Foods containing euthanasia drug

what do u guys feel are good foods for pets? I heard innova and caniddae are, what do u think?
I just started adding in Canidae als to my dogs diets to wean them off of craptastic Iams and it seems to be very good stuff, but I've never tried Innova :)
lol I'm about to try one of those two. I just found stores near me that sell them so I'll try to ween my dog out of Pedigree
Pro Plan

Here is what happened to me recently.I got my brittany at 4.5 years of age about 5 years ago because I wanted a dog I could take hunting immediately so I found wheezie.The guy I bought him from was feeding him Iams so I continued with that until 1.5 years ago when I went to the breeder where wheezie came from to get another brittany to take wheezie's hunting duties over when he retires and she recommends I change to a premium food and gave me a verbal list of what she thought would be good so I chose PRO PLAN by Purina.Everything seemed fine until 6 months went by and wheezie started losing energy and his stomach hurt to the touch,his hips were bothering him and I thought something terrible was happening to him(cancer I thought)I went to the store to buy more pro plan but they were out so I bought a bag of Eukanuba premium performance and watched as wheezie slowly recovered from all of his health problems!!He is running around like he did at 5 again,Today he jumped up on the tailgate of my truck at 10.5 years old!I think that pro plan would have killed him if I kept feeding it.
Wheezie is a male and got his name because he had some fluid in his lungs at birth so he was wheezing for a few days after!poor guy had a rough start to life and pro plan about finished him off.
We too feed Kaycee & Fritzi a food from Costco...However we do not feed the Kirkland one we feed the Teal bag that is "Nutra Nuggets" It is a premium food at a reasonable price I feel. It was not on any of the tests! Have a 13 yr old shepherd that has been on it since she was 2 and no problems with her. Kaycee is 7 w/allergies and been on it from when he turned a year. Mom has a 12 year old Newfoundland with dozens of alergies and no trouble! My other dogs are on Eukanuba Premium performance and Iams puppy. I live 3 hours from a Costco so I buy a lot at 1 time so I really don't want to feed it to all 6 and have to worry bout keeping it stocked! lol

Wow, 13 yr old German Shepherd, very impressive...I hope that I have that to look forward to also!
Making your own food is always the best. But I know that some people are just too busy to do this. I cook my dog food in batches and freeze them. He loves it more than any dry or can food available and hasn't had a sick day in his 3 yr life.
Is there actually a list anywhere of dog food manufactures who have been found to use dodgy meat?

The dog food industry has peddled garbage that is no more than industrial waste for years. Toxic chemicals, carcinogens, bloof, undeveloped eggs, feathers and worse.

See what's really in many dog food brands at :
"by-products" "meat and bone meal"

I find it interesting that pet foods can contain diseased and euthanized animals--road kill from vets offices that have been ground up! These can be found under the ingredients listings "by-products" and "meat/bone meal". Who knew? I think the pet food recall made many of us more wary! I know it did me! I was detemined to find a food I could trust!
Before and After Innova Evo

My son has the twin of my dog, Sofia. A year ago I visited him and Athena and she was skeletally thin. I was shocked. Her sister (my dog and her twin) was healthy and happy eating Fromm Family Salmon a la Veg (stupid name for an excellent food) while Athena was, apparently, wasting away eating Pedigree.

I talked to my son and his girlfriend (now his wife) about dog foods and sent them some Fromm and some probiotics from Alaska when I got home. His wife got onto the internet and read some of the resources, talked to people and put Athena on Innova Evo.

Here are the before and after pictures, with a year in between.

Dry, short, spikey fur, and you can see how terribly thin she is!


Her fur is long and soft. If you look at her elbow on her front leg you can see where she has filled out. She doesn't look like a bag of bones anymore and certainly feels better!
Feed them what they eat in nature!!

