My bunnies new home


Active Member
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
North West Scotland
I thought its been a while since I shared some photos of the rabbits, and I know there are a few people on here who like bunnies, so I thought I'd share. Last thread, I was bonding Arran (Netherland dwarf boy) to Islay and Jura (lop girls). It all went well, they love each other and now live together in a 10ft x 6ft shed. So here's some photos...

My bunnies by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

Islay, Jura and Arran's new shed by Niseag, on Flickr

You probably have the luckiest rabbits ever. I am totally jealous, I would love to have a setup like that!

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