I either need a drink..or the men in white coats!

Feb 20, 2008
Alderslea Ontario Canada
We got a phone call the other night that Bernie's sister needed emergency fostering after being returned to the rescue group for being... a puppy!! Apparently, she bites, chews, jumps, doesn't listen, and won't pee on the grass after being "housebroken" to the deck. We won't get into how Maggie May's managed to get there in the first place, but I can say is that they must have passed the home check with flying colours, because the rescue group are STRICT.

Anyways, Maggie May arrived today and all went as expected.. I am exhausted, Maggie WAS completely untrained, and Bernie still a goofy mugwump.

Fast forward to tonight.. brain is fried, must be time to walk TWO beagles, one completely unaware of how to walk on a leash, and one completely unaware of anything but his sister. Throw in one usually mellow, purr machine that lost the plot today, and tried to rip Maggie a new smile :(. Two 6 ft leashes, one darkish road, lotsa toads, worms, smells, and thankfully no curtain twitching neighbours! I thought walking Bernie at times was yo-yo like! Maggie apparently took Rocky's bashing of her earlier to heart, and decided that if that darn cat was going to follow us (as he always does from a safe distance from Bernie), SHE was gonna rip Rocky a new.. whatever!

I must say that at the end of this fostering, either Maggie is going to learn some manners.. or Maggie's gonna learn some manners LOL. She's emminantly trainable, smart as a whip, stubbbbbbbbbbborn as h$ll, and not quite the submissive miss I was thinking she might be after having Bernie. She's learned that I am boss, I give goodies, I go down the stairs first, I go up the stairs first, and that Rocky supercedes me! She's not had one accident in the house, goes to bed when she's tired, and is learning that hands near her are good things. I have to speak to the rescue group, and let them know that several of us believe she's been beaten. Definately doesn't really care for men, and hands near her face mean roll over, whine, and try and crawl away.

Ah well... she apparently has a new home coming up, and although I know they will triple check this place out, I do wish to a degree that she could stay, so I could work on her training. She's a smart whippersnapper!


Dec 16, 2004
Rock on...sounds like your trainin is right on target. Seeesh on people..do they think they are getting a puppy robot?

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