
they've left to find a board full of rainbows and kittens.

I've sent a number of PM's back and forth with Mindi's mother, and if it Cindr, then her writing and grammar can drastically improve in a hurry.

Either way, Cindr or really Mindi, this board is too graphic and disturbing for the mom and daughter and they've left to find a board full of rainbows and kittens.


I've never seen a newbie here being treated with suspicion, and anybody posing as a newbie for their own warped reasons will out themselves before too long anyway. At least they always seem to, not sure why they even bother?

When I first read Mindi's Mother's post, I wondered why she seemed to feel Chaz members were to blame? She did say she checked the site out. Most parents who go to the trouble of checking the sites their kids are visiting (usually younger, but Mindi's special needs) usually do it a little more thouroughly (including offsite links) ESPECIALLY when it's a site like this, not specifically geared to children. I was going to suggest something like Neopets for her, a parent can sign a child up and set permissions for how much freedom they can have on it.

Oh yeah, and I'm a meanie mom. My daughter isn't allowed on sites with a chat or private messaging. I wouldn't leave my child in a room alone with a stranger, why would I let her chat with one?
The IP matches with Cindr's. They are both from the same location. So was Sare who got banned. Sare also said she had a disability but didn't take to the point Mindi did. They all had one big thing in common - there first posts were on gempress' threads about her dogs getting out.
The IP matches with Cindr's. They are both from the same location. So was Sare who got banned. Sare also said she had a disability but didn't take to the point Mindi did. They all had one big thing in common - there first posts were on gempress' threads about her dogs getting out.

It was definitely a red flag. . .I noticed the similarity between Sare and Mindi. Very strange. I felt something was off, but I also thought I could be wrong so I just went along with it. I had no suspicion it was Cindr at first though.
Thank you Saje - Sare is the one I had suspicions about as well.

Sorry Meggie, I didn't mean anybody WAS treating newbies with suspicion... I was just advising against it, and meant it likewise for myself... I was trying to give Sare the benefit of the doubt. => Turns out my gut instinct was right, but I didn't want to start yelling wolf just because of an instinct, you know?

Anyway, I hope this is the end of it. Props go to the moderators for acting quickly!
It's always good to raise concerns to a moderator first rather than call members trolls and other names. Of course, there are obvious trolls and spammers but regular, posting members should be given the benefit of the doubt as long as possible.
well... perhaps they have one computer and mindi is cindr's daughter?

Cindr herself said her daughter doesn't have a special service dog, even if it were possible. Looks like her post got deleted.
Yes they both obviously posted from the same computer with a fixed IP address. One left angry after that argument over inconsistencies and a very major cruel hit on Gemp. The other came after Gemp shortly afterwards. Also the God fixation, ad nauseum. It all kind of adds up to the same person that way. In any event, the posts by this person sure were not very charitable--or Godly. I think of of them said she was going to kick someone and send her dog after them.

As Ghandi (I think) once said, I Like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
i read some of the posts yesterday and was going to say something... but didn't want to seem like the jerk who was calling out the special needs kid -.-;;;

i don't know if the whole story was true or not. but if it's not i think it was in incredibly bad taste. i've volunteered with special olympics and the special ed classes and although those kids needed extra help, i know nothing on this site would have disturbed them like it disturbed 'mindy' iknow some that couldn't type or read half as well as mindy could or put their words into thoughts as well as her either, who would know that some times animals hurt other animals, they're not mean they're just animals. i'm glad i'm not the only one that thought that though...
lol god we're all such snoops. haha

something was off about mindi, she was too hard to communicate with. as for cindr. i actually enjoyed her posts and have since kept in contact with her. she seemed ok but this was a bit odd.

lol chaz is a bit of a tight knit family
i read some of the posts yesterday and was going to say something... but didn't want to seem like the jerk who was calling out the special needs kid -.-;;;

I was thinking the exact same thing! I can't imagine how low you have to sink to pretend this whole thing :confused: Some people really need to get a life and learn a little bit about respect. Not only to people here, but also to the people they pretend to be!
All I know is someone saying they would kick my butt I consider a threat. I am glad I didnt see that untill now. I dont take threats kindly:mad:
Wow!!! You mean the internet ISN'T a nice place??? Why, I'm SHOCKED!!!!! :yikes:

Just kidding but this is one weird thread.
Call me sceptical but :
Cutting 1
The most common symptoms of schizophrenia are very obvious: the person affected is acting like something is very wrong with them - for example, severe depression, uncontrollable hallucinations, paranoia, slurred speech, sluggish responses - but they can't tell they are being irrational. To them, they are perfectly normal. So if they're sitting at home watching the telly and Captain Janeway looks at them through the television screen and tells them to report to their station, they think it's actually happening, whereas we know that they are simply imagining it.

Cutting 2
Paranoid Schizophrenia
This is the commonest type of schizophrenia in most parts of the world. The clinical picture is dominated by relatively stable, often paranoid, delusions, usually accompanied by hallucinations, particularly of Trolls, and perceptual disturbances. Disturbances of affect, volition, and speech, and catatonic symptoms, are not prominent.
Examples of the most common paranoid symptoms are:
(a) delusions of persecution, reference, special mission, bodily change, or jealousy;
(b) hallucinatory voices that threaten the patient or give commands, or auditory hallucinations without verbal form, such as whistling, humming, or Trolls laughing;
(c) hallucinations of smell or taste, or Trolls dancing; visual hallucinations may occur but are rarely predominant.

Paws for thought.......Don`t say no one thought about it.........

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