Chaz Puppies of 2014

Well Ill be breeding my own in 2014, but the ball is in the air on if Ill actually be physically keeping any. I know for certain a male will be going to my partner, and if thats also my keeper then I wont be having anything. Le sigh. Quick, somebody get a Standard Poodle puppy!
I will be taking a Malinois puppy to raise as a co ownership with a breeder/friend of mine. Pup will come home the week of Christmas/ish so not sure if technically 2013 or 2014 puppy..
It is! It's been a long time since I've had a puppy! Since I got Simba, actually, so going on 10 years! I'm sure those who have known me around online know I have gone through many wonders of "my next breed will be", but after getting to spend a lot more time with the Great Dane breed in the recent past, have become totally smitten with them.

Omigod, I just realized who you are! LOL Your username threw me. Hi! Longtime no forum talk. Welcome aboard. :D
No puppies for me as I'm growing out my Peter pan Poodle, but I'll enjoy watching everyone else's puppies grow :)
My puppy is not a 2014 puppy but she will still be a puppy in 2014, so I might wanna play. :p
An AMAZING Cardigan breeder offered me one of her adult dogs to finish a few months ago. Because Gonzo wasn't doing well, I couldn't take him. We talked for weeks and she offered a puppy from her summer 2014 to co-own!!! I am beyond ecstatic. It depends on the health testing of the Mom, who is one of the most gorgeous Cardigans I've ever seen. Fingers crossed (:
My parents have been dogless since AJ died, so they're planning on a puppy (or two...) in the spring. It will be a GSD. As long as I still live near, I will get to do the majority of the puppy-raising. Except they're cleaning up the accidents :rofl1:
More than likely going to be a 2015 puppy here, but if the stars align and there's a breeding from the lines I'm interested in then maybe just maybe there will be a 2014 beezer puppy joining Chaz.
I am so ridiculous. I DO NOT like raising puppies, at all. But this thread is making me have puppy want. :lol-sign:
No puppies for me, 2014 will be a crazy busy year with growing the business, moving, and catching up on some travel. Can't wait to see everyone's pups!

My next dog will likely be OH's dog, who will likely be a rescue... but likely a young dog if not a puppy. ;) Probably in 2015.
Holy crap, Shai. It's finally here! I remember last year around this time we were all like "Oh, 2014... yep, that's us."

I have a winter puppy coming. FINALLY. It's been 6 long years.

ETA: Mom dog has her ultrasound this week. Hoping for peanuts!

No puppies. :( Oh well. Wasn't meant to be! Will probably wait it out until my favorite working bitch gets bred in 2015.
No puppies. :( Oh well. Wasn't meant to be! Will probably wait it out until my favorite working bitch gets bred in 2015.

Aww, I'm sorry. :(

I don't envy anyone waiting for a puppy, that was waaaay too nerve racking.
No puppies. :( Oh well. Wasn't meant to be! Will probably wait it out until my favorite working bitch gets bred in 2015.
Bah. :( That's always the worst. The litter I was on the wait list for didn't end up taking, then I had to scramble around to find another breeder I liked with another litter due at a similar time. Luckily for me, I found Abrams' breeder and she had someone drop off her waitlist so...puppy! But yes, hearing the "no puppies" news was not so much fun.
No puppies. :( Oh well. Wasn't meant to be! Will probably wait it out until my favorite working bitch gets bred in 2015.

:( :(

I had that happen with a litter I had placed a deposit on. Such sad news! But then I ended up with Onyx so it all worked out perfectly :D
This will be the Mom of my baby, if her health certs are clear :) I'm hoping for a blue boy!

^Ok, that is one absolutely gorgeous dog. :eek: Hope you get that blue pup...I'd want a little clone of that lady!

I think 2014 will just be me refining work with Astro, meeting more individuals of the potential breeds I'm looking at, deciding what things I want to pursue, and picking Nextdog for 2015. Problem is that I need to be more settled, and I also just keep going back and forth between a couple breeds - can't make up my mind!
EEEEEE!!! BC babies, ACD pupplets, malilets, corgets, beezer babies! So excited for everyone!
No puppies. :( Oh well. Wasn't meant to be! Will probably wait it out until my favorite working bitch gets bred in 2015.

Oh bummer :( Glad you have a backup plan already but sorry it'll be a while.
EEEEEE!!! BC babies, ACD pupplets, malilets, corgets, beezer babies! So excited for everyone!

I think 2014 is shaping up to be a Very Good Year :)

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