What behaviors do you find acceptable?


Apr 22, 2006
Door dashing is my big one (THIS MEANS YOU BEAN). I don't love the barking but I deal with it. Herdy dogs plus terrier thing = barking.

Pretty much my dogs are complete hoodlums and I largely don't care. Although I did recently start walking Bean on a Gentle Leader because the leash pulling was out of CONTROL.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2012
No kitchen, no using the staircase like a racetrack, no begging.

I think that is about it. He is a big dog, so all the politeness of no jumping or snatching food is sort of included.


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
I think a lot of people would be bothered by Fable's talking. Sometimes it really is obnoxious, but depending on my mood I either don't mind it much/tune it out, or think it's the cutest thing ever. :)
Millie still pulls on the leash. She alert barks a lot. She licks, sometimes obsessively.
Both are allowed on the furniture without restriction unless for some reason I tell them to get off, which isn't often.
Feb 26, 2011
I gave up on Maisy jumping long ago. I just don't care anymore, she's so little and doesn't so much jump ON you as jump NEAR you and rest her front paws, so... yawn.

No grabby-mouths when I'm eating or off the table/counter. Don't harass the cats. Get off the couch when I tell you to, and leave my stuff alone when I tell you to. I can't have Squash charging in and out of doorways because it leads to really over the top energy and behavior, so I am a bit of a stickler about that.

But a lot of barky stuff, attention getting stuff... I just really don't care anymore. We even have a spot in our living room called The Bark Spot lol.


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
Compared to my friends' dogs (whom I love!), my dogs seem to be incredibly well mannered haha. So I am not really sure. I have a lot of rules:

No unnecessary barking (play barking is fine if it's not out of control)
No door bolting (which I've really slacked on with Journey. She's good about it, but doesn't know how important it is yet. I need to enforce it more.)
No rushing up the stairs or pushing through areas to get ahead of me. It's dangerous.
No jumping on furniture uninvited. (and the Dobermans are never allowed on furniture except the rare occasion I'll allow them on my bed if they're cold)
No crazy jumping on people. Preferably no jumping on people at all, but the hairy two don't seem to get that thanks to our friends haha. And the fact that I don't mind gentle jumping up (makes them easier to reach!). But I can't stand when they're nuts about it.
No running around the house like fools. They can play, but not crazily. That's for outside.
No pushing your friends aside because you're jealous. Wait your turn.
Must wait politely for your meals and wait until you're released.
No getting anything if you're screaming/anxious/being obnoxious in any way.
Wait to be permitted to enter or exit the house (helps with door bolting).
No mooching for food.
No jumping on counters or tables (or stealing *ahem* Keira...).
No mouthing unless I initiate play. No mouthing ever for Dance because she has no sense of a soft mouth.

I think that's all. Basically, I like calm, polite, easy going dogs around the house who aren't pushy or rude. My rules aren't really written in stone, but they're just kind of the way I live and I don't notice them. Nor do I have to enforce most of them because they already know that I don't allow certain things. They're still dogs and will be dogs, but I just can't do disorderly behaviour haha. It drives me nuts from my own dogs when everything seems like chaos.

That said, I really don't care about what manners friends/other peoples' dogs have. The things that would bother me out of my own dogs don't bother me when the dogs are not mine because I don't have to live with them day in and day out.

I know that my dogs do do things that other people have tried to tell me are wrong and have given my unwanted advice on how to fix, but I can't remember what they are. I know one is that I let Dance and Journ gently jump up on me and sometimes they do it to other people, but I know there must be more. In general my dogs seem to have a lot more manners than most pet dogs though, unless we're around our friends. Then Journey thinks it's a free for all party to act like she's 4 months old with zero training or manners haha.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
Jackson is a horrible begger. Well, he's worse with me and close family, vs. friends or other family, but he often has his head laying on my lap while I eat, looking at me with sulking eyes. Some would probably think this is sooo horrible. It's not something that's ever bothered me, so meh.

He alert barks, and I don't mind it, to a point. ANY time someone comes in the door, he will always give at least a 5-10 second alert barking. Once he realizes who it is, he's fine, and if it's a stranger, he may bark a bit longer but will stop when I tell him (usually). The door thing I don't mind. At my dads house, though, he can be a bit more obnoxious about it and even a little sound that sounds like a knock can send him into a 5 second rage, THAT'S annoying.

