thanks puppydog
and thanks lewak! thats what i was trying to say that aparently turned this into yet another post about how the uk helath system is evil and gun debate...
and as a side note, it might not be a good idea to assume my political alighnment or make comments that essentially turn into a group bashing of liberals.
for your knowledge i work (untill the company was outsourced to india) but dont qualify for cobra, i pay rent, i pay bills and taxes, i dont expect handouts, i dont care if you own a gun.
i personally feel if i am paying taxes from my paychecks which i work just as hard as you to earn then i sould have some benefits form that...but i dont qualify for medicade...
the americans are paying healthcare taxes just like those in the uk, the difference being everyne can use those taxes, in the us, only those that qualify can benefit from the taxes comming out of my payckeck....
so dont make assumptions based on your own personal problems with "liberals"
and as a side not, in every one of clays posts there is some mention about guns or how bad the uk health system is (or how much brits are snobs) doesnt seem to matter what the topic is, guns and uk health gets brought in...
noone was debating guns,
and as has already been said, just like in the uk in the us you can spend 5 hours in the ER wiating room to see a dr...
ive sat there for 3 hours in the uk waiting to see a dr
and ive sat there 3 hrs in the us waiting to see a dr (when i had insurance)
and each was for something semi serious...
and the comment about you comming across as a jackass was 100% based on the fact that you bashed on a mother who had obviously been worried abotu her child, basing that the dr made her wait cause it was just a rash...
THAT was being a jackass...