I love... (part II)


*Finding My Inner Fila*
Dec 26, 2005
this is part II of my originial "I love" post found here. While these may not be as sentimental, they ring true in my heart and I thought Chazhound could use a dose of love again. ;)

I love...

...that at nearly a year old Buddy continues to battle things with an intense fire inside of him- a desire to live

...that Buddy has grown and matured into such a handsome fella despite the illnesses and compromised immune system

...that I can look into these eyes and feel whole

...that Buddy has turned into a lovely older brother, showing the ropes, the ways. Putting up with a younger puppy, being gentle when given the command.

...that Buddy is capable of such love that he was able to open his home and heart to another four legged friend with only minor squabbles. :D

...that Buddy is night from Banzai's day, how unique they each are

...that Banzai is the biggest love bug this side of the pond. Oh, how he loves attention and to give kisses!

...that Banzai is such a sweet, gentle boy after being put in home after home, after being rejected...I hope he realizes he is in his forever home.

...that I have opened my heart, yet again, to another furry four legged friend

...how I wonder what in the world I did before I had these boys in my life.. how did my life ever feel complete? was I ever capable of so much love?

...that God made the reverse of his name (sorry, I stole the phrase, Grammy ;)) what would this world be like without our furbabies? I don't even really want to know... just be thankful is all.


Scum scum scum scum..SCUM
Jul 4, 2006
Newfoundland, Canada
I love..

Squids mannerisms.. his attitude... His joy for life.. and happiness to lick my face each morning..

Squids belief that he can protect me from the world and a half.. :)

Squids stubborness.. though it's easier to hate it.. he's just SO good at it.. :p

Squids love to cuddle.. on my lap at the computer.. and when we sleep.. and how he just loves to sit on my lap while we both look out the window at people passing by..

I love..

Tiki's love for camping as much as mine..

Her ability to always make me feel better no matter what.. :)

Her patience with the Squid.. heehee

Her obedience and her ability to catch on to things so fast!

Her intelligence..

Her kisses.. she gives them very rarely.. but when she does they mean SO much!


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Awww this is sooo sweet *sniffle*.

I love everything about Casey.

I love the fact that she greets me with her 'smile' everytime we meet after being parted.

I love the fact that when we go for a walk in huge groups she will wander off to the front but will constantly come back and ask me how I'm doing.

I love how I get to wake up and see her face every single morning.

I love how she will press her head into my chest and I will tickle behind her ears and we will stay like that for ages.

I love walking in the woods with Casey, just me and her enjoying ourselfs.

I love the fact that I have complete trust in her, I know she will protect me whenever I need it and she knows I will protect her.

I love how we can lie together on the floor for absolutely ages just listening to each others heartbeat and breathing and it only feel like a few seconds has passed.

I love how she sometimes sits on my knee in my chair and we have a cuddle.

I love to see her happy face when she is enjoying herself.

I love the fact that she is there for me whenever I need her.

I love playing hide and seek with her too, I always end up laughing and she charges up to me sooooo excitedly.

I love our little games we play, one time we played with a bit of wool for half an our.

I love playing the game where we are walking to a different room and I send Casey infront of me and dive into loads of hiding places, this game can last for ages with me hiding everywhere when she walks infront of me. She gets sooo excited and then gets ahead of me and walks infront whilst looking behind because she knows what I'm gonna do.

I love how she knows a whole variety of little sentences which I didn't even think she understood.

I love it when people give her attention as she loves it.

I love it when she gets to play with her 'best' dog friends.

I love how she falls asleep and when she wakes up she darts her head round the room just to check where I am.

I love spending all the time I have with her.

I love going on holiday with her.

I love the fact that she curls right up against me when I get cold when we go camping.

I love looking into her knowing eyes.

I love her little howl when she gets super excited.

But mostly I love the connection I have with her, I know she knows I love her more than anyone in this world and I know she loves me just as much.

Here are my additions to my first list:

I love how I feel safe when she sleeps with me in my bedroom.

I love she used to watch my hamster crawls about in his cage, with that adorable inquisitive look on her face. Her ears would be all pricked up but she would never try to harm in.

I also love how she used to kiss my old hamster Eryn and let him walk all over her.

I love how puzzled she gets when watching fish swimming.

I love how beautiful her personality is.

