Search results

  1. Bahamutt99

    How lazy dogs exercise

    Loki likes to springpole, but she doesn't work too hard at it. I actually condone her laziness because when she goes flying all over, that's when she gets hurt. Anyway, a Loki dog... First we must fuel our bodies. Nutrition is important. Cows eat grass, therefore pit BULLS must eat grass...
  2. Bahamutt99

    Lubbock, TX - Police stop dog fight by shooting one of them

    This link has video of the shooting. If you can watch it without getting sick, you should. The reason I say this is because it contrasts sharply with the statements made in the article before the video was released. Even if you don't watch the video, there is a poll. Please, if you agree...
  3. Bahamutt99

    Texas mom arrested for letting kids play outside

    Saw this on Facebook. How ridiculous has our country become? When I was 12 -- admittedly older than these kids, but not by much -- I went wherever I wanted. I carried a watch and money for the pay phone. I told my parents when I was coming home, or the rule was to be home by the time the street...
  4. Bahamutt99

    Terra visits a local sculpture park

    Laumeier Sculpture Park was my favorite place to field trip when I was a kid. I decided to take Terra there today on a quest for tired dog-ness. "I'm so hard, I ate this cat from the inside out, glitter and all." Psychadelicat close-up Nice molecule. Wont tell you what I...
  5. Bahamutt99


    Pictures from about a week ago. They're PNGs, so a bit on the large side. Sorry.
  6. Bahamutt99

    Need options for problematic old guy (long-ish)

    Hey y'alls. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll post some pics of Terra after this thread to make up for it. ;) I'm not sure if this is training, health, or whatever. I'm just looking for workable ideas. Cimba (my dad's dog) is a 12- or maybe 13-year-old Tibetan Spaniel. Doesn't see...
  7. Bahamutt99

    A question of dateability?

    Okay, a friend and I have an ongoing debate and she told me to poll it, so I'm going to toss it out here where there are the least number of people who know the backstory. I just want to see the question answered for what it is, without influence by the key players. And for that reason, I will...
  8. Bahamutt99

    What have been your experiences with dog-aggression (DA)?

    In light of recent discussions, I got curious about what forum members' experiences have been with dog-aggression (DA). Just to be totally clear, I'm talking about dog-on-dog aggression. Not aggression towards other animals or people. The question does not necessarily refer to the bulk of the...
  9. Bahamutt99

    Round 298: Rescuers vs. Breeders. Fight!

    So I was on FB, like I am just about every 5 minutes (sans sleepy time). The news ticker showed me one of my friends furiously posting away on a thread/status so I decided to look. Topic being what do you think of rescues who also breed. Which I took to also possibly mean breeders who rescue...
  10. Bahamutt99

    Dragon Cave v 2.25

    Renee says there hasn't been a Dragon Cave thread in a dog's age (pun intended). So how bout it? Somebody want to help get the little white tinsel dragon to grow up? He's only got a day left. You click mine, I'll click yours. ;) Lookie down....
  11. Bahamutt99

    A re-introduction

    Hola, everyone. I was an active member here for a while, and then I dropped off the Chaz map. A lot has happened to me over the last few years, and I honestly can't remember when I last posted. I searched my own posts and this forum is so active its kind of hard for me to pinpoint the last...
  12. Bahamutt99

    Visual comparison between AmStaffs and APBTs

    I was asked to post this over here. Someone thought it might be of interest even to a non-Pit Bull board. *grin* This was something that I've always kinda wanted to see done. There are people who insist that the APBT and the AmStaff are the same dog, and that if you slim down an AmStaff...
  13. Bahamutt99

    Who here uses Stillwater gear?

    I'm working on some banners and graphics for Stillwater kennel supply, and he expressed an interest in having other breeds represented than just APBTs. Since this is the only all-breed forum I'm on, I figured I'd post my request up here. I'm looking for pictures of dogs...
  14. Bahamutt99

    Banner and Photo Manipulation services I'm offering fair-priced photoshop work. Below are a few examples of work I've done recently. There are many more examples at the link above. Please email me if interested. [email protected]
  15. Bahamutt99

    Flirtpole, Springpole, Treadmill, weight pull, etc: (Vid project. Need help!)

    Since I got such a tremendous response to my thread Flirtpole, Springpole, etc - Just for Pit Bulls?, I was hoping that some of you who responded could help me out with a video project. Objective: There are a lot of things that Pit Bull owners use/do that is viewed with suspicion among the...
  16. Bahamutt99

    Happy Holidays from the Red Crew

    How fun it is getting a group shot of dogs who have a history of not always getting along. :D Individual shots to follow...
  17. Bahamutt99

    Blocking ads?

    I knew how to do it on IE. Does anybody know how to do it on Firefox? One of the ads here just talked to me. :yikes:
  18. Bahamutt99

    Sunday excursion with the roundheads

    (In case I never explained the roundheads thing on this board, that's what I call Loki and Priest. They're the roundheads compared to Terra's pointier head. I have group designations for my dogs in addition to their normal names. Loki + Terra = the girls. Priest + Terra = the pups or the...
  19. Bahamutt99

    Flirtpole, Springpole, etc - Just for Pit Bulls?

    This is the only all-breed forum I'm on. Every other one pertains to APBTs. And I was just thinking about some of the things that we consider normal while owning this breed. It's the same stuff that the misinformed authorities consider dog fighting paraphernalia. Treadmills, flirtpoles...
  20. Bahamutt99

    Weekend photo dump

    We've had some beautimous weather these last few days, so it's been picture-rama around here. Here's 30 of my favorites (in 4 pack doses). First, some of the colors in our yard. And here's some Loki.