13 things chaz probably doesn't know about me


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
1. I am extremely insecure about my body, I have dealt with weight problems my whole life, and am constantly struggling to lose weight.

2. I have never been in a relationship.

3. I get extremely attached to people. If I am your friend, and I care about you, I put 110% of myself into our friendship. I will go to the ends of the earth for you, and I will let you know how much I care about you every day in case there's a day when I can't tell you anymore.

4. I can't be alone. I just can't. The thought of living alone scares me SO much. I couldn't do it. I can't stand to be by myself.

5. I believe I have major anxiety. I am hoping to see a doctor soon. It's something I've dealt with for a long time but only recently did it get really bad and I sort of finally realized what it was.

6. I am 21 years old and I don't have my drivers license. I am hoping to get it soon.

7. I am kind of immature. I feel like I'm mature in a lot of ways, maybe even moreso than people twice my age as far as insight and being able to see things for what they are, but I also feel very young, like I see the world from a different point of view. I always have. Peter Pan has always been one of my favorite stories because I never want to grow up either. At the same time I am able to see the beauty in growing older and the things that come with that.

8. Music means everything to me and someday I hope my sister and I will be recording/touring artists. We sing, write, and are learning to play guitar and piano.

9. I am very sensitive. I cry at the drop of a hat. Sad, happy, mad, frustrated, you name it, there are tears.

10. I also read and watch movies to "escape". Not that I don't love my own life, but I want my life to be like a book or a movie. Maybe it's unrealistic, but I don't see why you can't strive for that storybook ending. There are gonna be struggles and hard times, but you have to see the beauty in that, and know that it's all just a part of your story, and someday it's gonna be better.

11. I don't cope well with change. Any major change in my life completely throws me off and upsets me and it takes me a REALLY long time to get over it. I get used to things being the way they are, and I can't handle when things change. For example, when my favorite band broke up, I was upset for a really long time. Like over a year. And almost 3 months ago one of my BEST friends completely changed and stopped being friends with me, and I still get very upset over it. I think about it every single day. I was just so used to spending time with her and the idea of having her in my life forever and I just can't cope with the change. I don't know what I'm supposed to do from here, you know? All my plans for the future had her in them. It just takes me a long time to get over things.

12. I've only personally known three people who have died. I don't know what I'm going to do when my loved ones die. It goes back to the whole change thing. I don't know how to cope with something like that.

13. I've never had a dog that died of old age. They either died of an illness, were in some sort of accident, or were rehomed.

Eta: Okay I'm gonna cheat and put 14 cause I feel bad deleting one of my 13 for this.

14. I take pictures of EVERYTHING. Seriously. I can hardly use my iPhone anymore because I am over capacity on space. I have over 8,000 pictures on my camera roll. I like to have them for memories of everything I do. And I can't delete them, I need them so I can look back.
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Feb 26, 2013
1. I'm terrified of butterflies (...and most other flying insects)
2. I'm a horrible texture eater. If it's liquidy and lumpy at the same time, like oatmeal, cottage cheese or tapioca pudding, I can not physically swallow it.
3. Similarly, I waste a lot of food, which I hate doing, because I have to cut every single bruise or blemish off my fruits and veggies.
4. I'm a very private person in most areas of my life, except dogs, where I'm transparent almost to a fault.
5. That's all I'm comfortable with sharing for now. :p
Apr 13, 2011
Hudson Valley
1 . My husband is 2 years younger than me. He is also 18 days younger than my younger brother, which is awkward when I think about it.

2. I have never lived 'alone'. I lived with my parents, then went to college and had roommates and then got married. The only time I had a room to myself was the 2 years my sister was in college before I graduated HS and my Senior year of college.

3. I'm sarcastic. Like, a lot.

4. I have a plate and 2 pins in my ankle due to a horse riding accident

5. I am ridiculously forgetful. I use a backpack instead of a purse because I'm less likely to set it down and wander off.

6. I pick at things. Pimple, scab, rough skin on my lips

7. Due to my forgetfulness, I carry around multiple tablets of paper. I'm trying to wean myself off of actual paper and onto my smartphone

8. I take way too many pictures of my puppy. I'm probably close to 1000 so far this year. I have a problem.

9. I would like to eventually be self-employed

10. I used to be shy. Like, super shy. I got over it when I got into horses. I'm not sure if I grew out of it or what. Now I'm just like, "Whatevs"

11. I like to research things. I'm always on a mission of some sorts. It gives the hours I spend online a sense of purpose.

