Thank you
I am indeed a webmaster, and, yes, I do know the difficulties involved when introducing new features to a web site. What you have said is fair comment indeed.
However, part of webmastership is solving problems, which (for me anyway) means that I would either nail the fault being experienced 'every now and then', so that it never occurred (deference to the customer), or change it wholesale, and find something even more reliable.
This is not still meant as a criticism of yourself or your site - you have given me good answers. It is, I think, more to do with the way in which webmastering is approached.
When defending your setup as 'free' and 'a personal dog site', please accept that, unless there is actually substantial investment from professional sources, we are
all operating under exactly the same criteria as yourself (as I am). And some 'personal' sites, such as yourself, do actually look extremely professional, so much so that some visitors (such as myself) might mistake it for a 'big operation'.
However, in the case of
Westie-World, I would fully expect the visitor to send me criticism (or at least notification) of any errors or omissions - in fact I have an email address solely for that purpose. So what I am saying is "free and amateur" doesn't lessen accountability.
Anyway, thank you very much for personally activating my account, and I look forward to returning soon. I was sorry to hear that you, too, have incessant trouble with spammers!