Any suggestion???


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Jul 6, 2011
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Any suggestion??? I'm getting 2 dogs this weekend and I want to get them everything they need but I don’t know what kind of bed to pick. What’s the best bed/pillow size, most durable and the most comfortable for a small dog about 20 pounds and for a large dog 60 to 85 pounds? THANKS!
What kind of dogs are they?

Different dogs prefer different kinds of beds. Some like to burrow under blankets, some like to curl up and feel secure in a basket-type bed, some like to stretch out and lie on a mat-style pad. Is there anyway you can ask the previous owners what sort of beds they had?
Well Tucker likes to sleep on the hard wood floor and Max used an old mattress. I think a lot of dogs like ones without borders, like this:

But every dog is different.
I used to make my dog beds and I make them for my sister sometimes. Simple pattern, big square and lots of filling but enough leeway where they can feel cocooned in it :)

I hear the Kirkland ones are the best though!
My dogs sleep on the floor or on my bed, couch or chairs. Hehe! I have one dog bed but they rarely use it. The cat uses it more. LOL!


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