Post Secret Santa Reminder!!

sorry i didnt' mean to edit i meant to qoute, that is why i pay the extra for tracking. It isn't much, around a dollar.
I sent mine out a while ago and it has still not been received! How long should I wait? I got mine by btw. It was really cute. I dont know who it was from, though.
UPS rang my doorbell today... I got excited.... but it wasnt for me. It was a christmas present that my Aunt in Oklahoma bought and had sent to our house for William... so I guess mine will be an "after Christmas Present" but im okay with that :)

BTW... Secret Santa... is there anyways you could log onto the Secret Santa account and give me an update... is it on it's way, do you still have to get it in the mail? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
I know that mine is where its supposed to be but the person hasnt picked it up yet...
Gah! I'm soooooo stressed! My gift is where it needs to be ^^^ BUT, I haven't had a chance to pick it up, and won't until thursday, or friday, can my SS just tell me whats in it! :P lol!

Oh, and I don't know if my person got hers or not.... I sent it a while ago... But she hasn't been on here in FOREVER!
julie i sent you a message (hope you got it) i can't believe everyhting you got me and crosbie! you are truely amazing! i sent mine out late (sorry it will get there!!!!) and stupidly enough forgot to put the card inside the box before i sent it (didnt realize i forgot till i got home...typically AFTER it was sent lol it was a special day) read your messages please i would love ot get a few pictures of ur dogs so i can make you something special! and again JULIE completely outdid herself far beyond what i ever expected to get! AMAZING!
none here heard from the person they said they would post but hasn't arrived
I don't think she should. I mean what is done is done, and being a member and learning to care for your dog with all the good info here is more important then a dumb gift. I do think the list should be handed over to a mod like renee for safe keeping and those offenders should not be allowed to participate next year. A person is far more important then a material thing and crap happens and life goes on. I do think VIctor was a very good boy this year however:) maybe next year. ANd my Mary maybe will be with us next year too. Fingers crossed. Kinda sucks. I was hoping for a delivery today.:(
Perhaps instead of posting the masterlist... those who did not receive a gift should be notified of who had them. yes it is just a material thing... but to me it's not about the gift.... it's that the person didn't care enough to let me know they coudln't send a gift (not me in particular since my SS did send it and I received it well before Christmas). I think this is about people... we all took the time and effort to show we care and send out a gift like we promised we would.... I would be offended if my SS didn't care enough or think enough of me to at least let me know. I think it kind of ruins the trust we all have.

But maybe I am just reading too much into it.

although we do a cool thing on another board I am on... maybe we could consider doing something like this next year.... a Card Swap. Whoever wants to sign up sends whoever organizes it their name, pets names and their address. A list is compiled and sent out to all who signed up. I got about 30 christmas cards from my card swap this year. its so much fun.