Blonde Raccoon
Congrats!! She's BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait to watch her grow up!Shai! CONGRATS!
Big reveal! Assuming no huge changes to temperament or structure in the next few weeks, plain face red girl will be coming home with me. She's very quiet, confident, playful, and super snuggly. Everything I wanted it a puppy.
Pickup date is anytime after the 27th of this month. EEK!
DSC_0222 by auntyadj, on Flickr
DSC_0246 by auntyadj, on Flickr
DSC_0254 by auntyadj, on Flickr
DSC_0265 by auntyadj, on Flickr
Bonus updated Archer (dad) shot:
DSC_0434 by auntyadj, on Flickr
Such a pretty momma:
DSC_0439 by auntyadj, on Flickr