12. Procrastinator. My husband and I like to say that we needed the first year of being engage to put things off.

13. I lack the ability to care, or get worked up, about most things.


& the Muttly Crew
Dec 14, 2009
I'm not sure how surprising these things are...took me a while to come up with thirteen (way to pick a lucky number lol).

(1) I have fainted three times in my adult life...all three were in church. Once I was standing right next to my brother (I was home for the holidays) and he apparently just watched me fall, shocked lol. A high school friend's dad was standing on the other side and, thankfully, caught me before I hit the very hard ground.

(2) I don't go to church anymore [(1) is no longer a problem :p]. I have issues with organized religion, or at least my former organized religion, but not with God. When asked by my family, I say that God knocks me out whenever I go, so I finally took the hint :p

(3) I can't have my fingernails painted a bold color. It drives me nuts. If they are painted, they have to be either clear or french manicure. A near-skintone pink is okay too.

(4) I love living alone and was quite set on being a happy old spinster doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. And instead I married in my very early 20s. Irony. Glad I did, though.

(5) I never carry a purse. Ever.

(6) We have no sofa. We live in a house that demands a sofa but I cannot seem to find the one I want and rather than settle we have no sofa. Guest bed, yes. Sofa, no.

(7) I cannot seem to accept this house as my own. There is no real reason for this, and it may partially explain (6) and (7). It's like I've moved so much that I'm just in constant moving mode.

(8) I can pack for a week-long business trip in under fifteen minutes no matter the destination.

(9) I haven't talked to anyone from my hometown other than my family in years. No real reason...I had great friends...but we just lost touch and it doesn't bother me.

(10) I am fascinated by moving water. I could sit and watch a flowing stream or river for far longer than is probably normal. Mira enables this by swimming in it for me so it looks like there is a good reason for me to be there ;)

(11) I would rather take a long walk in the woods with my dogs than do anything else. I rarely talk myself into bringing a camera on these trips, and even more rarely actually use it.

(12) I miss Cookie.

(13) I have never mowed the yard at our current house. Hubby has mown every single blade of grass every single time. Helluva guy.


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
Knoxville, Tennessee
1. I had a bad stutter as a little kid. My mom and dad don't know if the stutter made me so painfully shy or if I was like that before. But I spent YEARS and YEARS being the shy kid. Thankfully high school, college, and customer service has worked that out of my system!

2. Somehow I am confident and pretty cool now. Lots of people think I am cool. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW IT HAPPENED. :rofl1:

3. I also look younger than I am. I'm 25 and get carded just about everywhere.

4. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Part of me loves my career and becoming better and better; another part of me wants to be able to stay home and raise a family. I really don't have a clue how the two will mesh down the road.

5. I'm a dreamer. Always have been. Growing up, I was just so much happier living in my own little world. I have an active imagination and think about all the things all the time.

6. I've been a perfectionist my whole life. I am my own harshest critic. It causes me more strife and grief than almost anything else in my life. Thank God my husband balances me out a bit in that regard.

7. My favorite food is cheese.

8. I prefer to read/surf the internet over T.V or movies.

9. I snore. Badly. We're not sure if it's related to my thyroid nodule or if I have adnoid/tonsil/soft palate issues. I don't have sleep apnea or weight issues so I really have no idea why I snore.

10. I have green eyes.

11. I love the water. Love swimming, playing in it, fishing, kayaking, anything water related.

12. I worry about money and being poor for the rest of my life. 25 years is enough, damnit!

13. I love sleep.


Active Member
May 29, 2006
Michigan, USA
1 . My husband is 2 years younger than me. He is also 18 days younger than my younger brother, which is awkward when I think about it.
My future husband is closer in age to my parents than he is me. (15 years older than me, 7 years younger than my mom!)

It doesn't bother me :p He asks (and looks) much younger than he is and nobody believes when he tells them his real age.


New Member
Nov 12, 2012
Bentonville, AR
1. My grandmother died about 6 months ago and it was really the first death I've had to deal with.
2. Due to my grandmother's death, I have developed an obsessive personality. I come across as VERY intense when I meet new people. I have an over-whelming desire for friends.
3. I don't really have any 'friends'. Most people tend to think I like it that way, but I really don't. I actually cry sometimes because I have no one to talk to. (I talked to my grandmother about everything.)
4. I have two younger brothers (6 and 12) and I constantly worry I will be that crappy sister that only seems that during holidays.
5. My first and only relationship started online.
6. I never went to my proms or graduation.
7. I lived in a town of 800 people for 12 years. My school was K-12 and my graduating class (had I stayed there) was less than 40 people.
8. I didn't get my first job or my license until I was 18.
9. My dad is deaf and I resent him for that. I avoid him.
10. I love to read. Mostly historical fiction or fantasy but young adult books are nice, too.
11. I want to be a high school teacher. I plan on specializing in social studies and later going on to be a counselor and/or librarian.
12. I take it VERY personally if someone criticize me or doesn't like me. I would cry if teachers were upset with me.
13. I have a huge lack of self esteem due to my weight and acne problem. I am starting to get over this, but I think I will always see myself as an unattractive person.


