

Blonde Raccoon
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I don't really have much to say, I feel completely destroyed. Came home this evening and she could barely move and was breathing really weird. We rushed her to the vet who said that she had had a heart attack, so we let her go.

I am having a really, really hard time with this. She was my heart dog, the dog that made me love dogs, my best friend since I was eight years old. I just don't have words. She was perfect, the best dog I could have ever hoped for.

Rest in peace Sally.
9 April 1999 - 1 November 2013
I love you so much.

Oh I'm so so sorry :(. Sally was so beautiful, it sounds like she had a wonderful life. Run free Sally.
I am so, so sorry.

The pictures you posted speak of a beautiful life well lived. All dogs should be so lucky.

RIP Sally.
Oh no... I am just... so so sorry. =< I thought she was gorgeous, I've always had such a place in my heart for collies. Run free Sally.
Oh no :( I'm so sorry, she was a beautiful and obviously well loved girl. {{hugs}}
Thank you so much everyone, I didn't expect to get so many replies. :( I'm still imaginably devastated, but your words mean so, so much. Thank you Chazzers.
May Sally be running free with all our loved ones. Know she will be forever in your heart and memories. Try to remember all the love you shared. Hugs
I'm so very sorry. :( It is really, really hard to loose that childhood best friend. Blackie's been gone for quite some time now and I still miss him.