Does your dog have, er.....issues?


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
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San Francisco
I mean weird behaviors that are unexplainable? Zoe sucks on her stuffed rabbit like it's a pacifier. She holds it in her paws, with eyes half closed, and sucks on it for hours She is also completely obsessed with flies. Yes, flies. She will chase them out on the deck and cries when she can't catch them. She prefers an audience, though, and will run inside and insist we come out and watch her chase them. Freak.

Does your dog have issues?
Buster throws himself violently at the ground and then growls and swivels on his back...alone... everyday. He doesn't even do it to start play.

Ithink he thinks a LOT. I alwas catch him in odd places just sitting, not particulaily sunny or comfy spots or with much to look at, just sitting contentidly for ages. Yesterday He just went off on his own or awhile, got on the bed and stared blankly out the window. Weird little dog likes to live in his head.

Don't worry VS, all 3 dogs are intimidated by the cat here. Even Buster who dead set wanted to kill Elliot when we brought him home now jumps out of the way with one look from the cat lol. Its hilarious.

Also Harry, our 30kg, HR DA over protective thug of a cattle dog is scared of... calves. Especially when they moo at him, thats terrifying.
Buster throws himself violently at the ground and then growls and swivels on his back...alone... everyday. He doesn't even do it to start play.
Dear God, you just described my mother's Radar! Its the strangest thing to watch him flail around for no reason. Bonus? He taught Grimm to do the same thing, minus the barking!
Argon booty dances. Literally, he will be standing next to me one minute, and shaking his scrawny little booty the next. Sometimes he shakes it so hard that it nearly touches the ground. Other times, he puts his head on the ground and just shakes his rump. Its pretty funny.
Grimm likes to walk towards you, then get into a play bow, then drop into a down, then get up and come to you. He's not stretching, it just seems to entertain him.
Buster throws himself violently at the ground and then growls and swivels on his back...alone... everyday. He doesn't even do it to start play.

This is what I was going to say was Blaze weird problem lol. dog will just drop to the ground (inside or out side it doesnt matter) and just start rolling, grunting, kicking and carrying on. It has scared many people, who think he is haveing a sezuire, since he literally just DROPS. lol he does it about 15 times a day. I guess he likes a good stretch.
after eating.
after a drink.
after swimming (which I will give himt hat most dogs do)
after a good play.
after waking up.
after a car ride.
after a walk.
My Border Collie never moves off the couch... I think that counts as issues.
I mean weird behaviors that are unexplainable? Zoe sucks on her stuffed rabbit like it's a pacifier. She holds it in her paws, with eyes half closed, and sucks on it for hours She is also completely obsessed with flies. Yes, flies. She will chase them out on the deck and cries when she can't catch them. She prefers an audience, though, and will run inside and insist we come out and watch her chase them. Freak.

Does your dog have issues?

Lucy does that too!

Mine all swivel on their back.

Beau likes to stick things on his head. Like clothes, blankets, etc. Especially fun is when he sticks things on his head and then runs into a wall. He thinks that's hilarious.

Summer obsessively licks pretty much anything.

Summer doesn't play ever but on the rare occasion she does it is the most bizarre form of play I've ever seen. Just a few minutes ago she had a toy and kept play bowing on it then spinning around in tight circles. She just kept doing that and that's as far as the playing went.

Summer makes up commands on her own. She will often put herself ina down stay for no reason and then wait for me to figure out how she's decided she should be released that day. It's kind of weird because I have to go through all sorts of versions of 'come' before she breaks the stay. You see her tense up like she wants to go but then she will hold herself back. She is very proud of herself afterward too.

Nard will just stick his tongue out much of the time. I don't know why, it does fit in his mouth. He'll just be sitting there then stick about an inch of his tongue out.

Mia opens drawers.

Sometimes when she plays fetch, she grabs the ball then runs and sticks it on something or in something. Drawers, shoes, boxes, tv stand, table, etc.

She also likes flies and bugs and will go crazy trying to catch them.

She will play for hours rolling the ball with her feet.

Her favorite is to put the ball in my shoe, then grab the shoe and carry the shoe, with the ball inside it, around by the laces like a basket.

Rose is relatively normal.
Summer makes up commands on her own. She will often put herself ina down stay for no reason and then wait for me to figure out how she's decided she should be released that day. It's kind of weird because I have to go through all sorts of versions of 'come' before she breaks the stay. You see her tense up like she wants to go but then she will hold herself back. She is very proud of herself afterward too.

Or maybe she's proud of you for learning a new command? :rofl1:

Nard . . . *sigh* I've missed Nardiness . . . .
Toker sucks on blankets and kneads them. I've heard this is fairly common. I always hear that Dobermans did that a lot, but Lyric only did it occassionally.
Yes, Pebbles has the most 'issues' of any dog I've had before her.

She likes to 'dig' you. Especially when you first wake up in the AM. DH and I'll be talking and if you say something to her and get her going she'll start digging at the pillow under your neck, then she'll start jumping and licking and body slamming your face, it's the funniest thing ever (because she only does it to DH :rofl1:)

She also 'looses' toys. If you're playing fetch with a ball or her rabbit or squirrel and you decide the game is done she'll keep playing by her self a while and then you'll hear this awful scream, look over and she's throwing a temper tantrum because she 'lost' her toy. Frantically digging and trying any means available to remove said toy from where she stuck it. (AKA she stuck it so far under the TV stand, end table, chair that she can't get it) She knows that some one will move said item to get her toy and then you'll throw it again. We've had to start ending play time when she does this.

She is also very forgetful. We have a cat tree in the corner of the living room. It's surrounded by the couch, end table, and a chair. DH will throw a toy up into the cat's box. Pebs will climb up onto the chair an jump onto the cat tree (every thing is fairly close together, she doesn't have to strain to jump over) retrieve said item and bring it back. Play fetch a few time and then he'll throw it back up there. In the mean time she panics and totally freaks out because she can't get to her toy. She'll climb up onto the back of the couch (too far to jump) then she'll try the end table (too slippery to get a good take off), then she'll jump down and try and reach it from the floor (cat tree's way too tall), she'll go through this for like 3 minutes while freaking out that the cat's going to steal her toy, then the light bulb will go off and she'll climb up the chair and jump over. :doh:

Haha, so yeah Pebs is special...
I had one that liked to the chew ears off toys only.
All of the toys that had ears, was missing. :confused:
Or maybe she's proud of you for learning a new command? :rofl1:

Nard . . . *sigh* I've missed Nardiness . . . .

Yeah sometimes I wonder who is training who. :lol-sign:

Sometimes they give me that look like "Wow, you are a special one, aren't you? It's okay, we love you even if you're an idiot."
Monday (73 lbs.+) is scared of Pweeqk (5 1/2 lbs.) *Sigh*

NB: Monday claims she's not REALLY scared. Just keeping an eye out in case Pweeqk swats her again.
I mean weird behaviors that are unexplainable? Zoe sucks on her stuffed rabbit like it's a pacifier. She holds it in her paws, with eyes half closed, and sucks on it for hours She is also completely obsessed with flies. Yes, flies. She will chase them out on the deck and cries when she can't catch them. She prefers an audience, though, and will run inside and insist we come out and watch her chase them. Freak.

Does your dog have issues?

My golden boy does that also he sucks on his stuffed duckie. I can tell when he's tired as he'll go get his duckie and suck on it until he falls a sleep. When it's bed time, he will go get his duckie and bring it to bed with him.