George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

Possible evidence that Martin initiated the physical fight (or threw the first punch which does not necessarily make it the start) is not the same as he left, got away, and then came back to assault him
Take a deep breath. I'm just being sassy.

That being said, I'm not talking about like... getting safely home and then driving back to kick someone's ass. I'm talking about like... ducking behind a tree and clotheslining him when he walks by. Which is unlikely in my case to actually be successful but in theory if that's what it comes down to, then that's what it comes down to. And I'm not going to worry too much about the legal nuances of it. *shrug*

Again from a legal stand point, if you had truly escaped the situation to where your pursuer had given up pursuit & was leaving, then it would no longer be self defense. This is why the defense needs to be allowed to bring up your "victim's" past. Because sometimes you just know someone is bad news, but you can't prove it based on the physical evidence.
Possible evidence that Martin initiated the physical fight (or threw the first punch which does not necessarily make it the start) is not the same as he left, got away, and then came back to assault him

Actually based on the place Z claimed to lose sight of him and where M's girlfriend said M said he was & where he was actually shot, M would have had to backtrack. But again that is all hearsay and not actual proof one way or the other. There is even a map on line that shows their respective routes based on ALL witness statements.
As to the fight injuries, anyone who has been in many fights will tell you that 99 times out of 100, the guy that throws the first punch WILL throw the last punch. My own misspent youth (which included some bouncing at clubs & frat parties) has taught me to always try to throw the first punch, the last punch & get gone before the cops show up.
What is really sad is all the violence that has come out of this mess. I just saw on Facebook that two teens were murdered in a restaurant parking lot just because they had a "free Zimmerman " sticker on their bumper :(.

Another incident involved a grandmother who was just trying to get her sick hrs daughter to the hospital ... I will be so glad when this dies down.
Do you have news sources on the murder.

I have seen the Houston thing and while, yeah, not cool to block the highway, some reports are saying she was "beat" when all the video shows is a guy reaching in (NOT that that is ok either)

Most "news" on these are forums and fanatical pages that seem to be twisting things

(I also want to know what she was yelling as she was hanging out the window...again, NOT that it excuses the behavior but just thinking this story is probably more than meets the eye)
The link I read of from was from a news site (not that they're any better) but if said she was leaning it the window asking them to let her by because her grand daughter was in the back seat having some kind of allergic reaction to something she ate I believe.

The murder of the two boys no one really knows much of it only it was in the back of a Golden Corral I think they were approached by a group of black men, police are calling it an "armed robbery" but won't say anything more about the case I guess for fear of inciting more violence.
I'm sad to say br I agree ... One less "felon in the making" in the world clogging up the jails if you ask me. I mean the little **** had been suspended from school for truancy & defiling school property, plus he had all ready stolen before.

I don't know about FL but here 17 makes you an adult in the eyes of the law. I was under the assumption that FL had strong castle laws, but I guess even they don't matter when the towns police department is in the pocket of the victims family.

Our ranch is so remote that if I did see anyone prowling around I would automatically assume the worst & act accordingly. What Lso sucks is if Zimmerman were a woman, or a minority, none of this would have happened.

I haven't even read through this post yet, but I just had to comment- how does truancy, vandalism and petty theft = "felon in the making"? I did much worse than that when I was younger- and I am certainly not a "felon". YOUR post sounds racially fueled, just saying.

COONS is NOT a racial slur!!! I think he was using it in reference to all the break ins they had! It's a common slang uses for someone who steals!

Your just making it about race!

Are you serious? Wow. WOW, is all. WOW.
I haven't even read through this post yet, but I just had to comment- how does truancy, vandalism and petty theft = "felon in the making"? I did much worse than that when I was younger- and I am certainly not a "felon". YOUR post sounds racially fueled, just saying.

Are you serious? Wow. WOW, is all. WOW.

BC....after you are done reading the thread, you will see the above has been addressed by plenty.
BC....after you are done reading the thread, you will see the above has been addressed by plenty.

Yeah, I saw that. Doesn't make me any less angry about it, or any less motivated to comment :P

I think that the jury followed the law- which is what they were supposed to do. However, I have some serious issues with the legal system- and I think the system failed TM and his parents.

I am seriously freaked out by some of the gun-happy comments in this thread. I am all for gun rights, but I am really concerned about the mindset of some of the more "hardcore" gun enthusiasts- which is "kill first, ask questions later"- Shooting someone has to be a LAST RESORT, not a first instinct.
I am seriously freaked out by some of the gun-happy comments in this thread. I am all for gun rights, but I am really concerned about the mindset of some of the more "hardcore" gun enthusiasts- which is "kill first, ask questions later"- Shooting someone has to be a LAST RESORT, not a first instinct.

Ive read this entire thread. I dont recall anybody saying "kill first, ask questions later".

This trial was political prosecution, nothing less. It was not about justice under the law.
I am seriously freaked out by some of the gun-happy comments in this thread. I am all for gun rights, but I am really concerned about the mindset of some of the more "hardcore" gun enthusiasts- which is "kill first, ask questions later"- Shooting someone has to be a LAST RESORT, not a first instinct.

From the testimony I heard, it WAS a last resort. If someone has you on the ground and is pounding your head into the concrete, ignoring your screams, with no one coming to your rescue, are you telling me you wouldn't try to make him stop by any means possible, including a gun if you had it in your possession?

The fact that this is becoming a federal witch hunt disgusts me.
From the testimony I heard, it WAS a last resort. If someone has you on the ground and is pounding your head into the concrete, ignoring your screams, with no one coming to your rescue, are you telling me you wouldn't try to make him stop by any means possible, including a gun if you had it in your possession?

The fact that this is becoming a federal witch hunt disgusts me.

I have to say I'm inclined to agree with you snark, on all counts.

The fact that GZ's face and head were bashed up but good, and TM's only injuries were a gun shot wound and bloody knuckles, well that's pretty good supporting evidence to go along with testimony.
BC....after you are done reading the thread, you will see the above has been addressed by plenty.

Yes I didn't mean it to sound racially fueled ... I really didn't mean it that way ... That's not what I was feeling when I wrote it, my feelings were more along the lines of "I dislike punk teenagers" fueled (which I am not sure is any better :P).

My deal was other people (mostly on FB ) are making it about race ... When I don't believe the original incident was about race. Lets pretend for a moment, What if Zimmerman had been a woman & the scenario had played out exactly the same? Would people's views towards the shooter have been any different?
My deal was other people (mostly on FB ) are making it about race ... When I don't believe the original incident was about race. Lets pretend for a moment, What if Zimmerman had been a woman & the scenario had played out exactly the same? Would people's views towards the shooter have been any different?

Thats already been addressed in this thread, we already talked about it.
This really bothers me as well. He was found no guilty by a jury of his peers, the Martins can and probably will file a civil case. The Feds should not swoop in to make political hay out of the case.

Yea, the feds sticking their noses in it at this point is not cool. The criminal legal process is done, let it be done whether people like the verdict or not.
OMG the comments.

Yeah, I had to stop reading them...they prove my exact point though

I posted this link on my FB page with this

While I actually agree with the legal reasons of Zimmerman's "Not Guilty" (meaning they can not prove self defense was not the reason for the shot beyond a reasonable doubt), morally he is definitely guilty in my book. I hear people not understanding why this story is so big...well, for me its because its a symbol of a national tragedy that continues to persist. Its very real, very scary, and very misunderstood by all these "Oh but racism is over" people

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