Your dogs' quirks

Mar 9, 2012
What quirks do your dogs have?

Kenya acts like a cat by rubbing her body against the furniture and almost purring like cat. She likes sleeping on the windowsill. The routine when I go to bed is she immediately gets off the bed when I'm close to the bed. After I comfortable in bed, she jumps onto the bed again. I didn't teach Kenya to do that. She eats her food slowly piece by piece and lies down on the floor while she's eating. What a lazy dog. :D


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
Dance: She likes to talk when she is happy or excited about something. She loves rolling on carpets. She likes giving crazy hugs, complete with crinkled ears and her cute little dolphin grin when she is super excited about something. She is food obsessed and constantly sneaks away into the kitchen... literally, no idea how she sneaks so well. Not a good quirk, but she is super bad about eating fabric within the last year. Seems to be just a habit. Many of my pajamas and comforter have perished as a result. She also does this weird thing where she tip toes when she gets into a dog bed and sometimes leaps out like something bit her, but nothing did. She does that when she is sleeping too. Just randomly leaps away, does a circle, and then goes back. She is super fidgety. No matter what she is doing, she has a hard time being still. She is a pacer, even when excersized, and she tap dances her front feet often when she is sitting or anticipating something. Really, Dance is just a quirky dog in general haha. I could go on for days.

Ripley: He is obsessed with physical touch to a super annoying point. He forces guests to pet him by leaning on them and vibrating like he is beyond deprived, and he will.not.go.away until I remove him and put him in a stay. He is always trying to rub himself on an outstretched foot or hand too, and if that isn't available, he will rub himself on another dog and practically lay on them. He is also a blanket sucker in a way to self soothe but knows I can't stand it so only does it if I am not around... preferable to how it used to be I suppose, but I wish he would stop completely. He is also obsessive about licking, especially after a meal, but is good about stopping when I tell him. He also likes to tick his head between your knees and hide like an ostrich sometimes lol. No idea why.

Keira: Like Ripley, she is obsessive about licking right after a meal, or after getting wet, or getting her nails done. She also is incapable of walking into the house from outside at a reasonable pace. She has to zip everywhere. When my mom cares for her, or basically anyone but me, she cannot go outside for ten seconds on her own without screeching at the door. She can be a very frantic, high strung, high needs, demanding dog with people who don't understand her personality type... thankfully she is not like that usually with me. Her cute quirk is that when she is happy, she only wags her tail to one side, tilts her head upright to look at you, and prances in a little circle lol. It's strange, but adorable. She also automatically sits when you touch her back, even after Cairo adjustments. Just her thing.

Journey: She likes to grab random toys and show them off, wiggling away, to everyone in the house... including the other dogs. She loves to cuddle but is super lazy about switching positions and regularly sleeps in uncomfortable ways as a result, or falls off of the furniture completely. She is a huge fan of body slamming, much to very one else's dismay. She will just randomly hip check you or bop her nose on you if she is walking behind you. She isn't a loud dog, but she unfortunately cannot control her barking when chasing other dogs... bratty Aussie. Also, she likes to 'accidentally' grab my arm instead of her tug when excited or learning something... not really an accident at all and totally my fault. Not sure what else. She wiggles so much she can barely walks in a straight line, but I think that is mostly an Aussie thing rather than a Journey thing.

Dance is definitely my quirkiest dog. The other three don't really have legitimate quirks like she does. Journey is my most normal dog and her quirks seem to be more breed things than things specific to her, except for a couple. The Doberemans are needy weird in many ways, but when I think quirky, Dance is the only one that immediately pops into my mind.


Sep 1, 2013
Leo likes to rub his head on you as a greeting. But I am not talking rubbing like a cat. I mean, he burrows his forehead into your lap/stomach/leg/whatever while pushing down with his entire body weight. Imagine someone trying to start a head stand on you. It is very bizarre, but always makes me laugh (half the reason he does it, I'm sure).

