Don't make me drop my pants!


Oh, it's *you*
Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
N Texas, USA
Mike Singletary...what a cray-zay dude! I was laffin all day yesterday at the very idea of doing something like this...

The phrase "Don't make me drop these drawers.." is now part of my husband and I's repitoire of witty catch phrases we use on each other when we're ticked off...:rofl1:

Funniest part is that dh's alma mater Baylor wanted Singletary to coach there and now they're probably happy be refused haha. Can you imagine this kind of thing at a CHRISTIAN University? :yikes:

Oh yes, we then we on to the fact that the NFL has an anonymous phone number players can call to see if a pill or supplement, something is okay as far as banned substances.

We thought..they probably have some security questions you have to answer so they know you're really a player...

q: Team?

a: Niners

q: prove you are really a Forty-Niner...please answer the following...what does Coach Mike Singletary's butt, look like?

a: umm...well, it's brown....and...ummm...

I thought you was talking about Dr2little...


and thought she might have had a bad influence on you

Vienna sausages are fine when you have small Ritz sized crackers.

Never eat anything bigger than your that the rule? I wonder what kind of big they mean....overall? height? length? width?

I was in WalMart and had to wait . . . and wait . . . and wait . . . while a woman was standing right in front of the case where the Hebrew Nationals were, just yakking away. There were people behind me waiting too.

Finally, she moved a bit and shut up long enough for me to ask her if I could squeeze in and snag a pack of Hebrew Nationals.

She gave me a Look, then asked in a really sarcastic tone what made those "Jew hot dogs" so special.

I told her they were kosher.

She said, "so what?"

I couldn't resist.

I had to do it, Inner Demons and all that . . .

I told her if she'd look closely she'd notice that they were circumcised.

I thought the guy behind me was going to pee all over himself laughing :rofl1:

She wasn't too amused :D

I was in WalMart and had to wait . . . and wait . . . and wait . . . while a woman was standing right in front of the case where the Hebrew Nationals were, just yakking away. There were people behind me waiting too.

Finally, she moved a bit and shut up long enough for me to ask her if I could squeeze in and snag a pack of Hebrew Nationals.

She gave me a Look, then asked in a really sarcastic tone what made those "Jew hot dogs" so special.

I told her they were kosher.

She said, "so what?"

I couldn't resist.

I had to do it, Inner Demons and all that . . .

I told her if she'd look closely she'd notice that they were circumcised.

I thought the guy behind me was going to pee all over himself laughing :rofl1:

She wasn't too amused :D

:rofl1: You just made my day! :rofl1:

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