He jumps on any furniture whenever he wants. No need to be invited or anything. Never bothered me. He's not obnoxious about it.

Other than that, he's a pretty good dog. He's easy in public, he never messes anything up and is left free roam, he's housetrained, walks nicely on a leash, gets along with other dogs and people (for the most part), he doesn't door dart, he's smart and trains easily, etc etc.

My grandma's dogs are obnoxious to me. 100lb Goldendoodle that jumps on the counters whenever he wants, steals food often, even when you're pushing him and telling him to get off, he won't and puts ALL of his weight down, so it's impossible to move him, shoves his nose onto your plate/food, lays on your lap and WON'T get off when asked (or shoved), pulls on a leash, etc.


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
I'm so intolerant.

I hate barking - I don't mind alerting me or the occasional over excited bark but thats it.
I don't mind jumping up on me, but no visitors unless invited
She isn't to dare to look at me while I'm eating
No door bolting
The bench is of no concern to you
The bin is of no concern to you
Don't pull me on the leash
Don't step foot in my bedroom

I allow a bit of sillyness in the house, especially if I know she has pent up energy. But I live alone and my backyard is tiny - I do expect that if I tell her to go outside that she drops the game and complies though.
And when I come home I allow her to be crazy and jumpy and silly.

Overall though, I feel Quinn needs a lot of rules and structure to help her cope with herself. :rolleyes:


Rude and Not Ginger
Jan 31, 2008
I pretty much have different standards for each dog.

Ozzy when he barks he gets a "STFU" command every single time, because he will bark because the wind is blowing/there's a squirrel climbing a tree three miles away/omg that car sounded weird/the dogs next door are barking ect.

Indy and Enzo NEVER alarm/alert bark, so if they're barking, something is going DOWN. Like, something SERIOUS. Enzo has barked approximately twice in her entire life, and it was a SERIOUS, DO NOT COME NEAR ME bark at two different guys. So I avoided the HELL out of both of them. Sometimes I trust my dog more than my own instincts.

Growling at people for being moved over is a no no. We don't correct the growling, but we pause the situation, and use a command to get the dog off the sofa/bed and they get sent to their crate. The bed and sofa are mine. I share with you. You don't get to growl at me because I moved you over so I could sit down. (THIS MEANS YOU INDY) Ozzy will grumble, but he moves over, and it's more like a groan, so he usually doesn't get kicked off. Enzo never growls.

Enzo will get a STFU for her wookie noises. She is TERRIBLE about those when I'm working with another dog on something. They're crated in another room, but the clicker noise carries, and clicker training is her FAVORITE THING EVAR!!!!111!!!

They all get kicked out of the kitchen when we're cooking. Once we've sat down to eat, they can creep back in, but overly rude begging and they get sent out of the kitchen. They can stand in the doorway and stare, but they're not allowed to cross the threshold.

Shoving me out of the way to get out the door drive me NUTS. They all wait, sit and are released outside when I say their name. Jones used to be SO BAD about shoving his way past everyone, and SO bad about sitting down, that I implemented a "whoevers butt hits the ground first gets to go outside first. They caught onto that quickly.

I also hate scrambling into or out of crates. They have to proceed calmly to their crate for dinner and exit calmly. If they're amped up, they don't get to go in or they don't get to come out. Someone (ahem, ENZO) broke my foot by scrambling inside to get to her crate because she heard the food hitting the bowls. Now, they must proceed calmly or they get kicked out of the house until they've calmed the eff down. (I know, food is a big deal to a Lab, but she broke a freaking BONE in my FOOT by STOMPING ON IT. It hurt for MONTHS)

Also, there is a general ban on being under the kitchen table. Sh*ts not kosher yo, get out from under the table. Ozzy and Enzo are terrible culprits of this, and Ozzy is small enough that sometimes he can sneak under there. From there he proceeds to guard us if we're eating, and if he thinks the girls are going to get something from us, he'll launch himself at them. Luckily, both of the girls are excellent at ignoring his stupid terrier butt and he gets in a time out for that, so it doesn't happen often, but it has happened.