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
1.) I used to be very insecure. Thanks to my relationship with Mike and my "new" job (same place of employment, different job duties) I have become so much more confident in myself and my interactions with people.

2.) I hate change. I have my routine and if I don't stick to it, I get anxious. There have even been some nights that if I don't brush my teeth or clean my ears out when I'm done with a shower, I can't fall asleep until I do so!

3.) On a similar note, I hate not having a plan or schedule. I need to know what is going on, who will be where, and when things will be happening. Otherwise, anxiety happens.

4.) I have no desire to have a career. I would much rather be a stay at home mom and just work a part time job on the side for some extra cash. It was always awkward for me being in college and having professors/classmates ask you, "What are your career goals?" "To raise a family...?"

5.) I don't have a lot of close friends. I have many people who I consider "friends", but I think I can count on one hand, with fingers to spare, the people who are actually close to me and really know me.

6.) I LOVE to read. Books are just...awesome. The characters are more real to me than some people.

7.) When I was still in diapers, I said I was going to be a vet when I grew up. Guess I knew what I wanted, because although I don't want to be a vet, I am loving my job as a vet tech (assistant, whatever).

8.) I'm not a night person. I'm not a morning person. I'm a sleepy person. If I could get 10-12 hours of sleep every day, I'd be a happy camper. As it is, I'll sleep 6-8 hours and then take a nap during the day.

9.) I procrastinate something AWFUL. This is something I'm aware of and yet cannot seem to change. This not only results in frantic scurrying to get projects done, but also makes me semi-late when arriving for things - NOT good when said thing is my shift at work.

10.) Although I want kids, the thought of having a baby scares the every loving crap out of me. Not the process of being pregnant or giving birth, but actually caring for an infant and then raising a child. I mean, my God, you are the sole caretaker for another life. If I make mistakes with my dogs that's one thing, but a child?!

11.) I don't like to drink (with the goal of getting drunk) in public, or around people I'm not 100% comfortable with.

12.) I can't dance. And although I desperately want to learn, the thought terrifies me.

13.) I took piano lessons for nine years and have been playing for sixteen. And yet, I still don't think I'm that good. Other people say otherwise, but man. It really sucks to have the passion and drive to want to play, and then not sound as good as you should after all of your work. Boo not having natural talent.


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
1. My grandmother died about 6 months ago and it was really the first death I've had to deal with.
2. Due to my grandmother's death, I have developed an obsessive personality. I come across as VERY intense when I meet new people. I have an over-whelming desire for friends.
3. I don't really have any 'friends'. Most people tend to think I like it that way, but I really don't. I actually cry sometimes because I have no one to talk to. (I talked to my grandmother about everything.)
4. I have two younger brothers (6 and 12) and I constantly worry I will be that crappy sister that only seems that during holidays.
5. My first and only relationship started online.
6. I never went to my proms or graduation.
7. I lived in a town of 800 people for 12 years. My school was K-12 and my graduating class (had I stayed there) was less than 40 people.
8. I didn't get my first job or my license until I was 18.
9. My dad is deaf and I resent him for that. I avoid him.
10. I love to read. Mostly historical fiction or fantasy but young adult books are nice, too.
11. I want to be a high school teacher. I plan on specializing in social studies and later going on to be a counselor and/or librarian.
12. I take it VERY personally if someone criticize me or doesn't like me. I would cry if teachers were upset with me.
13. I have a huge lack of self esteem due to my weight and acne problem. I am starting to get over this, but I think I will always see myself as an unattractive person.
We have a ton in common and if you ever want to talk, feel free to pm me!
Apr 13, 2011
Hudson Valley
My future husband is closer in age to my parents than he is me. (15 years older than me, 7 years younger than my mom!)

It doesn't bother me :p He asks (and looks) much younger than he is and nobody believes when he tells them his real age.
I keep thinking about my brother as just a kid. It helps that my husband acts more mature than his age (sometimes....) and my brother has just recently started to mature.


