What can I do for his eye?


New Member
May 3, 2007
North Carolina
Yesterday I noticed a little bit a debris next to grizz's eye and didn't think anything of it, well today I just got up and his eye is very swollen, it looks like a swollen pink membrane around the inside of his eye and you can see his actual eye in the middle. I'll take him to the vet first thing in the morning, but is there anything I can do for him until them? Would a cold or warm compress on it help? I can tell its bothering him. Our cat gets something similar, I had looked it up and I think it was herpes infection of the eye and it always went away in a few days. COuld that be waht this is?

Any help is always appreciated.
well in doing a little bit a research it has the appearance of cherry eye but its not in just the corner is around the whole eye. He will definitely be at the vet tomorrow but again if anyone has some at home remedy that wiill help him for the time being I am all ears.

I read the previous post about eye problems and grizz is the same way, if he's sitting it seems to bother him but outside he is running and sniffing and ready to play.
Mantine, you can get sterile eye wash at any pharmacy. Not drops, wash. It will come in a bigger bottle and have a little cup with it that you fill with the wash and hold over the eye. Don't know that Grizz will let you do THAT, but you can gently pour the wash over his eye in a slow trickle. He's probably scratched it either with the debris or with his claw from trying to get the debris out. :( Poor guy.

DO NOT try drops unless they are just the plain artificial tears. The others will sting like mad and neither you nor the vet will ever get near his eye after that.
Poor guy ! Hope he gets some comfort from the above .
Eye problems are considered emergencies. Don't you think you should take him to the vet to get it looked at today?
It could be a scratch, it could be an allergy, it could be an infection. It's hard to tell and of course it had to happen on a weekend. :p

I hope it's something easy to take care of. Sawyer used to get recurring eye infections, though that ended up being related to the Iams he was on at the time and they went away for good after we switched off.
we always used a boric acid solution, prolly the same thing as the sterile eye wash. IF it is a scratch, the gel eye lubricate which cost about 9 dollars a tube..(i went through a zillion of them with MAry's eyelid mole problem, it might help speed the healing.

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