What attracted you to your dog?


Let it be
Jan 13, 2007
When choosing (or being chosen by) a dog what was that thing that drove you to having to have them? What made you know that you wanted to spend every day till death do you part with that animal?

Spank has a twinkle about him. He still has it. He's a charmer. Loves life. Loves everyone. Loves everything. He is a little bundle of happy. Little puppy him smelled of vomit, reached up, licked my nose and he won me over instantly. I didn't want a Border Collie puppy. I knew the trouble that was ahead. But golly, looking into his little brown eyes I knew that was it. He was mine.

Bandit, on the other hand, I fell in love with for totally different reasons. He was an arse. A jerk. A little devil in a dog body. He hated anything that was alive. The little forgotten pup. What six month old puppy hates life? I saw a challenge in him, but more than anything I saw myself. He was a stubborn little jerk with an eff the world attitude. And boy was he ever intelligent. He would warp things to suit his needs. But beyond all that I saw his insecurity. His desire to be loved.


Addicted to Agility
Feb 21, 2009
Good topic!

I guess I didnt really choose him and he didnt really choose me, he was a puppy I fosterd that never left. I decided I wanted to keep him because it turned out to be everything I had been wanting in a dog for along time, he was smart, would follow me everywhere, lay at my feet wherever I saw sitting, if I was at the computer and then went to watch T.V even if he was sound asleep he would get up and follow me and this is at the young age of 7wks and on. He also loved to play and naturally wanted to fetch, something my other dogs didnt do, even my Golden Retriever! He was the first dog that actually wanted to do things for me because he loved me not just because there was something in it for him, he picked up on things very fast.
I guess it was just meant to be <3
Dec 25, 2006
I envy you. Pit was picked for me and it took me forever to love the critter. I'm still not quite convinced the old fart actually likes me. :rofl1:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Lucy is just a love bug. There's a million things I love about her now, but the reason I filled out the application sheet at the shelter was because she's so loving. I took her out in the fenced in area to play with her, and she just threw herself into my lap for cuddling and kisses and was wiggling her butt so hard because she was so excited to have attention.

Everything in life excites my little girl, from food to squirrels to walks to people to dogs. She rarely meets anyone or anything she doesn't love.


Tweleve Enthusiest
Sep 19, 2007
He was an arse. A jerk. A little devil in a dog body. He hated anything that was alive. The little forgotten pup. What six month old puppy hates life? I saw a challenge in him, but more than anything I saw myself. He was a stubborn little jerk with an eff the world attitude. And boy was he ever intelligent. He would warp things to suit his needs.
^That pretty much describes why I fell in love with Ares, too^ :D

Morgan - when I walked into the breeder's kitchen, Morgan was the only pup that came over to me. And she ran over immediately. She was eager, she was confident, and when I held her in my lap, she settled right into my arms and fell asleep.

Upon getting her home, I discovered a world of love, charming humor, enthusiasm, and mega-attitude.

Tyr - I loved his intensity and his focus. Even at 8 weeks old, he knew what he wanted and wasn't going to give up until he got it.

Nyx - I'll let ya know when I figure it out. ;) What I like about her is she has striking similarities to Ares in her personality. When I can get her to wrap her head around her work instead of her trying to fight with me, she's as amazing as he was.


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
I dunno. Just a feeling. There were two little boys, and I held one, then the other. I watched one play and interact, then the other.
Why, at the end of the night (and after a few more days thinking it over) Auggie? I don't know. I just knew.

These are from e-mails after I picked him. I for sure picked the right guy. I don't know how I knew at the time... but that was my guy.
"Auggie already knows his name. I think at least as he comes running if you say Auggie in silly puppy mode. He is a pistol! Smart bugger. Knows where the water comes from and also hearing the container that the food is in gets em going. Look out when he hears the food jingle in a metal bowl. Cracks me up.
Also warning about shoes. He has been one to grab shoe laces and chew on them. It is funny to see him run with the shoe though! You will definately have to keep things out of his way because he is very busy and will get into trouble- he is a thinker:)"
"Puppies went outside today and RIPPED around. Big fun but wind is crazy. Auggie is going up and down little stairs (meaning not big rise) However he did launch him self off the top of our deck, landed on his side and without missing a beat ran after Georgia. Had me scared but didn't phase him. Some are just daredevils."

