George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

Yeah, I had to stop reading them...they prove my exact point though

I posted this link on my FB page with this

The problem with that is Zimmerman is (genetically) at least as black as the POTUS. So technically it's black on black violence. How is that the white man's fault?
The problem with that is Zimmerman is (genetically) at least as black as the POTUS. So technically it's black on black violence. How is that the white man's fault?

Hold on now. Zimmerman may have some black roots in his family down the line, but just like many white Americans who also have black roots but look no different from any other white American, that does not make them black or even identify with black people. Obama's mother is white and his father is black and when people look at him, they see a black man. Obama considers himself a black man of mixed ancestry because he has obviously taken more from his father side appearance wise. His experience as a black man in America would be no different from any other black male. Obviously, if you go by the old rule that anyone who has any black in them is black, Zimmerman would be black, but that rule is utterly ridiculous and was created for a reason that is no longer used today. Zimmerman is considered a "white" Hispanic probably because his father is white. I'm not exactly sure how their identification goes.
Hold on now. Zimmerman may have some black roots in his family down the line, but just like many white Americans who also have black roots but look no different from any other white American, that does not make them black or even identify with black people. Obama's mother is white and his father is black and when people look at him, they see a black man. Obama considers himself a black man of mixed ancestry because he has obviously taken more from his father side appearance wise. His experience as a black man in America would be no different from any other black male. Obviously, if you go by the old rule that anyone who has any black in them is black, Zimmerman would be black, but that rule is utterly ridiculous and was created for a reason that is no longer used today. Zimmerman is considered a "white" Hispanic probably because his father is white. I'm not exactly sure how their identification goes.
no, Obamas father is a mix of Arab and black. While Zimmerman's mom is a mix of black and native South American from an Hispanic culture. Since their percentages are about the same if Zimmerman is white so is Obama, but if Obama is black so is Zimmerman. And they are both about the same shade of light brown. The only significant difference is that Zimmerman's features express more native South American while Obamas express more African & Arab.
Regardless of whether Zimmerman or Obama are black, NEITHER would be considered white by anyone except race baiting lefties.
Just to make things more convoluted, until the 90's ALL Hispanics were considered white no matter how dark skinned or native their features.
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no, Obamas father is a mix of Arab and black. While Zimmerman's mom is a mix of black and native South American from an Hispanic culture. Since their percentages are about the same if Zimmerman is white so is Obama, but if Obama is black so is Zimmerman. And they are both about the same shade of light brown. The only significant difference is that Zimmerman's features express more native South American while Obamas express more African & Arab.

not at all the case, sorry.

Racial profiling isnt about what ones actual ancestory is...but what people make snap judgements on, their looks. I can promise you, the vast majority would classify Obama as black if they didnt know his parents. The same would not be for Zimmerman.

Regardless, Zimmerman's ethnicity really isnt what I was talking about...Martin's was.

Oh and how is it "the White man's fault"....the article talking about the ridiculous bias in applying the same laws? That is society's fault which, at this time, is whitecentric.
IMO, many of our society's issues stem to both a total lack of respect for others ("As long as I can repress MY opinion who cares how it effects other people--it's MY right!!"), and a very "us vs. them" climate. The more divided we are on race, religion, political affiliations, etc, the more suseptable we are as a country to fear mongering and the weaker we are as a people. I understand that the first step to fixing this issue is acknowledging it, but the more divided we are the slower this issue will be to get fixed. This sort of thing will be our downfall as a nation if we are not careful...
no, Obamas father is a mix of Arab and black. While Zimmerman's mom is a mix of black and native South American from an Hispanic culture. Since their percentages are about the same if Zimmerman is white so is Obama, but if Obama is black so is Zimmerman. And they are both about the same shade of light brown. The only significant difference is that Zimmerman's features express more native South American while Obamas express more African & Arab.
Regardless of whether Zimmerman or Obama are black, NEITHER would be considered white by anyone except race baiting lefties.
Just to make things more convoluted, until the 90's ALL Hispanics were considered white no matter how dark skinned or native their features.

Um, no his father is not a mix of arab and black. His father is from the Luo tribe which is a fully African tribe. There are African tribes who have mixed with Arabs and the Luo is not one of them.
not at all the case, sorry.