I love it when I'm lying on the floor and hide my head and call her to me. She starts smiling and knows that I'm playing with her, I keep calling her and she will snuffle her nose near my head and under my armpit trying to get to my face.

I love how strong and brave she is, she has taught me a lot.

I love how she has taught me the meaning of this quote:

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.'

I love that she is always there for me and how she will wait and watch over me when she passes.

I love how unique she is, there will never be another Casey.

I love how she gets excited when she sees she's getting an egg and how she will watch you break it and put it in her bowl.

I love how she does her 'puppy' excited gallop to her food bowl when she knows she's getting a special treat.

I love how she knows the phrase 'here you are then'. One minute she will be sound asleep and I say here you are then and she shoots up.

I love just quietly sitting with her and being with her.

I love everything about my heart dog :).


Water Junkie
Aug 1, 2006
Oh I did not know we were supost to do that.....yeah!!!

I Love about Lizzie...

She always comes up on my bed and wakes me up and gives me kisses.

Her obedience and high intelligence to learn things fast!

That I can look into her eyes and she look back at me and just see right into each other!

That She loves to walk with me on my walks and would walk anywhere with me!

She would protect me when I needed and at the same time comfort me when I need it!

And that she is my first dog and is the best dog I could have ask for!!!

She loves to play in the water and hopefully will like the beach when we go(I know she will)

I love everything about my head strong, playful, pup at heart border collie Lizzie!!!!


Are you dead yet?
Aug 1, 2004

I love Ripley's attitude. It causes some problems at times, but it's ultimately what makes him Ripley.

I love Dakota's peaceful personality. He doesn't seek conflict and isn't quick to react sternly to puppies. I've had both Lucy and Nika piling on top of him and he just moves away when he gets tired of it. All day, he will keep an eye on them for me.

I love Ripley's little sleepy moments, like when he crawls under the covers with me in the morning. It's such a change from the usual demon dog, and it's so sweet. :)

I love Dakota's devotion. No matter who his friends are or how busy he is, he never forgets about me. He can be socializing in a big crowd, getting fed, petted etc and still know exactly where I am.

I love when the boys can get along. It's rare, but when they can peacefully sleep on the same bed, I'm ecstatic.

I love that Ripley is more social now. People really enjoy him and he is learning to enjoy them.

I love that Dakota is very subtly protective. I trust him to protect me if the need ever arises, but he has never flown off the handle for something that wasn't a threat. I love that he can size people up and still be polite to them.

Lucy isn't mine (though she thinks so ;)) but I love her too. I love that she is so HAPPY to be alive. She loves everyone and everything, and every day she is just thrilled to be here. I love how she finds amusement in the littlest things; picking up an oddly shaped weed or blade of grass will send her into zoomies all over the park.

I love that I get to spend my time with all of them. :D They brighten up my life.


Who woulda thought
Jan 26, 2006
What can I say about my Chloe :D

I love that she knows how I feel and will do her best to please me no matter how I am feeling...

I love that even when she is getting attention from everyone else, if I get up to go somewhere even ifs it another room she is right by my side in a second

I love that she knows how to behave towards people in public :lol-sign:

I love that she taught Zyzy a few things when he was with me, and that she was a good big sister to him, and I am sure she will be again..

will add more later.......


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
I love this thread!:D
Millie. . .

I love how patient she is.

I love how she loves me more than anything.

I love how I always feel safe around her.

I love how happy we are to see eachother after parting.

I love how good I feel when we go off together on a walk.

I love how comforting it is to wake up and reach out and put my am around her.

I love the deep connection we have.

I love how dependent we are on eachother.

I love how soft her ears are.

I love how forgiving she is.

I love what a good big sister she is.

I love how deep and soulful her eyes are.

I love how her tail thumps when I am talking.

I love how she looks up at me through the tops of her eyes.

I love how she can tell when I am upset or I am not feeling well. . .and she never fails to make me feel better.

I love how I know she will protect me always.

I love the understanding we have when we look into eachother's eyes.

I love how much we have taught eachother through the years; especially what she has taught me.

I love her one beautiful white spotted paw.

I love how good she is and that she always listens to me.

I love how beautiful and feminine she is.

I love how connected I feel to her.

Lucy. . .

I love how much energy she has.