However I knew - if it was just some kind of connection or what - I'm glad that I knew. I'm glad that I made that choice. I'm so glad.
Feb 20, 2008
Alderslea Ontario Canada
Even though it has always been me that wanted/needed a dog, the dog I found isn't mine LOL. Hubby was always less doghappy, didn't want, didn't need, and definately didn't spend days gazing longingly at everything from GSD's to Filas!

This face

spoke to him first and foremost, and no wonder! Bernie is hubby with fur. Quiet, stubborn, not one for much interaction with others, and can get lost in his own train of thought! Bernie lives and breathes for hubby, me.. eh.. "I'll get to you when I'm done...."

Like skKI, I am not sure Bernie gives a **** about me...but I am supposing if he's hubby in fur, he does, he just doesn't have to emote that! LOL!
Feb 13, 2009
Says goodbye to chazhound....done with forums
With Zack we drove 3 hours to see him and my husband said if we were going all that way we were coming home with a dog. Zack is special and he had to fight to even be born, his sibling was stillborn.

And Sasha well it was love at first sight (I saw her on petfinder) and I had to see her......something about those ears.

Honestly with both dogs it was love at first sight.....and there was just something special about them and I just knew deep down they belonged with us and we belonged with them.


just call me Nilly
Nov 27, 2005
Peterborough, Ontario
Honestly? I have no idea. I just knew from the moment she walked into the store (where I worked) that she was mine.

Also, a week or so before I'd had a dream that I had a dog named Sierra. When her foster mom told me her name it just sealed the deal ;)
Oct 26, 2006
Teeny - I didn't pick her. A trainer I used to work with got her for me as a "gift." She ended up being everything I hoped for in the breed . . . and then some! She was cute, adorable, and easily trained . . . even through the backtalk (and OH does she backtalk!). She is an extreme personality with a family loving nature . . . how could you go wrong?

Blue was an adult when I first met him. He was actually the reason I decided to get an Alapaha puppy (Teeny). He was happy, wiggly, and willing to please. A little over two years after first meeting him I met up with him again. I IMMEDIATELY fell in love, and was honored to have had him offered to me by his owner. My falling into love with Blue had to do with a combination of his super friendly temperament and his proven history of protecting his owner. Who could ask for a better dog?!


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
I didn't pick Buster, we found him in a car park, mum bought him home to keep him safe while we found his owners. The second I first saw him, all 8 weeks of him cooped up in a blue bundle in her arms I knew I wanted him.

He's come with his special set of challenges but I love working with him. We are at that stage where we just "get" each other. I feel more comfortable with him than any other being on the planet. We communicate so easily. He's not "everything I ever wanted" in a dog but our bond is incredible and I wouldn't swap him for the world.

Plus all his issues mean every step forward is even more special. Like today... he WAGGED HIS TAIL in the park. Thats unheard of, it was work just to get him from strapping it flat against his butt form being so insecure and today we got half a wag!

He is my light, I really can't imagine my life without him.


I'm All Ears
Nov 2, 2006
Nikki was the only dog I really 'picked'. I wanted a dog soooo badly after Rosie passed away. After months of waiting around, I got fed up with the parents and searched until I found an ad for puppies in the newspaper that sounded promising. I showed it to them, begged my heart out, and they finally agreed to take me to see them. We drove up and found out one pup had been sold already. The other three popped up to see me and I for some reason immediately picked her up. She was the littlest puppy and was sooo fiesty. The owners of the parents warned me she was mean (and they were right!) but the whole time, I played with the same puppy and not the others. So we took her home. About a minute after we had left the house, I informed everyone her name was Nikki and that was that. I had her from when she was 5 weeks old till she passed away this summer. Best dog you could ever ask for.