Racial profiling isnt about what ones actual ancestory is...but what people make snap judgements on, their looks. I can promise you, the vast majority would classify Obama as black if they didnt know his parents. The same would not be for Zimmerman.

You only have to look at Tiger Woods to see how people do this.

Many folks look at him and think of him as a black man. I remember an interview where he expressed how upset it made him, as he's only 1/4 of African descent, and the rest is native American, Chinese, Thai, and Dutch. He's actually twice as much Asian as African. :dunno:

Or these fraternal twin baby girls out of mixed parents. The general public is not going to perceive them as the same race, even though they're twins.
Or these fraternal twin baby girls out of mixed parents. The general public is not going to perceive them as the same race, even though they're twins.
Oh my days, the confusion and awkward questions that will result :rofl1:
yep, my children are friends with two biracial brothers. One is dark with dark eyes, curly hair, etc. The other is light blond hair, blue eyes, etc. They are the exact same ethnicity of course....want to take bets they are treated the same in stores, public, etc when they are older? It already happens a bit and of course, most assume the darker one is adopted.
not at all the case, sorry.

Racial profiling isnt about what ones actual ancestory is...but what people make snap judgements on, their looks. I can promise you, the vast majority would classify Obama as black if they didnt know his parents. The same would not be for Zimmerman.

Regardless, Zimmerman's ethnicity really isnt what I was talking about...Martin's was.

Oh and how is it "the White man's fault"....the article talking about the ridiculous bias in applying the same laws? That is society's fault which, at this time, is whitecentric.

You're right people meeting Zimmerman wouldn't think he was black, but they also sure as hell would not think he was white.
As for those laws, how many of those black offenders were prosecuted by black attorneys & judged by black juries? That's the problem with statistics, they only give a partial view of a larger whole. What they didn't want to tell you in those statistics is that all or predominantly black juries are more likely to find blacks guilty of more serious crimes & less likely to find guilty of lesser crimes when it is an option. Also that black prosecutors are more likely to charge black defendants with more serious crimes & less likely to plea bargain. But that's all the white man's fault too.
Our society is not white centric, if it were there'd be no blackish POTUS, no black governors, no Janet Jackson Super Bowl show, no fresh prince of bel air, no black history month, no natin of islam, no eminem, no Native American place names, no Latino place names, no black irish or black dutch, no rock music, no blues, no Taco Bell, no interracial marriage, & no peanut butter, no Toyota, no Lexus & no Kawasaki and no one would know the story of Aladdin. We would all listen to hillbilly music, eat goose for Christmas, speak English, love fox hunting, have our under wear inside our pants, Saab would still be in business, Triumph & BMW would be the biggest selling import bikes, Charlie Pride would be the greatest black entertainer EVER. The reality is that our society is FAR MORE INCLUSIVE than we think.
Um, no his father is not a mix of arab and black. His father is from the Luo tribe which is a fully African tribe. There are African tribes who have mixed with Arabs and the Luo is not one of them.

I sit corrected. Doesn't change the fact that both are half white, neither looks white yet many people try to call Zimmerman white while calling Obama black.
Personally, I'm beginning to resent being referred to as "white". I'm Danish and Cherokee, with a touch of Scottish (mixed on the Danish side). Yet, to everyone, I'm just "white". Hmph.
Our society is not white centric...


Oh, white privilege. (And male privilege, for that matter.) So insidious...

""Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem to you personally."

This thread is going to make my head explode.

Oh, white privilege. (And male privilege, for that matter.) So insidious...

""Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem to you personally."

This thread is going to make my head explode.

*Nodding head emphatically*
Personally, I'm beginning to resent being referred to as "white". I'm Danish and Cherokee, with a touch of Scottish (mixed on the Danish side). Yet, to everyone, I'm just "white". Hmph.

Me also, my grandmother on my mothers side is full Cherokee, my father is polish / Irish. I got my hair texture & skin color from his side of the family so I "look" white & since I "look" white I have to check the "white" box on anything I fill out.

I am also starting to be kind of "meh" about being called "white" when "technically" I am "Caucasian" :lol-sign:
There was an elderly couple that lived next door to me in Tucson. The husband was from Puerto Rico. His wife was of northern European descent and from Minnesota.

