If you feel immune from BSL - List of 75 banned or restricted breeds


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
New Zealand
Oh my gosh! That list is crazy! Banned breeds, I know heaps of those breeds, and own one myself. Thats horrible. It actually is crazy, they're trying to make all dogs extinct or something.
If that happened here (in NZ) all dogs would be affected! The sad thing is that whoever lives there will be affected, with there dog or another dog they know well being on the list.
And its sad to note who is making the list. The non-dog owners, who don't know anything about them in the first place.
Nov 10, 2007
Sunny California baby!
I think I have only been bitten three times. The first time it was by a Cavaleir spaniel that got out. He was walking towards me and I reached out to pet him, he jumped up and tore right through my upper lip (Mind you I was only four) The second time, I was walking into my friends apartment and his Chiuahua attacked my leg. The third time It was a Dachshund who bit me... and I dont think any of these dogs are on the list. Each time was NOT my fault. I know many pits and dogs that ARE on the list. My aunt breeds and shows Pit Bull Terriers and they are the sweetest, well behaved dogs I have ever met! So it just depends on the dog I guess
Nov 15, 2006
Totally agree. In the UK by FAR the most common dog bite (especially on kids) is the Border Collie. If we banned them, the farming industry would die, and it might be worth noting that it was the Border Collie which created the massive Agricultural Revolution in the UK which arguably led to this country's massive financial boom for many many years afterwards and including today.
We have a lot of BSL here, and an even greater amount of plain old fashion B.S. :)
Give a small man power and he will show you how small he is, give a silly fool silly powers, and he will make silly laws :) :) :)
Nov 15, 2006
I have been catching up on these posts about banned breeds. Who is making this list and in which country. Here in the United Kingdom there are only four breeds on the dangerous dogs list and Pit Bull Type dogs are aslo banned. Does this list apply to the USA only.

Owner of Doberman and very worried....
Oct 26, 2006
High Ridge, MO
It says in the OP that its the US. I wouldn't feel safe in the UK, though. A lot of articles I've read coming from over there like the term "devil dogs," and use it to apply to a lot more breeds than just the few that have been banned since 1990.
Oct 26, 2006
High Ridge, MO
It depends on the locale, but that's pretty much the jist of it. Sometimes they'll take your dog and give you a chance to find it a home outside the area. Or sometimes they'll just kill it and stick you with a fat fine.


After PMing Renee, she said that I should post on here about my issue with the original post. The original list has no credibility. I've emailed the RDOWS group asking them for their sources and will update if I do get a response from them.

Several of the breeds on the list do not exist.
There are misspellings of many of the breeds on the list.
Some breeds are listed twice under different names.
Lastly, as many of you have commented: "How on earth can X be on that list??" and you'd be correct to doubt that many of those breeds have never been on any kind of restricted list.

This list is essentially a chain letter that was thrown all over the internet with the hope that people would believe it. I'm sure that the ACTUAL list of restricted breeds is probably of substantial length as well, so why not find some sources, do some research, and use that to get the point across instead?

If you wish to fight BSL, you should do so with education and facts. Many people know how I feel about certain breeds, but that doesn't mean someone like me isn't open to listening to the right arguments. Facts demonstrating BSL failing in areas or discussing the expense of enforcing such a thing would be a step in the right direction. Not everyone who supports BSL is an uneducated idiot. BSL doesn't mean that the government is going to go kill all pit bulls. In some places, BSL might mean that a breeding permit is required. I'd support that kind of BSL being spread to ALL breeds in the long run!

It isn't just BSL opposers who do it either. BSL supporters are full of lies and untruths about breeds as well. They claim that these dogs are vicious killers of humans who will attack children and are bloodthirsty demon animals. They need to examine their facts just as much as those who are opposing it.

Both sides need to stop spreading lies and myths and focus on the facts. Yes, many Americans (or people in general in other areas) are like sheep and will just flat out believe everything that anyone tells them. But that doesn't make it okay. Both sides really begin to sound like corrupt politicians to me.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
Do tell, then, which of those breeds don't exist? What is your proof for saying those breeds don't exist?

BSL is a very real threat to all dog owners. Right now it's easy to be nonchalant about it, because you fear and dislike ABPT's and any other dog with DA-tendencies. It's really easy to support something that doesn't affect you. BSL is very much about "backdoor legislation"...it might not swoop in with the proclaimation of "WE'RE HERE TO KILL YOUR DOG", but they will chip away, bit by seemingly innocent bit, at your rights as a dog owner. First they'll limit the number of animals you can own. Then the types. Then when and how you can have them out in public. Then they'll go after the breeders. Then the rescuers. Before you know it, this particular pot is at a roiling boil and no one can point out exactly when we lost control of the situation.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2008
Kela, a question for you.

You have a standard poodle and a chihuahua correct?

How would you feel if you were told that if either of your dogs were out in a public place they would need to not only abide by the leash laws but be muzzled as well because they were a threat to the safety of others?

How would you feel if you tried renting with your dogs and you were told down because you were told "your dogs are dangerous and too much of a risk"?

You see Zoom is 100% correct. It is easy to be nonchalant about the very real threat of BSL when you do not have one of the breeds targeted.

Its easy to turn a blind eye when it seems like something does not affect you.

The truth of the matter is BSL affects ALL dog owners. No breed is immune and just because your breeds are not on the "list" today does not mean they never will be.


Do tell, then, which of those breeds don't exist? What is your proof for saying those breeds don't exist?
Find me a picture of a Kotezbue Husky, an Arikara Dog, or an American Husky for that matter. Tell me the difference between a Blue Heeler and an Australian Cattle Dog. What is an Eskimo Dog? Couldn't they have taken the time to spell Boerboel or Great Pyrenees correctly? American Wolfdog, Timber Shepherd, and Tundra Shepherd I'm pretty sure are all the same animal although "Wolfdog" isn't exactly a "Breed".

And that isn't even all of the inaccuracies of the list. For something to be official, words should be spelled correctly and sources should be cited.

BSL isn't even the issue here, the issue is that the original post contains false information and has no sources to back it up. It is merely some internet hype that got spread around like a chain email.


Let me phrase it this way. Lets pretend you are a politician running for office. Your opponent goes and tells the world (falsely) that you are a child abuser. Is your response:

a) He kills babies! (which is also false)
b) Focus on the actual campaign and the facts at hand.

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