Now, Summer is a different story. I met Summer when we were going to visit Beau the first time. She and her siblings were about to go to their new homes. She was a strangely marked puppy (my dad the other day asked about the 'weird looking puppy' from that litter and I had to tell him that was in fact Summer...). One side of her face was really dark and the other half was really light, but she ended up outgrowing that somehow. Anyways, she was cute but I didn't like her markings and that was that. Over the years we'd visit and Summer would always be there. As I got to know her, I really started loving her. It's hard not to, she's just soooo affectionate with people. We'd go over and Summer would be in my lap all the time. She was always the oddball, the one with the short coat that never grew. When it came time to look for a dog and I heard she was available I thought 'Why not?' I figured I knew her and knew what I was getting into and I really enjoyed her temperament. So yeah, not as romantic at all. :p When I realized Summer was really and truly mine was when we went there at Christmas, she wanted nothing to do with her old owners, she just wanted to be with me. I'm sooo glad I decided to take her, she's the best dog ever. (Oh wait, I think I said that about Nik too)
Sep 20, 2006
Duke sealed the deal with me with his big ears.lol. I walked into the shelter and was going to see a different dog I saw online. I walked by the second cage and there was Duke. He let out one bark and then just sat and watched me. I went over then walked around the rest of the shelter and came right back to his cage. He had one ear that stayed right up and the other that flopped over. I took him for a walk and he was so good, well until he decided to eat something off the ground. Not even realizing what it was I put my hand in his mouth and pulled out a wad of poo, LOL. I should have learned my lesson with that but instead I took him home anyways. He's been keeping me on my toes ever since.


Apr 22, 2006
luce's expression was what made me see her out of the cage at the shelter. it reminded me of a boss's dog that i absolutely adored. and then she dove snorting and wagging into my lap and there was no turning back.

mushroom was a nice dog who needed a home and luce approved. i got him for her more than i got him for me (well, i wanted a second dog, but i chose the dog based on her and there are times when i regret that.)

steve was the naughty puppy. the one doing his own thing and getting into trouble. bwahahaha. what made me choose a pup from a litter named after natural disasters (he was "typhoon") i'll never be able to tell you ;)


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
I really didn't. Nothing about her really appealed to me when I first met Meg. I didn't like her color, didn't like her docked tail, didn't like how she slunk around looking worried, she had a big scar on a leg and limped. My friend kept saying, "This dog is perfect", and I agreed to take her home and foster her at least while I decided if I wanted her.

So it wasn't love at first sight with Meg. It was an earned love. She had no idea about anything (had never been inside a house, couldn't do the single step up into our house) and was convinced the world was out to get her, but I've never met a dog who will try so hard to be right. When I admitted that I wanted to keep her, I still figured she'd never be my agility dog, but I wanted to do right by the dog who had spent 2 weeks trying to do right by me.

And go figure, she has turned into everything I wanted and more.


orange iguanas.
Jul 31, 2005
Lucy was the dog I didn't want. First of all--she's a far cry from the Australian shepherd I was dreaming of getting, lol. But when we pulled up and saw the puppies, Lucy's sister was the dog that I fell in love with (for reasons that I can't even remember). My mom is the one who was drawn to Lucy, and I eventually decided fine, we'll get her. I won't lie, I sometimes wonder how things would have been if I would have went with my heart and gotten the other dog! She's grown on me though.


Bloody but Unbowed
Apr 11, 2007
new jersey
Uncle Fred was not the kind of dog I ever wanted. I had never had the slightest interest in hounds. I always thought hounds preferred the company of other hounds over people.

I was only 48 hours from the very traumatic loss of my previous dog. We decided to foster to help us get over the pain of Deucey, and because our vet suggested it.

I went to the shelter to check it out, and none of the dogs spoke to me. Uncle fred was in a two compartment kennel with a guillotine style door in between the sides, and he was absolutley determined that I could not look at him.

He kept hiding on the other side of the partition, so all I could see were legs, the awful neck scar, and the ends of the ears. I finally had them open the door, and I climbed in there, just so i could get a decent look. For some reason i was determined to get a good look.

He looked like a frightened deer in a spotlight at night. He had to be dragged out of his kennel, and bodily lifted into the van. To this day, I don't know what possessed me to take him on.

He was emaciated, had bloody diarrhea, scars, scabs everywhere, his ears were exuding black stinky goo, his teeth were green, and he was almost paralyzed with fear. Memorably, the end of his tail resembled a wet, oozing ping pong ball. I must have been nuts.


Resident fainting goat
Oct 12, 2008
My schools dog rescue club gave me and friend $200 to adopt some puppies from the shelter to rescue and find homes through our school.
while my friend was running up and down the puppy/small dog aisle, i wandered back to the big dog kennels. and there was a black german shepherd dog named Loca, she was a good size, shiny coat, and was friendly and so i took her out and within seconds, decided that she was the dog I wanted.
So i went up to the adoption desk to adopt her, had the papers in my hand while she was on lead at my feet and while i was signing, a dog walked by, she snarley and growled and barked, I FROZE. i totally didnt check to see if she was good with other dogs. I thought, maybe it was just that dog, and time after time as dogs walked by she would try and attack them.
Another family walked in, they were looking for a german shepherd and unlike me, didnt have other dogs. they adored her, and i handed the leash and the idea of a new GSD over to them.

