Just reading and giving me your reaction and whatever feedback you feel like -- anything from as simple as "well, that's X amount of my life I'll never get back" to "on page 47, paragraph 5, you should have a comma." Some people want to go over things with a fine tooth comb, but I'm not looking for it. That's too much like work and what I'm really interested in is how it reads, does anything stall your reading and make you go back and think WTF or "is this part EVAR going to end." Just whatever reaction you have.
I'm interested in 50 readers' reactions, not because it's anything like 50, but a) I know you're not going to have a meltdown over fairly graphic sex, and b) reactions from people who read it and liked it are pertinent because they're part of my audience on this one, although it wanders into suspense/modern fantasy/other weird, undefinable genres.
Hell, I may have created a new niche genre, lol. It doesn't really fit into any traditional one.