New Member
Jan 30, 2007
This oughta be easy, I'm not sure too many people on here know much about me in the first place heh.

1. I'm a habitual nail-biter and have been since I can remember.

2. I smoked from the time I was 15 until I was 23 and then I quit cold-turkey when we got Nel. Made the nail biting increase though.

3. I've been riding horses on and off in lessons and leases since I was six.

4. I met my husband on an MMO. We've been married for 6 years now.

5. Used to think I'd hate teaching til I took a part time teaching job to help me through my second degree... Turns out I love it.

6. Love traveling, have serious wanderlust that's perpetually hampered by owning a home, three dogs, school, and principally a lack of leisure money.

7. I'm less scared of standing up in front of a class than I am taking Nel into the conformation ring.

8. After working as an architect for 4 years and having a pretty secure job, I quit and went back to school to be a doctor. I've had people call me "insane" to my face about it and wonder what's wrong with me.

9. I'm Canadian.

10. I work way better under pressure, although I wish it wasn't the case because...

11. ...I'm also a HUGE procrastinator.

12. I hated beer until we rented out the basement to a friend of mine who is a huge craft beer lover and ended up doing a full 180. I volunteer as a pour-table person at Beerfest each fall now and it's awesome.

13. I'm almost out of non-visible (work safe) skin to tattoo above the waist. Just shoulders / back of neck is left.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
Yeah, I normally don't think twice about age differences in relationships, but my baby's father isn't even going to be 21 when our kid is born. That REALLY weirds me out for some reason. It's just over a 2 year age difference, which is really nothing, and at this point in our lives, it shouldn't matter much, but it still seems way weird.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2009
1. I also chew the insides of my lips and cheeks, pull my hair (particularly my eyebrows), chew my nails, and chew the hair off my arms.
2. I was in track for 2 years in middle school. I did shot-put and relays.
3. I'm always afraid people are only nice to me because it's the polite thing to do, and not because they actually like me.
4. I like vodka way too much. I only drink it once a year, maybe twice, but when I do I get soooooo drunk.
5. The idea of me having sex with someone disgusts me. I don't mind other people having sex, or sex on tv shows, or anything like that. I just don't want it for me. Gross.
6. I hate pears.
7. I'm hopelessly addicted to Reddit. Particularly r/gallifrey.
8. If you put oranges in front of me, I WILL eat them. ALL OF THEM. In a matter of minutes.
9. When I was in 7th and 8th grade, after we learned a sport in PE, we'd have a tournament outside of school hours for the students that were best at that sport. I didn't make it into any tournaments in 7th grade. I decided that HAD to change, so in 8th grade I got WAY more aggressive, and I made it into EVERY LAST STINKING TOURNAMENT and kicked ass doing it :D
10. I think it's awkward when cashiers, servers, etc know me. It's even weirder if they know me by name.
11. When I'm talking to someone who has an accent, I tend to pick up that accent and start using it. I have to be REALLY CAREFUL about that. I've actually changed by pronunciation of several words because of watching Doctor Who/Torchwood so much...and I never noticed it until someone brought it up :eek:
12. I dream about Doctor Who. A lot. And I really enjoy it! Brand new adventures in my brain, and all for me :p
13. I drank from a baby bottle until I was 4 or 5. I only stopped because I was promised a Barbie if I stopped for x amount of time. After I got my Barbie I tried to convince my parents that now I should be allowed to drink from a bottle again. When I got bit in the face 6 years ago, I couldn't feel my face, so instead of using a regular water bottle at night, I used a baby bottle. TAKE THAT! :cool:


Sport Model Pug
Aug 17, 2009
Southern Alberta
Hmm wonder if I can come up with 13 of them...

1. I figure skated from age 3 to 18 competitively from age 5 to 14. It was my life until high school.

2. I can't dance.

3. I don't know how to flirt and can't process when someone is flirting with me.

4. I bake quite a bit but rarely eat more than one serving of my baking, I just distribute it all to my friends and family.

5. I'm famous in the agility community here for my home made oreos.

6. I don't believe that I'm smart at all despite people insisting I am.

7. I have no idea who I am, what I want to be, or where I want to go. I only know that I can't keep doing what I'm doing.

8. I'm addicted to Grey's Anatomy and haven't missed more than 2 episodes since starting to watch in the middle of season 3.

