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Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Thing is, it's not the correctly, ethically and soundly bred game-bred lines and "hog dogs" that have caused the negative publicity and allowed the fear mongers to open the doors to HSUS and their ilk and create the cesspool of hate and irrational fear and loathing we're having to battle now - it's the Gangstabull, the oversized, wide, distorted bastardization of the breed being popularized by . . . well . . . if the shoe fits.

It's not the old, retired dogmen who are to blame, it's the new, badass punk breeders who are ultimately responsible for the spectre of extinction looming over the APBT today.


Priscilla Winifred Corgi
Apr 12, 2006
Twin Citay!
More like what performance titles haven't poodles, as a breed, achieved. If you're breeding, then YES it makes it better!


Every breed of dog that exist today is a variation from some "standard". At some point someone wanted to create something different (for whatever reason) and a new breed emerged. If our dogs were not associated with "Pit Bulls" and descended from such we would have a new standard established. Fact is, a lot of folks are falling head over heals for labradoodles and cockapos and the list goes on. So you give them a new name and suddenly, that makes it ethical? Listen, I personally, would love it if they had a different identity, but they don't.
We're not typically supporters of designer breeds. And as for those in the past who created the breeds we have today, they were bred for a purpose. What are you hoping to achieve with your breeding program? Frankly, I looked at your dogs and found the pictures more than a bit sad. What are you hoping to accomplish besides ruining APBTs and crippling them?


New Member
Dec 22, 2008
I think you should do a search on designer breeds here, you'll get a very strong, almost completely united opinion against them. ;)
Again, Whatever breed you have and like, was a variation of some other breed standard and you can bet spoken of abusively by purist. Does that make it wrong?


Bored Now.
Dec 22, 2006
Denver, CO
What kind of perfomance title does a poodle have? Does having such make it a better dog?
The titles themselves? Heck no. They're just pieces of paper. It's what it takes to earn those titles that make it a better dog, and those little letters behind their names prove what kinds of dogs they are for all to see. You don't have to rely on what kennel-blind owners may say, and you can rely on the expert opinions of impartial judges to evaluate the dogs' quality.

Every breed of dog that exist today is a variation from some "standard". At some point someone wanted to create something different (for whatever reason) and a new breed emerged. If our dogs were not associated with "Pit Bulls" and descended from such we would have a new standard established. -snip- Listen, I personally, would love it if they had a different identity, but they don't.
We aren't talking about some "standard." We are talking about the widely acknowledged official breed standard of your breed. If your dogs are registered as American Pit Bull Terriers and you are breeding them to create more APBTs, then that standard is applicable and if you were an ethical breeder you'd be following it. If you do not consider your dogs APBTs and are creating something different, what exactly are you (and why did you point out they were UKC registered if it means so little)? There ought to be a standard you're working towards. If there isn't, you're just breeding willy-nilly with no goal in mind, and that in itself isn't ethical in my opinion.

Also - you seem to have missed my questions abour return policy. What is it?


Tweleve Enthusiest
Sep 19, 2007
Anyone who knows anything about the "Bully Style" dogs, knows they do not have the same drive and tenacity as your version of the breed. Therefore, it is not the Bully Style dogs as you claim, that are giving the dogs a bad rap.
Pit bulls are supposed to have drive and tenacity.

What kind of perfomance title does a poodle have? Does having such make it a better dog?
Poodles have performance titles in many sports. There also are pit bulls with a number of performance titles. Performance titles ~ especially advanced level titles ~ shows me that the dog can do work. That he has the necessary structure and health to do sport.

Thing is, it's not the correctly, ethically and soundly bred game-bred lines and "hog dogs" that have caused the negative publicity and allowed the fear mongers to open the doors to HSUS and their ilk and create the cesspool of hate and irrational fear and loathing we're having to battle now - it's the Gangstabull, the oversized, wide, distorted bastardization of the breed being popularized by . . . well . . . if the shoe fits.

It's not the old, retired dogmen who are to blame, it's the new, badass punk breeders who are ultimately responsible for the spectre of extinction looming over the APBT today.
Well, it's not the ethically bred game-bred lines, but neither is the Gangstabull that has caused negative publicity. It is not any breed of dog that has done this. It's the owners who don't manage their dogs, it's the media who reports on every pit bull sighting, it's the ACOs and LEOs who can't tell a pit bull from a chihuahua, so they just call anything with a smooth coat a pit bull. It's JQP who continues to donate money to organizations that are only interested in how to use The Big Lie to bring about the extinction of this breed - followed by all the other breeds we love.
Mar 26, 2006
Portland, OR

The Bully Breed dogs are in fact, in very high demand
So that means you need to go breed more right...just because they are in high demand?