Other than that, get in the bed with me, sleep on the back of the sofa, sleep behind me on the sofa when I'm watching TV, even though there are a billion dog beds scattered everywhere. Act a fool in the yard, dig up the grass, eat dirt, eat DHs newly planted collards, I don't care (DH does care about that last one, lol)

Oh, as far as grooming, you MUST HOP into the tub. I will NOT pick you up and put you in there. All of my dogs are good about that though. My moms dogs are ridiculous, and refuse, I have no idea how I trained them that they HAVE to get into the tub on their own, because they all hate baths, but they will get into the tub and proceed to look pitiful. They also have to shake off in the tub with the curtain shut, get out and sit down on the bath mat and let me towel them off a bit before they're allowed to shake outside of the tub as well.

With feet, you are NOT ALLOWED to pull your foot away from me. You can moan, groan, flop on your side, I don't care, but do NOT snatch your foot away. They've all come to accept that as well. My moms dogs are better about nails than mine are, but I've also never quicked them, lol, they both have all white toe nails. None of my dogs have white toenails :p


Rude and Not Ginger
Jan 31, 2008
Also, I let the alarm bark when someone knocks on the door. I also let them shove the door around if I do open it. I live in the country, and I want people to think I have large man emating dogs behind the door. :p

When guests are invited in, they're allowed to greet, but I discourage jumping. That does not stop Enzo. Ozzy is very cat like when he greets. He sniffs, he circles and weaves through the legs and then he ignores people. Enzo wants to sit in their laps. Indy is a sniff, a jump and a "I'm done with you" but I'm trying to eliminate the jump part of that equation. :p Indy does have a few favorite people that she will ask to sit in their laps (she's trained to sit in my lap for Deep Pressure, doesn't work as well as when I lay down, but it does help) and I think she picks up on when certain people are anxious as well, and will offer her help.

She's especially concerned with my disabled uncle, who has more seizures than I do, and a different type, but she's never alerted to his, though she does check on him, frequently, after he's had one. I haven't given anyone her commands as far as fetching bottles and postictal help though, nor her commands for helping me up after a fall, because he's much bigger than I am, and he would take far too much advantage of her help. So I don't actively discourage her from checking in on him, but I don't offer her services either. :p

As far as out and about, a close heel is a MUST from Indy. Enzo and Ozzy are just required to not pull. They can be at the far end of the lead as long as they aren't pulling. Recalls I don't play around with either. If someone is consistently ignoring me (I'm looking at you Ozzy) they will get a recall bootcamp tune up. They're off leash on our property, they have all had they're boundaries set with an ecollar, and if one of them (Ozzy) thinks they can get away with chasing that squirrel juuuust into the neighbors yard we go back through bootcamp. A week or two later and he's good for several months. Off property Oz is the only one who wears an ecollar. He will chase deer, and there's nothing I can do about that because he's gotten a bite on one and knows he can get close to them. He's also seen another dog bring a deer down, so he thinks it's possible for him to do the same. (The other dog had about fifty to sixty pounds on him though :p )
Nov 1, 2013
I'm pretty tolerant. I generally don't care what Astro does, as long as he obeys specific commands.

Alarm barking is fine. I figure that Shar Peis, as a guard dog, are going to do that anyway - and it serves a purpose that I like. Play barking and excitement barking are MUCH more heinous to me, and I'm so thankful Astro is dead quiet while playing with dog-friends.

I've given him holiday dinners off of human plates (for added fanciness!), so I wouldn't trust him not to snatch someone's food if they left a plate long enough - he does a good "leave it," but it's probably not indefinite yet....

He jumps up. I taught him not to for the CGC, but since then I've been lax. He's a surprisingly gentle jumper, he just hops onto his back legs and gently puts his front paws on your thighs so that he crane up to give you a kiss. He doesn't wiggle around, he doesn't put a whole lot of force into it.

Speaking of, I love dog kisses and freely encourage them, which I know makes it weird for people who are uncertain about dogs or don't like them, because it produces dogs who reach up for the face....but that's what I like and I'm sticking to it :p

Honestly, if I didn't have to live in society and deal with other people, I'd have a ton of huge, pushy hound-types and Rotties who try to meld their soul with yours on the regular. I love huge dogs that throw themselves at you, my preference is for in-your-face lovey types; Astro has both feet on my leg while I type this, and he's trying to lick the sunscreen off my face. Things like that just make me laugh. I don't undo others' training, because I know how other people hate things like that.

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