Vanillasugar/nilly update?

This is such a heartbreaking situation. Her poor family, sending vibes,& good thoughts get

Even though I never knew her, even online, it's still completely heart-wrenching, sad,& just a horrible situation. She was such an a wonderful, amazing person, and she has touched so many people. She was truly loved,& will be missed by many people, even those who never know her in real life. It's horrible that she has to go through this, as with her family

May she go away in the most peaceful way possible. I'm praying for her.
:( Sending lots of good vibes and positive thoughts to her and her family. This is such a heartbreaking situation.
So sad and so unfair. :( My heart goes out to her family. :( I will be praying for them.
Laura (Mafia) and I went this afternoon to visit Julia. We spent a few hours. It was a good visit and sad, but good. We both felt we got to say good bye. Matt was there and family and friends were leaving as we got there and more were arriving as we left, and some were there the whole time. We shed tears and told stories and sometimes just talked. Julia, I think, would have been very happy to have all those she cared about talking and sharing.

She has been removed from life support and is being kept comfortable until she passes. Matt is looking after her very well and is very attentive to her comfort level.

I am going to be setting up a fund for chazzers who want to donate to flowers and hopefully to the dog rescue where Julia got Sierra. (Matt is going to message me the information for the person who fostered Sierra) Allie is going to design a card to be from us and I was thinking of putting notes/quotes from people here on chaz and the FB group. THere are some amazing comments that I think would do good for her family to read and know just the breadth of her impact.

If anyone has any other ideas they want to share or stories they want to tell...
6 years to the day we had to pull my mom off life support for her glioblastoma multiforme.

I don't even know what to say. I've been crying off an on all day for Nilly and the others I've known that have gone. She was one of so many on Chaz that helped me in my time of need going through this same thing. Please let Matt know how sorry I am and how sad I am for their family. I just don't have any words.

Is there any way to get a gift or anything to Carter? I have no idea how to help but I'd love to brighten his day at least a little if at all possible.
His birthday is coming up and I know he is about to get spoiled. I over heard a lot of family conversations ;) on that topic. I am not sure what we could get him that he might not already be getting :(

I don't know what we/I can do for Carter or for Matt who should be in serious contention for husband of the year.
I never knew her at all off the forum, but what really has stood out to me through the updates I've seen on Facebook and her posts here when she was still able is what a phenomenal family she is a part of. I can't imagine their grief at this time.
His birthday is coming up and I know he is about to get spoiled. I over heard a lot of family conversations ;) on that topic. I am not sure what we could get him that he might not already be getting :(

I don't know what we/I can do for Carter or for Matt who should be in serious contention for husband of the year.

Yeah, Carter's birthday is today (Jan 20th) :)

I'm not sure if chazzers would be able to gather enough money for this (or if others think it's a good idea ;) ) but if we were able to pull of getting them a weekend away - doesn't have to be far - just something for Matt and Carter.
Yeah, Carter's birthday is today (Jan 20th) :)

I'm not sure if chazzers would be able to gather enough money for this (or if others think it's a good idea ;) ) but if we were able to pull of getting them a weekend away - doesn't have to be far - just something for Matt and Carter.

I think this is a really great idea - and was actually thinking of it last night as well - and I also think it's important to get something with long/no deadlines. It may be a very difficult thing for them to take their first trip without mommy.

I'm currently working on a card design featuring Julia and her pets, past and present, with Dekka. I'll post it when it's ready for you all to see.
Matt and Carter will be going back home to Peterborough. (He says they are keeping the house) Matt still has some time off before he has to go back to work. I am unsure if they will just want some quiet time together in their home after all this. Matt will definitely need some time to recoup and grieve. He really has been superman these past 3 years.

I agree anything should have an open ended date.
How about getting money for a present for Carter? Or just groceries or a meal delivery service or something? I'm guessing money must be tight for them... Maybe a week end where they'd have to spend more money to eat etc wouldn't be the best choice.
I can find out if funds are still needed. I know they raised more than they had hoped for ( before Christmas. I mean funds are always needed :) but not sure if they are till wanted, if you get what I mean.

For Carter... lots of us like barkbox.. what about one of those kids/toddler versions? Not sure what to do for Matt. I don't know Matt all that well. He enjoys cross fit, but that is all I really know for hobbies and what not.
I have been sitting here for the past hour just crying, overwhelmed by the loss for Matt and Carter and just how incredibly difficult and unfair it all is. If there is anything at all we can do for Matt I would love to do it. I think he likes beer, if I could send him a six pack... I love the idea of a meal service or something... just. Something.

He and Carter should know that Julia touched so many hearts here, we loved her, and because she loved them, they are forever part of our community too. And the distance is useless for many of us, but if he reaches out many hands and hearts will reach back.

No no no no.

I just wanted her to make it through Carter's birthday.


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