He also sends himself to his crate a lot. It can be because he wants something (I am eating food he wants) or because he did something he knows he shouldn't (barks at a dog outside, immediately runs into his crate). The hilarious thing though is that he looks very sad and is clearly waiting to be "allowed" out, but for some reason, he doesn't always come out with a "Ok". If I actually send him to his crate, saying "Ok" will immediately get him to run out excitedly. If he sends himself to his crate, he will sometimes come out. But other times he continues to sit and look sad while I try different inflections of Ok to get him to come out again.
He does the same occasionally for asking to get on the furniture. He is clearly asking to jump up, but then I say every release word I can think of, and he just keeps sitting there looking sad. Then eventually, he jumps up super excited. I have no idea...


Highbread Dingbat
Jan 21, 2014
I could go on for days with the weirdo behaviour my dogs display (especially the Border Collie).

- Smiles, showing the tips of his teeth every morning when I get up. But no times after that
- Is obsessed with his crate. If we take the crate down to save space he will mope constantly, and let out a huge sigh every time he walks past the former place for the crate
- When I come home from work he barrels to the door, not because he's happy to see me, but because he wants to clean my work shoes. He immediately tries to untie them when I get in the door
- When things get too repetitive or stressful for him, or he's just hungry, he will "talk" and "sing"
- He started "dancing" not too long ago when he's hungry as well. This weird little sideways movement across the tile floors.
- If you don't throw the first toy Cobain brings you, he will come back with another...and another...and another until you've got a pile of toys surrounding you.

- She too participates in the "talking" though she sounds more like a deranged seal
- I'm pretty sure she's trying to kill me, if I lie down on the bed immediately she feels she has to get up and mash her face into mine - effectively suffocating me
- She's also got this nasty habit of acting all sweet and loving and cuddly one second, and turning to grab my nose the next. (Not aggressively, just annoying)

- I'm pretty sure she's a cat. Sleeps most of the day, isn't big on affection, and at random times will come flying into the room and start punching and grabbing me with her paws


I'm All Ears
Nov 2, 2006
My dogs are quirkballs.


- She circles things counter-clockwise a lot. Like anything exciting or at agility any downtime or walking between obstacles. Her favorite things to circle are the couch, the car, and me. Also when we first started nosework she would only work counter-clockwise but she's gotten more methodical. Still generally does a counter clockwise sweep.

- Summer randomly puts herself in stays. No idea her thought process on that one but sometimes she just stays and is looking at you very expectantly for a release word- which could be okay, free, come, etc. You have to figure it out. She honestly acts like she's doing the greatest thing and you're trying to trick her.

- Her preferred place to walk both on leash and off leash is right behind me. Only a few inches from my feet preferred.

- She licks obsessively. So to get her to not lick me constantly I taught her to do 'shame on me' when she wants pets. So her asking for pets is her covering her eyes repeatedly.

- Rides in the car facing backwards. Crated or not crated.

- Poops immediately after a bath every time.


- If you say 'Where is your...' she will take off through the house running and barking and shrieking. She believes the prime time for this 'game' is when I take a bath or shower. So often she's posed tensely staring at me while I bathe waiting for the words.

- She bites trees when overly excited. Especially like when letting her out into the yard.Generally she'd run out and start pulling bark off the tree but now that the tree is chopped down she spins instead.

- She likes to fill my shoes with the kong x small tennis balls. She will also carry the balls around in my shoes. She also likes to stuff a tennis ball in my shoes then will shove her face in my shoe and walk around the house with the shoe stuck on her face.

- She likes to hang out in the laundry basket.

- She will only jump in the front door of the car and not the back one,

- Her favorite place to be in the car is on the head rest on the back seat (obviously dont let her while we drive!)

- She does not like to be scratched at all. Must only pet with a flat hand or you will get grumped.

- She spends a lot of her time putting her tennis balls in and on top of EVERYTHING and then cries if they get stuck.

- She likes to drag Summer by the tail. We have to watch that one.

- Mia has a thing about which ball is getting played with. Many times she will be very particular about the ball being THIS ball and not that ball you just threw.

- Clacks her teeth a lot. Just will sit around air snapping. Mostly in the car or right before bed.


The Monster.
Feb 6, 2011
Quirks? What quirks?


Cohen has the sweatiest feet of any dog I have ever met. When she's excited she leaves little damp paw prints where ever she goes.


Silence, peasants.
Sep 10, 2012
When Feist is really happy to see someone, she growls. If. She hears someone sounding excited but she can't see them/get to them, she redirects her love onto anyone available (love = flinging herself at me and licking me while frantically pushing herself against me to try to meld souls). She's got a ton more.

