Snow Girl
Jessie, is the bottled water mineralized? If so switch water!!! Mineralized water is very bad for fish!
devinecanine said:Hey Nedim...thanks for making this thread. You've answered a question I've been wondering about for a few months now! I have two male bettas (names are Red Fish and Blue Fish..ala Dr. Suess). Red Fish always has that bubble stuff going shortly after I change the water and I never knew what it was til now. Blue Fish doesn't do it, though. Does this mean he isn't healthy? I am very careful about the water I put in their bowls. I don't use my tap water because it has a lot of limescale in it so I buy drinking water. It seems to get scummy pretty fast, though. I only feed them once a day and not too much. As you can see, I don't know diddly about bettas. I just figured you feed them and change the water and they live til they die. Is there something else I should be doing? Oh yeah, I don't use the gravel on the bottoms of their bowls, I use those colored glass stones. Is that okay?
devinecanine said:Thanks, Nedim and O.C. The bottled water is just called drinking water. I guess it's supposed to have all of the sodium and minerals screened out of it. I would rather buy the stuff you suggested, though. It sounds a lot cheaper and buying that water and lugging it home is a real PITA!
Are you feeding freeze-dried or live? I only feed freeze dried foods(with the exception on rosy reds, crickets and the occasional glass shrimp) because live foods have a high chance of carrieing diseases and unhealthy bacteria. Freeze drying the shrimp eliminates most of the bacteria, I've been told.Zoom said:I think the nests all depend on the betta itself. Arakasi, my other betta, would build a bit of a nest when I first changed his water, but it would fall apart after a few days. Kabuki builds these huge nests that don't go away until I change the water and then he goes right back to building. That little green juvinile I had posted a pic of in an earlier thread never really did get around to any nest building, and then he died.
Question: Has anyone else ever had a problem with blood worms and fin rot? It seems every time I try and feed those worms, I spend the next two weeks battling rot...so I quit feeding the blood worms and no rot in sight.