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  1. F

    Mayor orders shelter dogs to be released in the wild!

    Don't worry, not your fault it was a bad "joke". Your right, it shouldn't happen any where....but the sad thing is things like that do....and the truth is location has nothing to do with it.
  2. F

    Mayor orders shelter dogs to be released in the wild!

    Hey, it could have been worse...they could have misspelled the state name! ;)
  3. F

    The situation has's long...

    You're not wicked. Having been through my own neighbor issues I can relate. It isn't easy...having difficult neighbors never is. There are a couple of things you could try and do to control the situation. Mine has been to plant lots of trees and aquire many feet of privacy...
  4. F

    Mayor orders shelter dogs to be released in the wild!

    I saw a little blurb about this on the news last night. And one of the things this guy said was that he didn't want to euthanize them and the conditions they were in were cruel. Now...what does this rocket scientist think is going to happen to these domesticated animals in the wild? They with...
  5. F

    Sweden Regulates Pet Ownership

    they recently banned catch and release as well!!!
  6. F

    Why Did This Happen?

    Probably not. The reason why these guys produced their "parents" is because both of them are very similar genetically, i.e. they are siblings. 50% is from the sire and 50% is from the dam, and since both dogs (barring any breakage or linkage in the DNA strands when replicating) they are...
  7. F

    Most exciting news for me, ever!

    Also, out of curiosity. Did you (the person interested in the puppy) ever ask the breeder why there was no OFA numbers? Not everyone uses OFA to grade hips, there are better systems, and secondly some breeds you are not going to be able to only use OFA normal dogs. Bulldogs come to
  8. F

    Most exciting news for me, ever!

    Of course not. But it is better to breed the bitch the 2-4 times you plan to in her breeding career spay her young and place her (or keep her) than to let her keep going into seasons and drag out her breeding career over a period of 6-8 years.
  9. F

    Most exciting news for me, ever!

    More and more reproductive specialist are strongly suggesting that breeders not let bitches cycle. Either breed them or spay them. Cat people have been doing it that way for years.
  10. F

    Let's talk about MOVEMENT!

    Wasn't it Pat Trotter? (I could be wrong) who said that what people were wanting is not what works in functionality? Something about how short upper arms (or equal upper arm length and forearm length) and the "90degree shoulders" is not contributive to a proper gait in just about any working...
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    Let's talk about MOVEMENT!

    Interestingly enough, the gait on a show golden is nothing like the ones that actually work in the field. Also in dealing with a breed like the pyr, they want the dog gaited in the ring, but the natural gait of the dog in work mode (i.e. moving across the pasture) is a fault in the ring. The...
  12. F

    Starving Dog is Art?

    Nothing surprises me any more. Not after the lady did an art exhibit of used tampons, the guy who put rosaries into jars of urin, and that fella 10 years or so ago who did photos of grown men uriniating into the mouths of children....
  13. F

    Spinone Italiano

    If you want a lure coursing dog, and he wants a "normal' dog...why not meet in the middle and get a deer hound or irish wolf hound???
  14. F

    Pet underpopulation Problem

    Ah....and look at where the non-culling groups have gotten horses are experiencing an "over population" problem. Articles about "winney" mills being posted in magazines. There hadn't been a problem when excess horses were slaughtered for food or dog food....but a group felt that...
  15. F

    Pet underpopulation Problem

    If you talk to canine reproduction specialist. They will tell you a pregnant uterus is a happy uterus. There is not a lot of "between" time for cows or horses either. They are usually bred back to back. It may take longer for the genetation but it takes just as much resources for that foal or...
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    Pet underpopulation Problem

    I think you a both right. I think it should depend on the breed. Terriers are a different kind of creature, they are not supposed to tollerant like a golden, lab or cocker. Pyrs are another breed, one that bites is deadly. Each dog needs to be individually evaluated by someone who knows a...
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    Pet underpopulation Problem

    I have to say I definately agree...completely agree.
  18. F

    Ekk!! look this website

    Yes, the puppy is obviously too small to be away from mom. Sometimes with small breeds you have to be willing to keep them for 6 months or more. On occasion I have super tiny chin puppies, they do not leave, under any circumstances, until they are 2 pounds and eating well. Sometimes that...
  19. F

    Pet underpopulation Problem

    Our local shelter recently adopted out a pure bred cocker to a co-worker of my friend of mine. The dog growled before it ever left the place and when asked they were told it had been turned in for biting, but since it had only bitten ONCE they were going to adopt it out. Now my friend was...
  20. F

    Pet underpopulation Problem

    Sadly you are right about that. Most shelter dogs are an owner problem and nothing more. But then this disposible society we have creates is essentially our own fault. We promote it, we pet it, we push it (just look at our advertising on TV if you doubt it). Cheaper, faster, easier to...