Chaz Puppies of 2014


& the Muttly Crew
Dec 14, 2009
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Okay, I just couldn't take it any more...

And besides, any dogs being bred now won't whelp until 2014... :P

So who has puppy plans for 2014? Spill! This is your place to share, obsess, commiserate, celebrate, and share them as they grow.

I loved following the 2013 puppy thread even though I had no puppy to share. Hopefully this thread will follow in the same tradition :)
Holy crap, Shai. It's finally here! I remember last year around this time we were all like "Oh, 2014... yep, that's us."

I have a winter puppy coming. FINALLY. It's been 6 long years.

ETA: Mom dog has her ultrasound this week. Hoping for peanuts!
I love these threads! I'm sad I didn't participate more in the 2013 one with Siri :/ But I was too busy having adventures with her! Can't wait for this year's crop :p
Holy cow, I might get to participate again!

Spring/Summer Greyhound puppy hopeful!
I joined this forum late in 2013, so sadly even though I had a puppy, i did not participate. There will be no puppies this year either. Hopefully I'll get to participate in the 2015 puppy thread. I can't wait to see what pups will be joining the Chaz family!
I love these threads! I can't wait to see what this year brings to the dogs and their people of Chazhound!
Things are still being planned out & not all the way official; but there is a chance I could be adding a Great Dane to the family this year! :D
None for me, but I want to see MIRA PUPPIES!

Alas, it's looking like there probably won't be Mirapups. All her health tests came back clean and she slammed her working tests but on the logistical side her breeders aren't in a position to bring home a keeper puppy right now, no matter how nice. Since the breeding was to be using frozen material from a limited supply with no way to get more, it seems like a waste to use it on a breeding that won't be kept to continue the lines, no matter how nice the pups are.
alas, it's looking like there probably won't be mirapups. All her health tests came back clean and she slammed her working tests but on the logistical side her breeders aren't in a position to bring home a keeper puppy right now, no matter how nice. Since the breeding was to be using frozen material from a limited supply with no way to get more, it seems like a waste to use it on a breeding that won't be kept to continue the lines, no matter how nice the pups are.

saddest day!! :(
Of course, I should have guessed :). Fingers crossed for good ultrasound news!

Too bad about Mirapups. :( Are you planning on going for another breed this time around?

And yes, I'm very predictable. I appreciate the good vibes! I'm going to expen train this puppy.. I'm interested to see how it goes as I've never done this way before.
Too bad about Mirapups. :( Are you planning on going for another breed this time around?

Yes. There's not really any other upcoming FCR breeding that is tempting to me as Mira's mom is retired and now won't be having any grandpuppies for quite a while. I wasn't sure if I was going to keep a Mirapup anyway...I really felt that with how close Mira and I are, the puppy would always be "Mira's Puppy" to me and related to in that context rather than being appreciated for herself. Mira is a tough act to follow.

Plus the world may collapse if I were to permanently have two dogs of the same breed at the same time :p

I am on the list for a breeding scheduled to happen in 2014. Chosen not for the breed but for the dogs/lines -- I know the sire's line very well and the dame's side looks promising. I'm hoping to visit early next year to meet the individual dogs involved.
Aaaah Linds! Grey puppy yay!!!

Alas, I won't be participating in this thread. I shall wait for the 2015 edition. ;)

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