most is the change of lifestyle... if it will even change THAT much. I just worry too much. I'm content with just Jackson and I feel like, why am I even thinking of adding another dog? I really think Jackson would enjoy a friend since he loves other dogs so much but then I always read "don't get a dog to be a friend for your first dog!!" LOL.
Would YOU enjoy another dog, as well ?:) I think its fine to want another dog for a current one, as long as that's not the only reason ;) If you know what I mean...
I was trying to think about if/how my lifestyle changed. See, I'm already living in a mult dog household (just moved back IN with the parents). But Maddie and I go EVERYWHERE together... Bailey comes with us most places, but sometimes I need to focus my attention on just one or the other, so one gets left at home. Which usually means I go out 2x lol Yaay more exercise/stuff to do for me! :eek:

I really like that I am able to take Jackson with me most places that I go -- meaning, on holidays, we go to my uncles house for Thanksgiving for example, he comes with me. Don't know if I could do it with two. I suppose the family wouldn't care, but I feel like it can be more of a nuisance with two, but I could be wrong. We go to Gettysburg every summer, he comes with me, it's easy with one... two may be an issue, plus the hotel fees of keeping two vs. one. I don't want to end up just, like, leaving both at home because I don't want to take only one. That sort of thing.
I had, and still have, some of the same concerns. But you know what? Most of the places I can still go, and take both :D Traveling and all that really isn't any harder with two (especially with the sizes of my two). I have to take a little more stuff (food, or poop bags, water lol) but I always have a bag ready, so it isn't usually a problem in that sense.

I can still take my two to my grandparents house (when they're up here in OH), and they have a little dog, so that makes 3. I usually walk all three, so they're chill and not a nuisance in the house.
I can not, however, take both to my best friends house... Maddie was tolerable, but for some reason her brothers dog hates Bailey, so I have to leave them both at home now. So I try to get her to come here more often than not. So, that's a little bit of a pain. To be honest.

I do still live at home, but that may be for another two years, so I also don't want to wait that long to add a second, either. Sooo... basically, I'm actively looking right now (at breeders and petfinder). I *think* I've decided I'll want a second dog to be an adult and not do the puppy thing again. I dogsit a puppy so Jackson sees him every day and gets along with him alright but gets annoyed real quickly with him, plus then I remember all the hard work that comes along with a pup and I think an adult wouldn't screw up our 'dynamics' so much, LOL. I really enjoy that Jackson will sleep in with me til 10am if wanted :p Oh, that's another thing... no longer will Jackson be able to come with me on my dog-walking runs during the days. I mean, I suppose he could, but I'd have to leave new dog at home.
One of the things I had a hard time with especially at first (and I still sometimes do, but not as bad) is the "fairness" thing and leaving one at home, etc etc
But you know what? It's more us than them... They don't really care. I've learned that its okay to take one and not the other... To be honest, they like the 1 on 1 attention!
So I always tell myself, if I take Maddie now... then I'll just do xyz with Bailey, later). It makes me feel better lol

I'm on a puppy waiting list, but I talked to the breeder about an old 'hold back' or a retired breeder. So far, no such luck. And in the meantime, I found Bailey... So don't exclude word of mouth (friend of a friend of a friend LOL) or craigslist... Bailey's really fit in pretty nicely, she's exactly what I needed (but maybe not exactly what I wanted) and her and Maddie's personalities sort of complement each-other because they are just about opposites in many ways.... Like you, an adult is/was easier for me AND Maddie ;)

I can't remember what else I posted... So that's all I've got :p LOL


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
Well Chloe is 7 - so Chloe was 6 or 7 when we got Violet. They took to each other right away. Violet's wonderful with all other dogs, big or small, so that was a plus. I suppose it's because we raised her around other dogs though.

Chloe loves other dogs, but I think she'd be much happier if Violet was a little dog. She loves dogs she can play with, but Violet's just too big for her to play with. I'm always scared Violet might step on her or something. So since we don't let them play much, Violet just kind of annoys her.

However, Chloe still has a wonderful life. She has plenty of "chloe time" so she's not annoyed by Violet 24/7. She sleeps in our room with us alone, and when Violet's in her crate, Chloe is allowed free, whether we're home or not. She's a happy, spoiled little dog, even though Violet somtimes "ruins" her fun and makes her grouchy. :p She gets over it pretty quick though. One second she'll snap at Violet for doing something she deems unacceptable, and the next, she'll be her happy-go-lucky self again.