9. Almost all of my closest in person friends are over 30 years old.

10. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and managed to leave it, but went back several times before leaving for good. That relationship has soured a lot of things for me and has left me with significant situational anxiety that has also evolved into somewhat of a generalized anxiety and depression tag team sort of thing.

11. I played soccer competitively in high school and dislocated my left ankle, somehow loosening it so that it randomly pops out.

12. I'm afraid of the dark.

13. My favourite number is 13.


Kat/Oak AKA The Nice One
Jul 8, 2009
1. My siblings are my favorite people in the world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them, and I can't understand it when other people say they hate their siblings. Oh, and I have 5 of them

2. I hate being in the spotlight. I like to be the really hardworking person in the background who gets all the work done, but nobody notices, or if they do notice, don't point it out.

3. I don't particularly fit into any one 'group.' I'm too nerdy to be a complete jock, I'm too athletic to be a nerd, I'm also not smart enough to be a nerd, I watch TV shows and really like them, but I'm not obsessive about them like a lot of fandoms, I'm not tomboy enough, and I'm not girly enough. I just float along touching base with each group.

4. I'm not close with anyone. Like I said, my siblings are my favorite people, but I don't tell them hardly anything meaningful about me. I'm almost a pathological liar when it comes to the truth about myself.

5. I can fake confidence and knowledge extremely easily. I've gotten away with so much stuff by just pretending that I know what I'm doing.

6. People used to think I was shy as a kid, and still think that occasionally, but I'm not at all. "My momma taught me that if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" :p No, but really, I don't talk to people much because I'm a listener. I like to listen to what they have to say. Or I just don't that they're worthy of my time.

7. Because I'm silent people think I'm smart. Whenever I open my mouth they see just how wrong they were haha I also talk really quietly, so when I do say stuff you have to be close to hear me. And it's probably gonna be something sarcastic or contradicting what someone just said.

8. I'm 5'8 1/2" and I'm tied for being the shortest child in my family. I love telling people that. I don't even think of myself as tall.

9. I love listening to people talk passionately about something. It shows me that they are being truthful, and I really dislike it when people are two faced.

10. I'm pretty positive that people don't actually like me, that they're faking it, and when they invite me somewhere and I go, that they regret inviting me. And I find it really hard to grow close with someone. I can talk all I want, but I don't keep in touch.

11. I look really slow and lazy, but I'm actually pretty fast and have quick reactions.

12. I have a bajillion nicknames, including Kathium, Kitty Kat, Kit- Kat, Kat, Katrina.... and loads more that I actually respond too

13. I don't have a lucky number, or a favorite color, food, or sibling. I don't pick favorites very well.
Feb 4, 2008
This is really cool, reading through these I keep going "OH MY GOD ME TOO!" to a lot of them!

And OMG Linds I also have the teeth nightmares, apparently that's really common?
I think they are one of those things that either you get them or you don't! But they seriously used to freak me out for days after having one. Now I'm just like "Meh" anymore. I don't know what that means when you become immune to your own nightmares while in said nightmare.

I've actually had ones where I go "This is another tooth dream, how annoying" and wake up into another tooth dream and repeat over and over.

4. I used to write Digimon fanfiction. I was actually a very popular author, particularly for my OTP of choice. There is an article about me as an author on a Digimon fanfiction wiki. (I wrote everything under a pen name that is NOT Beanie so don't even bother going looking LOL.)
Not my fandom, never read any but you somehow became so much cooler now. And I seriously want you to reveal your penname.

9. I love listening to people talk passionately about something. It shows me that they are being truthful, and I really dislike it when people are two faced.
So much this. There is just something magical and really endearing listening to people gush about something they really care about. Be it a book, cars, music, knitting etc. Doesn't matter, I'll listen and enjoy it because I love that passion in people.

3. I'm always afraid people are only nice to me because it's the polite thing to do, and not because they actually like me.
Same here. It's always been a little niggle in the pack of my mind wondering if people like me as much as I like them or if I'm just annoying them.


Ball Thrower
Aug 5, 2012
Southeastern, VA
1. I read gay novels and love them.
2. I want to learn how to ride a horse.
3. I don't really have friends, and it doesn't bother me.
4. I enjoy being home with my dog/cats and reading.
5. I hate leaving my house.
6. I am a messy person.
7. All bugs freak me out.
8. I often have nightmares about being raped.
9. I have 5 pairs of tweezers and freak out when I can't find one.
10. I hate coupons and will never use them at a grocery store.
11. I haven't watched cable tv in almost 2 years.
12. I love citrus scents.
13. If I won the lotto I would have a farm.

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