agility questions!!


New Member
May 18, 2004
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hey! i have a three year old golden (she weighs about 70 lbs) and i'm interested in doing some agility with her once we get some more training done and i was doing some research in advance.

we've been doing lots of jumping and she can jump about 2.5 feet. is that about how high she'd be jumping in a competition? or what are some standard heights?

how old are dogs when training for agility typically begins? (any details if somebody want to elaborate would be great... we're not doing much, just jumping!!)

oh, thought of something else. anybody know of any physilities near roanoke va that has agility equipment available to the public? or training classes? and how much do those cost? i know that "come" and "stay" are some very crucial commands to have down, but what are some other commands you use when doing a course? i've used "over", and "go go go" when i want her to run faster and to encourage her. and how do you train them to automatically look to you for their next direction? i think penny is very easily distracted, so how can i get her to concentrate on ME and not everything around her??

any advice would be great - like i said we're very new to agility. thanks!! -meg
Well, I have a question....
Can most dogs jump out of a garage window?
My dog did, and I was windering if he was an unusually high jumper or sumthing...
I wouldn't say most dogs, but a lot of dogs can jump pretty high.
My dobie used to scale an eight foot fence with ease...

Not that many dogs can jump through a garage door window! Maybe you should train him for jumping competitions!

My girls can get up on about anything - but I've caught them pushiing boxes and other things over to where they want to climb and standing on them. :eek: Shiva will use her big butt to bump the refrigerator to knock things off the top of it, too. She's looking for the peanut butter . . .

Bimmer just levitates. ;)
I have never seen a dog attacking a refrigerator, but I am very eager to see one. :D

My dog can jump pretty far too....but I don't really know how to train a dog for jumping competitions or there a specific training place where you can do that?
Agility has set jump heights for the dogs height. if you go to you can see the heights for that group on the website. I compete in agility alot so if u wanna know any more u can IM me too.