I do sometimes wish that we'd gotten a little dog - I think Chloe would be happier, but I wouldn't say she's unhappy in the slightest. If that makes sense.

Plus, we have tons of friends with little dogs (we're currently dog sitting a shihtzu) so Chloe DOES get to play with doggies her own size.


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
I'd love to foster! A few rescues I've contacted have made it impossible though. I'm living at home, almost 21, (some have an over 21 or 25 rule, own home, etc) and the one told me I had to attend foster meetings 2x a month and it was like an hour drive from my house. But yes I'd love to foster if I could find someone willing to give me a dog. :)
Maybe ask your mom to be the official foster, but you'd actually care for the dog. I'm not sure how that works exactly with fostering, but personally, if I was trying to adopt a dog, I'd have my parents adopt it since most rescues don't adopt out to people my age. But it'd still be my dog - as in I'd care for it, it'd be my responsibilty, etc. It's just the formalities of it.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
Maybe ask your mom to be the official foster, but you'd actually care for the dog. I'm not sure how that works exactly with fostering, but personally, if I was trying to adopt a dog, I'd have my parents adopt it since most rescues don't adopt out to people my age. But it'd still be my dog - as in I'd care for it, it'd be my responsibilty, etc. It's just the formalities of it.
That's basically what we did, when I was under 18 ;) Fostered through the local animal shelter, and then after a few "weird" experiences, we 'self fostered' when we had the fund$. Pulled from the local kill pound, vetted & trained, and adopted out when ready. That's a lot more risky, though...


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
Would YOU enjoy another dog, as well ?:) I think its fine to want another dog for a current one, as long as that's not the only reason ;) If you know what I mean...
I was trying to think about if/how my lifestyle changed. See, I'm already living in a mult dog household (just moved back IN with the parents). But Maddie and I go EVERYWHERE together... Bailey comes with us most places, but sometimes I need to focus my attention on just one or the other, so one gets left at home. Which usually means I go out 2x lol Yaay more exercise/stuff to do for me! :eek:
Yes, I think I'd enjoy another dog, for sure. :) But at the same time, I am also personally really happy with just Jackson for the most part. I think the times when I really want a second dog are when he seems bored at home, or when I wanna go to the dog park but no one else is there and he won't do anything unless another dog is there, lol. Things like that. I think it'd be fun to take my dogs to the park and let them run together.

I WAS living in two multi dog households. My moms dog was alive until Jackson was about 9 months old, I think, and it was great. They played a lot together, she had started sleeping in my room and became my second dog almost, but I did not have any financial responsibility for her, she wasn't really a 'dog park dog' so I never had to take her with me, when I went to my dads house (with his 2 dogs), she stayed at home with my mom, etc.

I had, and still have, some of the same concerns. But you know what? Most of the places I can still go, and take both :D Traveling and all that really isn't any harder with two (especially with the sizes of my two). I have to take a little more stuff (food, or poop bags, water lol) but I always have a bag ready, so it isn't usually a problem in that sense.

I can still take my two to my grandparents house (when they're up here in OH), and they have a little dog, so that makes 3. I usually walk all three, so they're chill and not a nuisance in the house.
I can not, however, take both to my best friends house... Maddie was tolerable, but for some reason her brothers dog hates Bailey, so I have to leave them both at home now. So I try to get her to come here more often than not. So, that's a little bit of a pain. To be honest.

One of the things I had a hard time with especially at first (and I still sometimes do, but not as bad) is the "fairness" thing and leaving one at home, etc etc
But you know what? It's more us than them... They don't really care. I've learned that its okay to take one and not the other... To be honest, they like the 1 on 1 attention!
So I always tell myself, if I take Maddie now... then I'll just do xyz with Bailey, later). It makes me feel better lol

I'm on a puppy waiting list, but I talked to the breeder about an old 'hold back' or a retired breeder. So far, no such luck. And in the meantime, I found Bailey... So don't exclude word of mouth (friend of a friend of a friend LOL) or craigslist... Bailey's really fit in pretty nicely, she's exactly what I needed (but maybe not exactly what I wanted) and her and Maddie's personalities sort of complement each-other because they are just about opposites in many ways.... Like you, an adult is/was easier for me AND Maddie ;)

I can't remember what else I posted... So that's all I've got :p LOL
Thanks for all your insight -- it was definitely really helpful. I'm pretty sure I'd really enjoy a two dog household. I don't think, like you, most things would be a HUGE deal when it comes to having two vs. one. I'd probably only make little sacrifices.