As i was walking out with my friend and 2 new pups.. a volunteer runs up to me. Loca has a sister named Nola, shes in the west wing because of shyness and because shes sick but she is very good with other dogs. I thought.. why not? Ill go look.
And then a short walk later, there she was. Loca. A skinny, scrawney, coughing, german shepherd whose named meant CRAZY in spanish. I wanted to run away. the volunteer looked at me with hope "shes euthanized at 5, and its 4:30.. do you want her?"
Just when i was ready to say "umm.. i dunno. i dont think so" I put my hand on the chain link fence, she walked up, put her nose on my hand and looked at up me with those brown loving eyes. It only took a second for me to say "ill take her"
$65 later.. i had kenya :)


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
she picked me...
she came to me as a foster, doing a favor for a friend of a friend in the midst of a nasty divorce from an abusive relationship...
i took ruby and her sister "gypsy"
both were "adopted" by what seemed like perfect people, 2 sisters, both with amazing references...

but 1 week later the happy go lucky ruby came back to me from a very angry adopter who was spouting alot of stuff that didnt make sence...things about her bathroom habits, and behaviour issues, things shed not done in her 3 weeks with me before hand.

i noticed on her return that she was now terrified of the mop, the vacume, sudden movments and the sound of high heels (please note i have NEVER worn high heels)
i contacted this womans siter (who still had gypsy)

turned out the sister had made her return ruby when she noticed that everytime she was over ruby was crated...she caught the maid htting the crate with the vacume and her sister screaming at the poor 4 month old puppy for pottying in the crate.

the goal on her return was to essentially rehab her and try again...
but over the next couple of weeks i just simply fell in love...
the rest is history...

shes just an amazing dog, so inteligent, funny, bonded ect.

jasper...well he needed me.
hes insane and adores ruby and thats all that realy matters :p


Katie was so NOT the dog I wanted. At the time, my mom had (and still has) a pom mix and was thinking about getting another one. We looked on petfinder, and found a female that looked identical to him and my mom was in love. She had to work on the adoption day that was being held at the local petsmart, so I offered to go and check the dog out in person. I get there right as the adoption day was starting, and no pom. I asked around and they said, oh the volunteer is running late, she'll be here in a few minutes. I waited and waited and waited. Finally, THREE HOURS of standing around Petsmart, I was frustrated and fed up. I asked for the last time and was told, 'oh, forgot to mention, she called and can't make it today.' I was steaming.

So I walked down the dog food aisle and figured I'd grab some treats for the dogs before I left. I get to the end up the aisle and a volunteer had just arrived and was setting up a black kennel with this hound dog in it. At first, I paid no attention. Then, I got bored and started looking thru the cages at the dogs they had just put out. My eye wandered back to that hound dog. She was so scared, huddled in a corner, emaciated with huge sagging titties. She looked horrible. And extremely sad.

I bent down and scratched her nose thru the bars, and she gave a half-hearted tail thump. I looked at the paperwork on top of her kennel, and unlike all the other dogs that had pretty paperworks with things talking about their interests, likes and dislikes, histories, ect., Katie simply had a piece of orange construction paper that listed the name of the foster mom, a phone number, and the words 'call for info'.

I jotted down the number, walked away to the truck, and dialed it while sitting in the parking lot. A lady picks up, and we get into a 45 minute discussion about Katie, and I was in tears at her story by the time we were done. And the woman apparently loved me so much just from talking with me, that she agree'd to adopt Katie to me outright (and I found out later she was the director of the rescue) before even meeting me, and called the store immediately and told them put "ADOPTED" on Katie's kennel. We agreed to meet that next morning in person so I could get Katie, and pay the adoption fee and fill out the paperwork. The rest is history. :D I later became a volunteer for that rescue too.

