Awe these kinds of threads are hard for me because I could spend hours listing, writing, and getting sappy, but here goes..........
Baxter- One of my twisted sisters, I was drawn to you right away because you are able to put yourself in the other persons place before you type. You sincerely care about the problems and issues you respond to, you are kind, loving, and caring. I am proud to call you my online friend. Luv ya bunches.
Jess- Another of my twisted sisters, I love your "In your face" attitude. You don't give a rat's behind what other people think of your own it and don't mind sharing, LOL. You are like an M&M. Hard candy shell with a sweet, soft, filling. Don't worry, your sweet filling can remain a secret to those of us who love you

You are my search QUEEN! If it's out there, you can find it!!
Renee- I can't say anything that others haven't already said. You are slow to anger and quick to forgive........don't change anytime soon.
Nikki- I love your compassion for our furry friends, your willingness to help in any way you can. Sometimes your passion gets the better of you but it's always coming from your heart.
Grammy- Our wise elder with a heart of gold (or should that be Golden Heart?) Always ready to dish out a spanking when needed............gotta love that
Angel Chicken- Remember when I used to have time in the mornings to MSN with you? Those were some of the funniest conversations EVER! hahaha
There are so many others here, ones that I find myself looking to see posts from. RedHotDobe, Zoom, Breeze, Smkie, Ryan (sunnierhawk), Skittle, 96GTS, Dizzy (sometimes her devil's advocate drives me nuts, but it's all good), I know there are many others that I am not thinking of right now!