Anyone who knows anything about the "Bully Style" dogs, knows they do not have the same drive and tenacity as your version of the breed. Therefore, it is not the Bully Style dogs as you claim, that are giving the dogs a bad rap
Do you honestly think that the "pit bulls" drive and tenacity is what is hurting the breed? I am not sure whether to laugh or shake my head at that comment.

Every breed of dog that exist today is a variation from some "standard". At some point someone wanted to create something different (for whatever reason) and a new breed emerged. If our dogs were not associated with "Pit Bulls" and descended from such we would have a new standard established.
Ah but you DO have a new standard established: http://www.abkcdogs.org/

and your dogs fit that to a T....and that is fine. Really. I could honestly care less what type of dog you want to own, or what you do with your dogs...as long as you are calling them what they ARE....American Bullies. Your dogs are NOT American Pit bull Terriers.

The line between "pit bull type" breeds is cloudy enough for you to be carelessly labeling them as another breed.

Again, Whatever breed you have and like, was a variation of some other breed standard and you can bet spoken of abusively by purist. Does that make it wrong?
This "mr.pitbull"- is an American Pit bull Terrier

Do you honestly believe that your dogs are just a "variation" of gamedogs Lilbit pictured above?

For being "mr.pitbull" you sure seem to be in the dark.

(sorry for swiping your pic Marty- but I figured you wouldn't mind in this case ;))


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
To say your dogs are "variations" of pit bulls is to say a poodle is a variation of a pit bull........ ie, they're both DOGS, but that's about where the similarity ends.

I think you'll find that most people on here will be opposed to your breeding programme as they only approve of breeders who stick to the standard, compete with their dogs and complete genetic testing on them.


Just try me..
May 14, 2007
I would like to address some of your posts:

1) All of my dogs are registered with the UKC as "American Pitbull Terriers".
Thats nice put the UKC registers lots of things that aren't anywhere near the original (go look at Russell Terriers.. they are just as far off a useful hunting terrier as your dogs are)

2) When a ban is placed on "Pit Bulls" in any given community, guess what my dogs are considered to be by any law enforcement or governmental agency? "Pit Bulls"!
As is any boxer cross, large headed lab... just cause Law inforcemtn likes to paint with a wide brush does not make your dogs any more APBT than a lab is.

3) Anyone who knows anything about the "Bully Style" dogs, knows they do not have the same drive and tenacity as your version of the breed. Therefore, it is not the Bully Style dogs as you claim, that are giving the dogs a bad rap.
Umm well that is an interesting statement. Its bad owners that give dogs bad raps... not the dogs. Your site seems to facilitate just anyone buying one of your dogs. The bully type is seen as more 'bad ass' and is more likely to be bought by people who will train (or due to a lack of training) the dog to be 'aggressive'. Tho the fat, hippo, unathletic version you're breeding might actually be safer because I am sure they could be outrun by my grandmother....

How many people would love to argue with what you are doing (owning "killer" pitbulls)? Is is not enough that we have to fight BSL and those with uninformed prejudices, that we have to fight among ourselves?
As I stated above its bad owners who create the bad rap. Your site screams flash and fun.. all geared to pull in the 'wrong' kind of owner. If you were breeding these bully dogs ethically I am sure there would be some disagreements.. but nothing as vehement as this.


Apr 22, 2006
Again, Whatever breed you have and like, was a variation of some other breed standard and you can bet spoken of abusively by purist. Does that make it wrong?
i own american pit bull terriers. both are shelter dogs. i can guarantee they'd be spoken better of by "purists" than the dogs that you're pumping out.

yes, there is a demand for overdone hippo dogs, and that's the bottom line for you isn't it? the dollar signs. who cares about ethics, who cares about creating physically sound dogs who are what they are supposed to be, when there is money to be made from them?

once upon a time i was looking at poodle breeders, and the one i was looking at most seriously had obedience, rally, agility, and field titles on her dogs. poodles are supposed to be a retrieving breed, and performance is the most important thing to me.

and before you look down your nose too far at poodles, a team of them once ran and finished the iditarod sled dog race. those aren't wimpy dogs, no matter how you slice it. how far can your dogs run?

and what titles did you say you'd put on them? the american pit bull terrier is the ultimate in versatility, after all.


Just try me..
May 14, 2007
About titles..

What proof do you have that your dogs are great examples of their type?

