Military types?

Hmmm........why do threads turn so ugly? I love being in the service. I absolutely enjoy the folks I work with. I never regret my decision. It has been an invaluable experience that has given me great academic skills on an operational level and my leadership skills have really improved. :)
How exciting to work in my field. I wish I got to go to other countries but my profession keeps me state-side. :(
There are so many routes one can take with a military career. To lump them all together to describe the beast is unfair. I never deploy and I save lives. That is nothing like my husband's experience (he deployed several times and built computers for his comm squadron) ..........and he was the same branch and base as I am. Some people get to go kill the bad guys.........I mean there is something for everyone. ;)
Here's one example of what serving is all about...being away from loved ones to serve your country. This was the last hug I gave my son before leaving the country when I was military. I cried my eyes out all the way into my seat on the plane. My eyes are watering up now just remembering that feeling...

Hey, I'm just an Army Auntie who wants to say THANK YOU!! to all of you who serve! The "antis" can get ugly. I want you to know there are many who are grateful to you! We Know the sacrifices you make!!
blue said:
First in my familly to join the USMC, never made it out of Boot though.

I cant grasp how one can suport our troops without suporting their mission.

On the same note if there are troops in the fleet that dont back the mission they should be stateside and not in the field for the safety of those in the fleet that believe in the mission.

Without war we would would the United States exist? Without war would the United States stand as we do today.

Somebody give me a case where non violence has brought lasting peace between 2 countries.

Last 50 years all the wars US started were Unilateral and most were started under wrong pretenses... i.e. Vietnam, Korea, your operations in Afganistan in 80's...

Right now, US is just a big bully who thinks they own the world. Its good that EU is finnaly bigger economical power then US and Russia/China still can counter US's military aggressions if need ever arises.. Only US thinks it needs to spend billions of $$ in military to survive... I guess you have nothing better to spend miney on, eh? ;)
I don't know...maybe some people just don't understand.
I could go on and on about the necessity or justification to start the war in Iraq.
And honestly, I am still not sure about it. So yes, IMO, you can support the troops and doubt if war is the right way.

What doesn't mean that I can't support the troops and my husband, who will be deployed shortly to the sandbox.
A lot of people probably don't realize it, but being in the military is not about benefits, it's about sacrifices.
It doesn't matter if it's the Soldier or Marine being away from his family risking his/her life; the wife, worrying, but being strong and holding the family together back at home; the son or daughter missing daddy, maybe not knowing what's going on.
And that is something people should honor, respect, and support - leave the politics out of it, if you want to.

Here's how I look at it. I don't want to argue because I'm not going to change any opinions and no one is going to change mine...

I do not support the reasons we went to war for tons of reasons. I don't want to start an ugly debate. I just want to say why it's possible to support the troops but not the war.

Everybody remember Vietnam? Well, I don't exactly remember Vietnam, but I took a very good class in college about it and I've heard lots of stories from my parents and veterans. Lots of those guys were drafted to fight in a war they didn't believe in. Lots of those guys chose to be there, even though they knew they were fighting a losing battle. The people back home didn't believe in it. It was a complete mess. When those guys came home, people spit in their faces. They were treated like non-humans. I don't care how you feel about the war...THAT'S WRONG.

So I don't support the war. But I will NEVER NEVER NEVER critisize a soldier for fighting for me, even if I think it could have been handelled without fighting and without sacrificing innocent lives as well as the lives of our soldiers (our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives) Soldiers should be treated like heroes, no matter what the outcome of their mission is. They should be honored and taken care of...something else our government seems to have trouble with, but that's another topic.

I agree. I have no idea what it's like to serve in the military. I admire all the men and women who serve. So military guys and gals, don't be mad at me for not liking the war. I have nothing but respect for you!
I usually don't discuss military because I am from the generation of VietNam...when my brother came home and was spit on in public. he still remained Army for 20 years..dedicated to our country even tho most people were jerks. my niece was Navy...little bro, Marine. other little bro, Air Force. another niece..Air Force. nobody will care, but my brother now has cancer which is documented as a direct result of agent orange used in Vietnam. he is dying. war SUCKS. and until my brother's generation gets the recognition they deserve.....I won't be standing at any parade. politicians want the war in Iraq because of the oil...they don't give a rat's behind about the people. to our military people, I will salute you. you go and serve a country and it's people without thought. you are amazing. I will always acknowledge this generation of's all that I ever wanted for my brother.
Mindy Miller said:
Debi, that's exactly what I'm talking about...

Mindy..(((hugs))) I get tooooo emotional when talking about war, which is exactly why I don't usually venture into these threads. I've written many articles for our paper on the pathetic, sad treatment of our Vietnam vets. it all started with the parades and such for the military that served in Desert Storm. YES...I applaud them.......yet my heart was shattered into pieces because it wasn't fair. I won't voice any more comments here. our family is military......but my heart will bleed forever for those that didn't receive the recognition that was their due.
oriondw said:
Last 50 years all the wars US started were Unilateral and most were started under wrong pretenses... i.e. Vietnam, Korea, your operations in Afganistan in 80's...

Right now, US is just a big bully who thinks they own the world. Its good that EU is finnaly bigger economical power then US and Russia/China still can counter US's military aggressions if need ever arises.. Only US thinks it needs to spend billions of $$ in military to survive... I guess you have nothing better to spend miney on, eh? ;)

You know what I have to say to this rubbish??? :p :p

Don't you live in this evil corrupt nation?

I said this to you before... You are jealous, even if you would never admit it.
Puckstop31 said:
You know what I have to say to this rubbish??? :p :p

Don't you live in this evil corrupt nation?

I said this to you before... You are jealous, even if you would never admit it.

Why do you think everyone is jelous of your country? There is nothing to be jelous about.

Have you ever lived in other parts of world longer then a year and not counting living on a military base?

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