Wesley collects things and usually brings his collection to my bed. The other day it was a spatula, a bag of powdered sugar, and a sock.
Jul 24, 2009
Rochester, NY
What a great thread!


Harley has always been very particular about the types of toys he will play with. If it is made of rubber or plastic it is pretty much out of the question. Soft cuddly things on the other hand, anything will suffice!

He is very well behaved and not much of a begger with one main exception. Spaghetti night. We found out years ago by letting him clean a plate that Harley LOVES spaghetti sauce. He stares at us the whole time we eat it and its the only time we let him clean our plates!


His bed is located on the floor in our bedroom but nearly every morning he manages to be laying halfway or completely under our bed. He is a big dog so he usually cant get out himself and we actually have to pull him out!

He loves sticks. He is the type of dog that will carry a stick on an entire walk, and in fact he is much better behaved when he has one!


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
Tucker sneezes when he's when he's begging for food or to go out. Over and over and over again. It looks kind of unpleasant for him lol. It's especially great when combined with his other form of begging, standing on your chest and staring into your face while you are sitting on the couch.

That's the only quirky thing I can think of right now. He will not eat any fruits or veggies which is kind of odd. He thinks blueberries are fun to play with though.

Oh and he also stretches on you as a form of begging for attention. I think early on when we were trying to stop him from jumping up we would give him a free pass if he stretched on us. Like "oh he's not jumping, he just had to stretch!". So now he puts his paws up on you and stretches one of them into the air, then stretches his back.


floor dancer
Jul 10, 2013
Roxie is seriously the SWEETEST dog ever. But she's also very, very serious when she feels the need. Her favorite place is to be right in the center of a huge party. She's always way more calm when loads of people are over, even more than after a long hike.

She has this thing that when she's stressed or when I've had a stressful day at work, she will sit on me. If I don't sit on the floor with her, she will whine at me until I do, and then sit on me.

If your arms are not covered and you let her, she will lick and lick and lick and lick you... sometimes, if she REALLY likes you, she will put your arm in her mouth, wrap her tongue around, and move it up and down your arm like a snake. It's something I've been trying to break her of since I adopted her, but everyone seems to think it's sooo cute and will call her back whenever I try to make her go away. I've just given up at this point. If the person doesn't want the attention, she moves on to someone else until she's "done her rounds" and will go lay down.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2011
Southern California
Elsie's a terv, lol. She's quirks tied together with string.

My favorite is her propensity to rearrange stuff. A couple weeks ago she took a new set of shoelaces out of my purse and put them on top of my tennis shoes as a joke.
Nov 17, 2012
Venice sits on stuff. Usually people or other dogs. When she's at a daycare shift with me, she'll go right on over to an easy going dog and just sit her butt on them. She sits on people if they're on the floor, or if they're sitting in a chair and have their legs crossed, she'll try and sit on the floating foot. Basically this exactly.

I think I have enough photos for a blog but I don't know where they are.
Mar 7, 2014
My friend had noticed this thread. Also her dog, Lotta, does silly things.

Lotta often acts silly. Lotta does it also when she is been trained. There are at least three reasons she is acting silly in training. One reason is that the dog thinks my friend is only her playmate. Another reason is that she thinks she'll get treats by acting silly. The third reason for her dog acting silly is that when she notices my friend starts training her, she gets excited about it.

Lotta behaves by the ways we told also because she is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. That's why Lotta does it also when she is not been trained. Lotta is generally that kind of dog that behaves that way.

There are also other silly things Lotta does. One of them is that Lotta rubs her head/herself against her owners leg or something else, for example a bed. Lotta sometimes also herds my friend when she is walking inside.
May 1, 2014
Grand Rapids, MI
Leo has ZERO personal space. He sits on my feet, lap, body - whatever is available to sit on. He is a leaner. He'll come right up to you with soft puppy eye and just lean the whole weight of his body against you. He even does this with strangers - what a flirt!

OH, a quirk I can truly not stand. My ex started wrestling with Leo. So now when I walk up the hill towards my house from the boarding facility he likes to charge towards me and then jump right in front of me and do this crazy twisty-barrel-roll-thingy... sometimes he mouths while doing this.. once he nipped my butt...

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