Callie... well, at the time, I had no dachshunds. And I wasn't too entirely set on getting another dog. I'm at the vets one day, and get spotted by a breeder that comes in there often. She goes, "Want a dachshund?" :eek: I go, "Tell me about it." She tells me that the puppymill has skipped the state, and left a bunch of her dachshunds with another breeder that is headed to the pound with the ones that he doesn't want. Callie, her sister, and a 10 month old solid black shorthaired male are headed to the pound that day. I told her I was interested, and I followed her 3 towns away to the puppymill where the dogs were being held.

I get there, and she goes around back for a minute, and then comes back with 3 dachshunds. Two chocolate long hairs and the black 10 month old male puppy. I look at the puppy, which was infested with mange and pink eye, and told her I couldn't take him, but could get him placed somewhere else. I was left to choose between Callie and her sister. To this date, I beat myself up daily for not taking them both. I know where Callie's sister ended up, and I've been fighting tooth and nail for a year to get her back. But it'll probably never happen. Anyways, Callie's sister at the time, also had mange, and I made the quick decision that day to leave her behind. So I took Callie, who's teeth were rotted, and she was skinny as hell. I get her home that night and notice that she is acting funny. I take her to the vet the next morning, and found out that she was pregnant with stillborn pups. So she underwent an emergency c-section/spay.

I can't really say I picked Callie, she sort of just... came to me.

Blue... hmmm... LOL. Everyone knows Blue's story. Lived at the vet 10 years, ect. When I started working there, I fell in love. My decision to adopt him was because he was the biggest, most loveable snuggly bunny I had ever laid eyes on. He thought, and still thinks, he's a chihuahua sized puppy who can jump mid-air into your lap without thinking twice. He's a galloping horse and is so full of life and zest, he's just a complete character to watch. Gotta love that floppy tongue too. :D

Annie... well, like Katie, Annie was so NOT the dog I wanted. Honestly, I spent the first several weeks on the phone with a fellow volunteer going "WHAT THE HELL HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!!" Most know Annie's story. She was a dog that was seized in a hoarder bust, with about 100 other animals. She was basically a feral dog, who had lived outdoors in a wire 3x3 or so size rusted cage, stacked one on top of the other with other dogs, for 8 years, by the hoarders admission.

When the bust happened, I was with the rescue and was called in to go foster 3 of the german shepherds that were apart of the bust. I drive an hour away on a Sunday, meet up the director of the pound and the volunteer with the rescue, and walk into the pound. Only to be told all the german shepherds had just been claimed that morning, and were headed to a rescue out of state, and were no longer in need of fostering. So I had my choice of about 40 chihuahuas, or a bunch of wild poodles. If I declined, other foster homes were lined up. In the words of the pound director, 'these are purebreds, we'll keep them longer'. :rolleyes: But then, he mentions, 'oh, there was that one mixed breed though...'

So I walked to the run, and there's Annie. At the time, she never had a name. She was number 1995. She was this filthy dirty, stinking to high heaven scruffy grey dog, huddled in a corner and going completely rabid that there were humans anywhere near her. I swear, I thought her eyes were going to pop out. I went "ummm..." And the director goes, "she's up for euthanasia in the morning, take it or leave it." The rescue volunteer looks at me and goes, 'you foster, and we'll see what we can do to find her a home." I VERY hesitently went okay, and started the paperwork to spring her out of there. In the end, the director carried her to my truck and plopped her in. I'm surprised I didn't get into a wreck on the way home, that dog was insane.

I later find out from the director, that she was examined by the vet there, and had hip dysplasia and heartworms. Yay. About 2 weeks into fostering her, I had her spayed and teeth cleaned. Then I get a call from the rescue, after they ask me for a description of her to put on the site, and I wrote back back "THIS DOG IS INSANE!", that they really don't want to be responsible for her. She was deemed 'unadoptable' and they'd prefer she really 'not be in the system' with them. So I was told that I could look for a home for her on my own, or bring her back to the shelter and have her 'humanely destroyed' since she was a wild child anyways. I said no thanks. And for the first few weeks, I thought I had lost my freaking mind. She was INSANE. Couldn't get near her, couldn't be in the same room with her. Took her 4 days before she even drank water, and nearly a week before she ate any food. But, the rest is history, which you guys know. :D

As far as attraction... I have no idea what attracted me to her at first, honestly. I think I just felt sorry for her. I saw where all those hoarder dogs came from, and what they came out of. I felt sorry that her life was about to end, unnamed and unloved, after spending 8 years of her life like that. So I felt I had to do something. I'm so glad I did.

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