Hi guys!
So this may be a bit of a ramble, but I'm trying to collect my thoughts as succinctly as possible. If this comes out too rant-y or doesn't make much sense, please let me know and I'll edit to clarify as much as I can! <3
I've been mostly lurking on Chazhound after getting some super great advice from some really awesome people here regarding my situation for a dog after my previous pup passed unexpectedly and I really enjoy reading a lot of threads here. I'm more active on two other forums, but recently I noticed a bit of a "debate" on one that kind of troubled me and had me scratching my head, and ultimately deciding to leave that particular environment. Hoping maybe some folks here can shed a bit of light!
It all started based on the "aversive methods are bad" camp taking the mickey out of someone who posted the good work they'd had done with a prong collar for their dog and basically degenerated into "anyone who uses anything other than a clicker is cruel". This troubled me, as with my previous pup I've used a citronella collar before in conjunction with clicker training to work on his barking, and I didn't ever have the impression I was hurting him. But a bunch of people started saying how anything other than positive reinforcement was bad and "science has proven it so why be cruel"?
I mean, I understand wanting to use positive reinforcement exclusively. My pup was clicker trained and we used treats, and after he was reliably not barking excessively we didn't use the spray collar anymore. But do people who use things like prongs and spray collars really come off like bad people? :/ I'm a bit worried now because I loved my boy more than the world and was heartbroken when he passed away and I never had the impression he was afraid of me. There were people claiming dogs trained using prongs or shock collars were aggressive fear biters and their handlers "ignorant" and "abusive". Is this true? I know there are generalizations with everything, but do you find that most people who use things that are "aversive tools" usually have dogs that are afraid or abused? :/
Could anyone here on Chaz chime in? I've gotten the impression the users on this forum are more of an older audience and seem to have more of a "professional" background than my other forums. I'm admittedly pretty uneducated when it comes to dog training so maybe I really am just one of those ignorant folks. I just felt really bad because I didn't think spray collars or prongs were that bad when used right, but maybe my boy was just the exception? Just looking for some input, because I'm quite confused and I'm a bit anxious asking in case of being dogpiled. >.<
So this may be a bit of a ramble, but I'm trying to collect my thoughts as succinctly as possible. If this comes out too rant-y or doesn't make much sense, please let me know and I'll edit to clarify as much as I can! <3
I've been mostly lurking on Chazhound after getting some super great advice from some really awesome people here regarding my situation for a dog after my previous pup passed unexpectedly and I really enjoy reading a lot of threads here. I'm more active on two other forums, but recently I noticed a bit of a "debate" on one that kind of troubled me and had me scratching my head, and ultimately deciding to leave that particular environment. Hoping maybe some folks here can shed a bit of light!
It all started based on the "aversive methods are bad" camp taking the mickey out of someone who posted the good work they'd had done with a prong collar for their dog and basically degenerated into "anyone who uses anything other than a clicker is cruel". This troubled me, as with my previous pup I've used a citronella collar before in conjunction with clicker training to work on his barking, and I didn't ever have the impression I was hurting him. But a bunch of people started saying how anything other than positive reinforcement was bad and "science has proven it so why be cruel"?
I mean, I understand wanting to use positive reinforcement exclusively. My pup was clicker trained and we used treats, and after he was reliably not barking excessively we didn't use the spray collar anymore. But do people who use things like prongs and spray collars really come off like bad people? :/ I'm a bit worried now because I loved my boy more than the world and was heartbroken when he passed away and I never had the impression he was afraid of me. There were people claiming dogs trained using prongs or shock collars were aggressive fear biters and their handlers "ignorant" and "abusive". Is this true? I know there are generalizations with everything, but do you find that most people who use things that are "aversive tools" usually have dogs that are afraid or abused? :/
Could anyone here on Chaz chime in? I've gotten the impression the users on this forum are more of an older audience and seem to have more of a "professional" background than my other forums. I'm admittedly pretty uneducated when it comes to dog training so maybe I really am just one of those ignorant folks. I just felt really bad because I didn't think spray collars or prongs were that bad when used right, but maybe my boy was just the exception? Just looking for some input, because I'm quite confused and I'm a bit anxious asking in case of being dogpiled. >.<
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