I don't see a lot of raw feeders here, but maybe that's because we're all on raw sites! I did the research 3 years ago when my one-year-old had chronic diarhea. The vets kept trying different "perscription" foods that eliminate one ingredient, but its all a shot in the dark, and, as we have all learned, all of the foods are made by the same companies, irrespective of how much you pay! And vets, like human doctors, are little concerned with, nor educated about, nutrition. I finally put my baby on BARF and he's been healthy ever since. Its pretty obvious if you read any of the literature that canines are carnivors, yet most commercial dog food is made primarily of cheap grain and rendered animal waste products (including feathers off the slaughterhouse floor). We all love our babies, and owe it to them to treat them with as much love as they give us - that includes feeding them healthy foods, and by healthy, I mean what a canine's digestive system is designed to consume and extract nutrients from. Feed em chicken wings, veggie mix, organ meat, a diverse and varied diet with lots of raw meaty bones. Then you know what your babies are eating, and that its the best you can give them. they deserve it.
Good All Life Stage Food

I believe that Canidae is a great food for all life stages. They have been around a long time. I fed our Utah(Golden Retreiver) this food for all of his 16 years on this earth and am now feeding our 9 month old Viszla the same. I read a great book called Foods Pets Die For. It opened my eyes.
Rangers mOm
I've been getting Purina One Sensitive Stomachs for my Sana...I don't see that one on the list, but I recently was told to try the Purina Dog Chow because it was cheaper...I do see that on the list but I don't intend on getting it anymore anyway...and I'm hoping high and mighty that it doesn't upset her stomach. X_x

This's for dogs and puppies of all ages? About how much does it cost for the dry kibble? Say...a 15 or 25 lb bag? I'd love to be feeding both my baby-puppy and the teen-dog the same food...anything bad about this brand? Anyone had issues with sensitive stomachs and this brand?
sorry for the late reply im new in this forum anyway thanks for sharing that..atleast now im aware of this..
The dog food manufacturing companies shorten the lifespan of our dogs and cause them to die premature.Even the veternerians do not knw this.That's why you should join me in conspiring against them.
Thank you.
Our JRT, Lucy came home with us at 8 weeks (2 1/2 years ago) along with a bag of Purina Hi-Pro dog food (which the breeder recommended keeping her on... since he fed all of his dogs this food... hmm) but she started having skin problems, which we narrowed down to corn. We ended up putting her on Nutro Lamb & Rice as a puppy, and at 2 1/2 her skin problems are gone, for the most part.

I've been buying Nutro all this time, thinking it was a "very" premium dog food, but after reading all of the resources here I'm am ready to try another brand. We recently adopted a Rat Terrier (4 1/2 months old) that is very thin, and had been on Trader Joe's Lamb & Rice (adult food) in the rescue. I bought the Nutro Lamb & Rice puppy food for her, but we keep food out all the time for both dogs. Lucy, the JRT has always been a "snack" eater, she is just too "busy" to eat all at once, and her weight is just right at 16 lbs. With Holly being so thin, having the food out all the time is okay for her too... but the problem I'm now having is that I have 1 bowl of Nutro *adult* Lamb & Rice, and 1 bowl of Nutro *puppy* Lamb & Rice... so you can probably guess the problem! Lucy is going for the *puppy* food, and Holly is going for the *adult* formula!

Just wondering if I should try to "force" them to eat just twice a day (and try to keep them at the correct bowl!) ... or not worry too much about this? I looked briefly at most of what is considered the "premium" more natural dog food web sites, but wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a good food that would be work well for both a puppy, AND my 2 1/2 year old... so that 1 food will work for both??

Any suggestions are welcome... and thanks!

ALL commercial dog food is bad for your dog! Nutro is one of the worst! There are some organic foods that are good, but they cost an arm and a leg! The truth about commercial dog food is the pet food companies are cutting corners and putting things into it that can kill your dog.

There may be a lot of people who disagree with me here, but I've been doing my research. Just because the package says it's good for your dog doesn't mean anything. Even the AAFCO standards and guidelines can be very misleading.

The best food to feed your dog is a home cooked diet. Yeah I know they say that the dog won't get the proper nutrients blah blah blah, but before there was even commercial dog food, dogs were eating table scraps and food from the local butcher shop. I'm not a real believer in RAW diets, but home cooked is fine.

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