Wookie Collie
As some of you know, I like streaming my art process over a Livestream broadcast every so often over here:
allie-draws - live streaming video powered by Livestream
I would love to update you guys on when I'm live, so I figured I'd make a thread and bump it when I'm live. That way, you guys can watch the stream if you're online!
To talk in the chat, just type something and it should prompt you for a username. Chat functions much like IRC and Chaz chat.
Anyways, I'm streaming now until about noon or 1pm EST. Join me!
allie-draws - live streaming video powered by Livestream
I would love to update you guys on when I'm live, so I figured I'd make a thread and bump it when I'm live. That way, you guys can watch the stream if you're online!
To talk in the chat, just type something and it should prompt you for a username. Chat functions much like IRC and Chaz chat.
Anyways, I'm streaming now until about noon or 1pm EST. Join me!