My Mice


New Member
Mar 18, 2007
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I LOVE my mice. I breed Minnie and she will be retired after her second litter coming around March 31. I hope April Fools:D For all mouse lovers join the forum here- or check out the site-

Kylie- Satin RY

Max-broken black


I also have 3 self black standards born by Minnie on 1/20/07 but couldnt post them since you can only post 4 pictures.
you can only post 4 pics per you can post them :)
for a couple of years i bred long haired, and satin mice. do you have experience with them?

nvm, i see you have a satin. one satin i had was lilac. however she didnt produce any lilac babies! oh well :)
in one of my long hired breedings i somehow managed to get a calico collared one!

lovely mice
your first mouse has a beautiful color! I'm a big rodent fan particularly gerbils. I wish they sold mice other than whites at the pet shops, I'm not a huge fan of albino I would prefer the color of your second mouse if I were to get some.

-Erin :)
Mine doesn't they only have one cage filled with albinos petco may have other colors although I was very unhappy with there gerbils. When I went to get my fist gerbil they had one albino who was sitting in the corner staring at the tank wall, his coat was miserable, he seemed to clearly have wet tail disease. I want mice as my next rodent (although giving up owning gerbils may be too hard) but mom is adamant that there will be no mice in her house! Oh, well I'll stick to my gerbils for now maybe some day I can own both (I'm gonna have quite the zoo, some dogs and foster dogs, some Siamese kitties, some gerbils and some mice WOW :D ) Maybe I should just stick to the dogs :p Who knows, I do love rodents in fact I have not come across any species I dislike have I?
i love rats mostly, second i like mice. mice are so neat because there are so many types. spiny mice, pygmy mice, zebra mice!!
I love mice-I'm really thinking about getting another one. I had one years ago I named jingles and it was the sweetest thing. he would jsut sit on my shoulder or in my hand every second I let him. they just have such a short life span.but no one at my hosue likes guinea pigs so I think its gonna be a mouse for the next little creature.
Okay so here are my other three. They were born 1/20/07. Their mother is Minnie and their father is Max.

3 self black beauties-




Them and their 3 bros as pups-
just out of curiosity, do you have a pic of the cages. some people really have awesome cages. mice cages are so easy to accessorize!
This is the only picture I have of an "Interesting" cage. Right now they look more accessorized because I added more stuff. I will have to take a newer picture. Its not much :)

Minnie and the Does-

And this is a dark video I took of minnie pregnant a couple of days ago.-
awww babies yay! Are mice social and like groups or are they mainly solitary? If they are "groupies" do they like big groups or pairs (with gerbils females like pairs and males can do good in up to 4 or 5 in one cage)
mice are such groupies. i always kept mine in big groups. some are nest builders, some are cleaners, some are hair dressers, some are messy, lol its so cute!
its like a little community :)
Females are definately very social so they HAVE to live with other females. Males absolutely have to live alone since they can fight to the death. On rare occasions males can live together. I have 5 females and more on the way and I will be introducing my new one (Kylie) to the others soon. Some females have territorial issues so they cant live with other females but they still need attention so you have to give it to them. If you ever have any questions on mice feel free to ask me because I learn more and more about them everyday. I know alot now :) I am still trying to learn genetics. SO CONFUSING!lol:D

Hi I havent been on this forum in a while. I have been busy with my newborns, 13 of them! Also I have been on The Fun Mouse forum.
Here are some pics from today, day 4. They were born on 3/29/07.



Also I had to post such a cute picture of their daddy Max :)

You people are going to make me get another rodent when I move out. :rolleyes:
HAHA! :) They sure are addicting. Ive only owned mice for 1 year and a couple of months and im hooked :)
I got to the petstore and I cant leave it without another 1 :)
WOW! that's a lot of babies, congratulations! I hope mom has enough time for all of them, can't wait to see what they look like when the fur starts to come in!

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