She referred to herself as "Anglo". She said to her that it meant someone who grew up in an English speaking place. Her husband was Hispanic, and their kids each had an Anglo name and a Hispanic name.

And, I really liked the way she acknowledged it. She recognized where they came from without it having anything to with white or black or brown or whatever.

ETA: DD, you don't have to check any box based on what you look like. Those boxes are more for self identification, so if you self identify as part native or Asian or whatever, you're free to check it. I know a lot of folks who are registered members of tribes that are blond haired and blue eyed, and you know, it doesn't matter. My kids are over half native and they look like it, but they aren't registered anywhere. Doesn't make them any more or less than folks who don't look it and can also trace their ancestry.

My sister is a pasty white redhead, and her daughter is blond and blue eyed. We still have the same Blackfoot grandpa.

Oh, white privilege. (And male privilege, for that matter.) So insidious...

""Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem to you personally."

This thread is going to make my head explode.
The solar system is heliocentric meaning the sun is the center of the solar system & everything revolves around it. OTH if a society is heliocentric, they are focused on the sun. it is the inspiration for their art, music, literature & even religion.
American society isn't focused on any one thing. In fact it's kind of schizophrenic. Our academic community is pretty Eurocentric, especially regarding history. Our music is Afro/black centric in that only two common forms of music are free of black influence or origin (I always found it ironic that skinhead bands' musical influences were only two or three generations removed from black music). Our language "evolution" is driven almost exclusively by black culture. Our diets are more Native American & Asian than traditional European. Our social conscience is black centric to the detriment of other ethnic & racial. So much so that they are unrealistically over represented in TV & movies. Even worse many white people were totally willing to throw a Latino man under the bus as a sacrifice to "white guilt," because they are more worried about the perceptions of the black community than about truth & law.
OTH When we were a white centric society, we slaughtered millions of red & brown people to make room for white people to live, we exploited brown & black people enrich white people & white people were given a pass if they murdered red, brown or black people.
Now if you really WANT to see our society as white centric, you can. but you have to tke a narrow view to do that.
The movies today are much more multicultural than in the past( though I really disagree with blacks being overrepresented. We are FAR from overrepresented with most of the movies a black actor/actress is in we are almost always a side character. It is even worst for black female actresses). Our music is much more diverse. Our diets consist of dishes from many places around the world. If a foreigner was to look at our movies/tv, our diverse music, and food I bet they would come out believing that the United States has no prejudices and everyone has the same opportunity to succeed as any other. There are many people in America who feel that the United States has became a place where discrimination is rare and everyone has the same opportunity.

Then, when case like Trayvon Martin comes up that stirs many angry feelings from the black community, people are gobsmack.

The United States has progressed so much, you rarely hear on the news someone being treated unfairly due to their race so obviously it doesn't happen so much anymore. Why do blacks constantly make everything about race when the United States has supposedly progress so much? There can only be a few explanations for this. One being that black people are so used to being victims that whenever something like this come up, we jump at the chance to scream foul and cry about the system is always against us. Or two, black people still experience much racial discrimination and profiling today that whenever there is a case about potential racial profiling, it causes extreme anger to spread among the community who still deals with it day to day. Me, I choose the second option.

Someone asks, well, if there is still much discrimination and profiling going on today, why don't I hear about it? Why isn't it all over the news everyday? Well, for one, if some one is very prejudice or racist, they aren't going to up and confessed it. Openly being a racist or discriminating against someone could lead to the person being socially ostracized, and if you own a business, that business taking a huge financial hit. Back in the pre-60s days, if a person didn't want you, for example, in their store because of your race, they will tell it to your face and kick you out of the store. Nowadays, people wont say it out loud, but they will still let you know through actions that they don't want you in their store. For example, a friend of mine, a black male, recently went into a guitar store to look for some drum sticks. The whole time he was there, the owner of the store would not remove his eyes off of him, glaring at him as he look around. After awhile of this, my friend decided he would never buy from such a store and ended up leaving. There are neighborhoods where black people will be followed or openly question why they are there in the first place. Police will be called, or the police will take it upon themselves to investigate what you are doing. In the work place, something goes missing and the black person will be the first one to blame.