My dogs are all titled in many venues. And some of them even work! It proves they are trainable, biddable (for JRTs) healthy sound dogs who can stand up to the rigours of performance and trialling.

The breed itself doesn't matter. If you have a yorkie, a gooldendoodle (tho thats not a breed.. but will throw it out there), or a great dane.. ALL good breeders have titles. If you can't title your dog in something then you have some serious issues.

I am sure you love your dogs, and you do seem to feed them well. But thats not really the point. MANY MANY bybs LOVE their dogs. Love, in this case, is not enough. You need to LOVE the puppies... and I don't see that through your site.

Do you have a copy of your puppy contract? How long do you guarantee the pups health for? Must they return the pup to you if they can't keep it? With so many pups being pumped out.. are you keeping in contact with all your puppy buyers?

I am not against making new breeds... as long as there is a NEED. Demand is a good start... but is it demand from the sort of people who SHOULD own the product?


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
Hey, PM Miakoda. I bet she could give you some advice on where to go.

$2500 for stud fees, huh? :eek:
I'm not sure he wants to hear that advice.:rolleyes:

And I'm an APBT owner that has had 4 litters in 12 years and I only let go of 3 of those resulting puppies. In no way, shape, or form am I a breeder and God forbid I ever become a puppy peddler. And I have never heard of you or your dogs.

But then again, I own a completely different breed than you do.


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
Redyre, yes, that is me in the Avatar.

Darkchild, nice looking dogs you got there. I would like to point out if I may, that you are overlooking three facts:

1) All of my dogs are registered with the UKC as "American Pitbull Terriers".

And paper hanging is nothing new. I could easily breed my Olde English Bulldogge to one of my American Pit Bull Terriers and lie to the registry and use the registration number from one of my other males APBTs to register the resulting puppies. You see how easy that is? Just because someone says it is doesn't mean it is. Registries only care about your money; they do not care one iota about the quality of dogs they are registering.

2) When a ban is placed on "Pit Bulls" in any given community, guess what my dogs are considered to be by any law enforcement or governmental agency? "Pit Bulls"!

So are Boxers, American Bulldogs, Bull Mastiffs, and in fact any dogs weighing between 30 lbs and 130 lbs with short fur and a muscular build. In fact, I got that wording from Denver's government definition of a "pit bull." Again, just because someone says your dog is something, doesn't mean it is.

3) Anyone who knows anything about the "Bully Style" dogs, knows they do not have the same drive and tenacity as your version of the breed.

Meaning they have such a poor musculoskeletal build that any kind of athletic activity is hard for the dog to accomplish and it has no stamina. As for tenactiy, it won't have gameness, but that's illegal to test for anyways these days so that's a moot point. In terms of dog aggression, it still exists with those dogs as does an increased chance of HA thanks to idiots who use the ginormous dogs as penis extensions and reputation builders. Not to mention anytime you cross 2 or more different breeds you never know what you are going to get in terms of temperament.

Therefore, it is not the Bully Style dogs as you claim, that are giving the dogs a bad rap.

So explain the 2 85-90 lb blue dogs that killed the Fabish kid. Or the 130 lb rednosed "pit bull that killed a 3-yr-old girl. B/c those dogs sure as hell aren't APBTs.

And if you want to go into what is causing BSL, I'd be more than happy to start a new thread. But to make it short and swee, "pit bull" owners breeding numerous litters of completely out-of-standard dogs and selling to the first person to give them cash (or credit card number) and those who think dog parks and just running loose in the front yard are ok are the ones responsible for BSL.

How many people would love to argue with what you are doing (owning "killer" pitbulls)? Is is not enough that we have to fight BSL and those with uninformed prejudices, that we have to fight among ourselves?

Who do you think is responsible for BSL?! "Pit Bull" owners are 100% responsible for nationwide BSL. Sure the media and general public have begun a "kill them all' campaign, but that's only because ignorant, foolish, and downright greedy and stupid "pit bull' owners have given them reason to do so.

So I most definitely fight against those "pit bull" owners who are sending the law to MY door looking to kill MY dogs.

Your dogs are beautiful, and I wish you and them the best.
My replies in red.


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
Some American Pit Bull Terriers (mine):

Akecheta - daughter of Ratliff's Butkus - 50 lbs chain weight

Shea - Jeep - 36 lbs chain weight



New Member
Oct 22, 2006
Rex - Jeep - tall & leggy at 53 lbs

Shaker - OFRN (Hemphill/Wilder) - the largest in the upper 50's chain weight


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