I love how happy and upbeat she is.

I love how very silly she acts.

I love how very silly she looks.

I love how she comforts me when I'm having a bad dream. . .and she's right there under the covers with me.

I love her silly bat ears.

I love how she makes me feel when I am stressed, worried, sad, angry. . .

I love those big beautiful eyes.

I love her expression and the way she looks at me.

I love how I am getting to know her more and more.

I love how I love her more every day.

I love how she wears a little kitty collar and the bell jungles when she runs.

I love her little underbite.

I love how her forehead wrinkles when she looks at me hopefully.

I love how I'm looking at her as I type this. . .and she's right at my feet.

I love how happy she is and how much she loves attention.

I love how special she is.

Gosh. . .I love that little face!!!


I love how there are an infinite amount of things that I love about my dogs!


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
ohhhh so much to say about yoshi:
i love how her little face looks
i love how happy she is all the time
i love how much she loves people
i love how i know she'll protect me if i ever need it
i love her little happy bark
i love how she jumps up and sleeps with me and we fight over the blankets and bedspace
i love watching her run
i love her happy jump
i love how she'll lick everyone all the time if she could but with me only has a few special licks at certain times when i need them
i love how she knows she's loved
i love how i can trust her around little kids and strangers
i love her nose
i love her ability to always hear when i call no matter how far off she's run
i love how i was so lucky for the first dog that was truely mine i got yoshi

i love how she trusts me *only trusts two or three others*
i love how sweet she is
i love her markings
i love how she'll run out in front of me to play
i love plaing the racing game where we run out to the fence and back and wh gets to the patio first wins
i love her big smile

Angel Chicken

Kona.. what can I say?

I love it when we have been gone for a bit, even if it is 5 minutes, she greets me as if I have been gone forever, pawing at my feet to get some pets.

I love it when she rolls on her back and starts wiggling like her back itches to get my attention.

I love how she looks at me when I say "Wanna treat?"

I love how she will play fetch endlessly

I love how she starts "huffing" when I scratch her belly.

I love everything about my Kona. I love her so much I can even try to put it into words. She is my best friend, my dog-daughter, my snuggle buddy. I don't even know how life would be without her. These past 10 months have been the best with her around.



Dec 16, 2004
I love that i learned what love is from the dogs that raised me.;)


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
I love this thread and now there are new people to share as well. I think it is worth bumping. :)


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Somewhere in the US!
I love That Bentley

....always has a smile on his adorable little face
....plays with Emma but knows when it's too rough and licks her face =)
....sleeps on his back beside me with his head on my shoulder
....gives me puppy kisses on the nose relentlessly
....gets the zooms and looks so carefree running through the grass
....trusts me with his life
....makes me smile when I'm sad or depressed
....teaches me to be patient and nuturing

I love how Emma

....has to lay in between my fiancee and I in bed
....raises her ears at me when I'm talking to her as if to say I hear you mom :)
....pounces on Bentley when she wants to play
....pretends to be sleeping so she can catch Bentley easier :)
....snuggles with me whenever I need her
....sleeps peacefully like a little angel
....barks like a little old man :)
....jumps up and kisses me by surprise attack haha :)
Mar 7, 2006
This is great!!


I love that he is always there for me!

I love how he won't go to bed unless I go too, just so he can always be with me!

I love that he trust me!

I love how he sleeps with his ear over his eyes to block out any light.

I love that even though he is a 60 pound dog, he still insist on laying on my lap.

I love knowing even though his eyes alway look sad, his tail always shows how happy he truly is!

I love how he gets the zoomies and knocks down almost everything in sight, but at 4 years, it still shows he's still a puppy at heart.

I love how he is so gentle with my daughter and shows her all the love a dog can give!

I love how he can love everyone and act as though they are long lost friends.


I love that he insist on sleeping on my pillow at night and snoring in my ear.

I love how he does the wiggle butt dance everytime I talk baby talk to him.

I love that he can make me laugh in some of my saddest moments.

I love when he sleeps his tounge hangs further and futher out, and I can judge how deep of a sleep he's in by how far his tounge is out.

I love how everytime I buy him a toy, he plays with it for hours like its the best gift in the world.

I love how he gives great big bully kisses everyday!

I love them both because they are my best friends! :)

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