Some people see black people crying racism over every little thing, but really people don't realize when such things do occur in day to day life, we don't jump to make it publicized, call the news stations, or sue. We grumble about it, probably tell our friends and family, or keep it to ourselves until it comes up in conversation. Me and my male friend of mine were in a guitar store when he told me about his experience at that other one. I wouldn't have known about it if we hadn't have gone into the store. And it is not like he filed a complaint on the store. Most of the time, we just let it go. There is little you can do anyways when it comes to situations like that. It is not like they are going to confess to it. The main reason you don't see it in the news everyday is because we rarely report it. When you do hear about it, more likely than not, Al Sharpton has something to do about it, but he see it as his jobs to make such things public.

Since no one is complaining about it in the news everyday, people see that as meaning that it doesn't happen anymore or that it happens rarely. Those with black friends or acquaintances will hear about it though. Hell, white parents who adopted black children will tell you all about it. Many white parents who adopt black kids tend to live in all white neighborhoods so they get the full blunt of it.

Here in Alabama most of the schools are still pretty segregated. There are black schools and there are white schools. I've talk to a friend of mine who went to an all white school where he was the only black kid there and his experience was pretty miserable where some kids would call him a racial slur many times during the week, and the teachers did nothing about it. He graduated in 2004 so it is not like it was far back. After the 2012 elections, my brother heard from a bunch of his black college friends who were celebrating outside, people were passing by in their cars shouting the n-word. I have heard from many blacks who felt that after Obama was elected, race relations has actually gotten worst because people blame black people for the elections and treat them more coldly.

In terms of the work place, people do not have an equal opportunity. Even if a black person does have the qualifications for the job, they might not be hired just because they are black. Another thing I hear all the time is experiencing the employers shock when he discovers the person whom had all the qualifications he was looking for is black. The interview goes by fast or is very awkward, and then the employer never calls you back, despite his interest beforehand. There was a study done in multicultural New York City that found that white convicts had a better chance of getting a job than a black person WITHOUT a record. Is that what you call equal opportunity for all?

So is the United States more inclusive than in the past? Yes. Does it still have a long way to go? Yes, very much so.
There was an elderly couple that lived next door to me in Tucson. The husband was from Puerto Rico. His wife was of northern European descent and from Minnesota.

She referred to herself as "Anglo". She said to her that it meant someone who grew up in an English speaking place. Her husband was Hispanic, and their kids each had an Anglo name and a Hispanic name.

And, I really liked the way she acknowledged it. She recognized where they came from without it having anything to with white or black or brown or whatever.

ETA: DD, you don't have to check any box based on what you look like. Those boxes are more for self identification, so if you self identify as part native or Asian or whatever, you're free to check it. I know a lot of folks who are registered members of tribes that are blond haired and blue eyed, and you know, it doesn't matter. My kids are over half native and they look like it, but they aren't registered anywhere. Doesn't make them any more or less than folks who don't look it and can also trace their ancestry.

My sister is a pasty white redhead, and her daughter is blond and blue eyed. We still have the same Blackfoot grandpa.

Ah, I stand corrected then, I was under the assumption that box was for the employer / whatever & that I would be questioned if I checked Native American Indian lol, I guess I could check both since they both apply :)
Now if you really WANT to see our society as white centric, you can. but you have to tke a narrow view to do that.

Well I know as a white woman I can do things like walk down the street without people clutching their purses, crossing to the other side, or avoiding eye contact with me. Nobody follows or hovers over me in a store. In fact, as long as I act like I'm entitled to be somewhere I can go just about anywhere I dang well please and get away with just about any sorta suspicious thing short of overt criminal behavior without anyone questioning me the vast, vast majority of the time. And if I am questioned, people listen to my explanation/excuse.

What's completely narrow-viewed is denying that white privilege exists. Different individuals may be affected to varying degrees, but I can walk through my neighborhood looking as if I'm looking in people's houses (which I often do because I like to look at different styles of houses when I walk) or cutting through an alley or yard without someone calling the cops on me or following me around. Any one of us who have grown up with that privilege, if we had to live without it for a single day, would probably be singing a different tune.

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