I also feel like Jackson is such a perfect dog, to me, and he's set the bar pretty high. What if I get a second dog and they are a big pain in my butt?! LOL.

Well Chloe is 7 - so Chloe was 6 or 7 when we got Violet. They took to each other right away. Violet's wonderful with all other dogs, big or small, so that was a plus. I suppose it's because we raised her around other dogs though.

Chloe loves other dogs, but I think she'd be much happier if Violet was a little dog. She loves dogs she can play with, but Violet's just too big for her to play with. I'm always scared Violet might step on her or something. So since we don't let them play much, Violet just kind of annoys her.

However, Chloe still has a wonderful life. She has plenty of "chloe time" so she's not annoyed by Violet 24/7. She sleeps in our room with us alone, and when Violet's in her crate, Chloe is allowed free, whether we're home or not. She's a happy, spoiled little dog, even though Violet somtimes "ruins" her fun and makes her grouchy. :p She gets over it pretty quick though. One second she'll snap at Violet for doing something she deems unacceptable, and the next, she'll be her happy-go-lucky self again.

I do sometimes wish that we'd gotten a little dog - I think Chloe would be happier, but I wouldn't say she's unhappy in the slightest. If that makes sense.

Plus, we have tons of friends with little dogs (we're currently dog sitting a shihtzu) so Chloe DOES get to play with doggies her own size.
Thanks for sharing!

Yes, this is why I've decided my next dog WILL be a small breed. Jackson likes bigger dogs, but he just can't and doesn't play with them the same way. And since part of my reason for getting a second would be for him to have a playmate - I think that'd only be fair to him.

Maybe ask your mom to be the official foster, but you'd actually care for the dog. I'm not sure how that works exactly with fostering, but personally, if I was trying to adopt a dog, I'd have my parents adopt it since most rescues don't adopt out to people my age. But it'd still be my dog - as in I'd care for it, it'd be my responsibilty, etc. It's just the formalities of it.
Yes, I've thought about this too! Only problem is my mom is not a good dog owner... they had a dog and she hardly went to the vet, etc. I'm not sure we could lie on an application if they asked about previous dogs and vet references and stuff. I mean, my freakin' step-dad was the one who ran over their dog in his car (by accident) and killed her. :( They really mean well and are good people, just not good dog owners.


Megan and Draco
Jul 20, 2008
Riley is 9, and I want to add a puppy in the next year. He has been around alot of puppies, and really enjoys playing with them when they are older. He does well with puppies, teaching them good dog manners, monkey see/monkey do, etc. I think other dogs think of him as "uncle Riley". He is just the uncle you want to impress and be around. ;) Riley seems to either enjoy, or just be the same normal Riley with other dogs around. I have not seen him be negative with it and I think he will like it.

My "long term" plan is about 1-2 years after getting the second dog I will add a third. Riley will be old then, and he already has a bad knee. I want the two youngsters to play ruff with eachother so the old man can have peace (or join in if he wants).


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
Thanks for sharing!

Yes, this is why I've decided my next dog WILL be a small breed. Jackson likes bigger dogs, but he just can't and doesn't play with them the same way. And since part of my reason for getting a second would be for him to have a playmate - I think that'd only be fair to him.

Same here. Violet's my parents dog (I personally wanted a smaller dog - not that I'd trade Violet for anything now!) and when *I* get my own next dog, if Chloe is still around, it will most likely be another small dog.

Yes, I've thought about this too! Only problem is my mom is not a good dog owner... they had a dog and she hardly went to the vet, etc. I'm not sure we could lie on an application if they asked about previous dogs and vet references and stuff. I mean, my freakin' step-dad was the one who ran over their dog in his car (by accident) and killed her. :( They really mean well and are good people, just not good dog owners.

Honestly, before we ever knew better, we were awful dog owners too. We didn't give our dogs vet care besides taking them to the rabies clinic for yearly shots. Everyone starts somewhere. I think if you're honest, and say that all of that happened BEFORE you guys became good dog owners, they would understand. You have references for Jackson's vet care, I'm sure. They will see that things are different. And even IF your mom still wouldn't make the greatest dog owner, you can HONESTLY say that the dog will be taken care of, because YOU will, in actuallity, be taking care of the dog.
My response in bold. :)

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