Another possibility...I should start my own thread...
GAH so pretty!
And yes, you should start a thread. I think I'm going to boycott these huge catch-all threads.
Another possibility...I should start my own thread...
GAH so pretty!
And yes, you should start a thread. I think I'm going to boycott these huge catch-all threads.
Fingers crossed that this picture now includes 2014 puppies...
So... you're still totally keeping one if so, right?
Fingers crossed that this picture now includes 2014 puppies...
Unfortunately, no. I couldn't possibly do justice to both Lodin and a Mirapup at the same time. If the puppies turn out at all the way we hope they will, I hope to get a grandpup back some day.
But one step at a time -- we find out in about a week whether the breeding took. Fingers crossed...
Mirapups! Are you whelping them?!
Awwww, whomp whomp... I was hoping you'd go full on crazy dog lady with two puppies at once hahaha.
Is this the same breeding you were looking at doing earlier and the timing just wasn't right, or a different sire?
Fingers crossed that this picture now includes 2014 puppies...
Fingers crossed that this picture now includes 2014 puppies...
Fingers crossed that this picture now includes 2014 puppies...