Your Definition of Ethics


Sled Dog Guardian
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
New York State
At the request of many, we'll bring the ethics debate to its own thread.

To all of you:

What is your full definition of an "ethical breeder?"
A Few things stick out to me:

1. Pups should be first concern NOT money. If you do not have the money to treat them right, DONT do it.

2. Ask yourself, "Am I bettering _____ Breed?" If No, DONT do it.

3. Are Sire and Dam health checked? Champions? Breeding Material? The Answer should be Yes to all.

4. If you have a "cute" puppy that you want another of and your idea of Health checks is a quick vets visit and yearly shots... spay or neuter your dog.

To better the breed. I would not be interested in buying a pup from a breeder that does not do something with their dogs, working, showing, someone thats not involved in anything with the breed I dont think should be breeding. and ofcourse heath checks.Do I think someone should be breeding their pets-No! And spay and neuter contracts for pet pups.
I agree with all the stickies in this forum.
summitview said:
What is your full definition of an "ethical breeder?"

What does it matter? All your gonna do is bash everyone and act like a supreme being like in the thread that was just closed about the Chi pups....
JFrick said:
What does it matter? All your gonna do is bash everyone and act like a supreme being like in the thread that was just closed about the Chi pups....

There is nothing wrong with her asking this question. It comes up again and again and I'd much prefer it here than directed at one individual.
Saje said:
There is nothing wrong with her asking this question. It comes up again and again and I'd much prefer it here than directed at one individual.

I agree, it's much better here than hijacking another thread and going off. But, and I hate this saying but I'm gonna say it anyway, mark my words..
The thread was already hijacked and closed so summit got what she wanted...another person run off that doesn't answer her questions the way she (summit) likes and an OP that needed help and was pushed off to the side by questions not needed at the moment.
Hey guys. Im sorry for arguing with summit in the other thread, but I really hate it when people that think they know it all bash other people that just asked a question. Summit you know my views. Enough said.
I think it matters alot. There are way to many people out there breeding ther pets becouse they are nice dogs and are pretty.I dont think its to bash anyone.
corsomom said:
I think it matters alot. There are way to many people out there breeding ther pets becouse they are nice dogs and are pretty.I dont think its to bash anyone.

I didn't mean that the question of ethics doesn't matter.....I should have phrased it as "What does it matter to Summit what other people's idea of ethics are?

I don't see anything wrong with breeding pets b/c they are nice or pretty. As long as everyone is healthy, go for it....AND, that the puppies will have a good home to go to or stay in the home they were born into. I do think that there are too many dogs in shelters, but I also believe that a lot of these dogs are in shelters b/c people are too concerned with having the perfect dog by "breed standards" and these shelter dogs are not good enough for them.

What I don't believe in is all this breeding to get the perfect dog so that the owner can win a title and get recognition. This to me is all about greed. And this goes back to my last statement about shelter dogs not being good enough for some....

I'm logging off, won't be back on until tomorrow...:) I'm sure I'll have a lot to respond to.
One that works their dogs.
And ethical breeder should genuinely care 100% for all dogs/pups involved.
An ethicle breeder screens thoroughly, and places pups accordingly before the breeding even takes place.
An ethicle breeder spends a ton of $$ and time from the beginning to the end.
An ethicle breeder has all health testing done epecially tests that are specific to the breed.
An ethicle breeder CULLs pups that are not "worthy"
An eticle breeder charges thousands for a pup.
An ethicle breeder has a sopa box that they carry with them at all times, and after emergency preaching, their own personal baandwagon comes sliding around the corner like something from the Dukes of Hazzard just in time to rescue the "ethicle breeder."

Seriously, now that everyone has had ethicle breeder 101, how does this have anything to do when an accident happens???How do you "make up for it??" I will tell you how, as I did.

Be prepared to keep every puppy.
Pay to have an attorney research and draw up binding contracts.
Dont sell the pups, give them to perfect screened homes.
Sell your home and move to acreage to keep your pup s happy and active.
Share your bed every night.
Spay/nueter the parents, and the pups unless you plan on using them for a purpose of show or work.
JFrick, There are lots of nice pretty healthy dogs in shelters.Ethical breeders are not the ones responsible for dogs in shelters, They will have you sign a contract saying you will return the dog to them if you decide for some reason you cant keep or dont want them anymore.There is no way they want the pups ending up in shelters.
In no preticular order:

A breeder who is trying to better the breed, not for money.

They will choose a proven pair to breed that is as close to the standard of conformation/working ability/temperment as possible, and that may compliment any faults the other may have.

They have owned and handled their breed for a long time, and know everything there is to know about their breed.

They preform all the nessecary health testings for their breed.

They take full responsiblity for the puppies, and will take any puppy back for any reason.

Any puppy that is not up to standard will be spayed or neutered.

They will only breed dogs of the correct age, and will not breed a bitch every heat.

They will always be availible for any questions or concerns the new owner may have, and will keep in contact with the owners to know how the puppy is doing.
corsomom. Im not trying to be rude but ethical breeders do contribute to the overpopulation problem. Whether we like it or not not everyone follows the contracts that they sign. The reason they do still contribute to the shelter population because instead of buying a purebred dog from a breeder the people could go and rescue a dog from the shelter. I am not against breeding for show nor am I against breeding sound dogs for family pets. I do have a problem with puppy mills and byb that crossbreed and breed unsound dog purebreds, purely for money, don't give a crap what health problems the parents have, that will pass onto the pups, and give them to every joe walking down the street. And I am not saying that people should not buy purebred dogs or that shelter dogs are for everyone. I am just trying to get my point across.
...not everyone follows the contracts that they sign - savethebulliedbreeds matter how hard you research a potential buyer, some of them will end up breaking the contract for one reason or another through no fault of the breeder. It doesn't make that breeder unethical, but one of their pups was still put in a shelter (most likely without their knowledge cause the buyer could have changed phone numbers/addresses)
That is why they need to stay in contact with the new owners forever.
A responsible ethical breeder....

Competes with their dogs
Does ALL health testing, and reports ALL results, positive or negative
Breeds only for improvement, and breeds selectively
Grades litters carefully re: show prospects
requires spay neuter on all puppies graded as pets
Is a member and is active in their National Club, and usually local ones as well
Contributes and/or participates in breed rescue
Mentors newcomers
presents their breed in the most positive light possible

I'm sure I will think of more, but these are what comes to mind at the moment.
JFrick said:
I didn't mean that the question of ethics doesn't matter.....I should have phrased it as "What does it matter to Summit what other people's idea of ethics are?

I don't see anything wrong with breeding pets b/c they are nice or pretty. As long as everyone is healthy, go for it....AND, that the puppies will have a good home to go to or stay in the home they were born into. I do think that there are too many dogs in shelters, but I also believe that a lot of these dogs are in shelters b/c people are too concerned with having the perfect dog by "breed standards" and these shelter dogs are not good enough for them.

Breeding of dogs who are "just pets" is very wrong.

These breedings take away homes from the dogs who are in shelters. Many who breed pets do not properly screen homes or require S/N on puppies.

The dogs are in shelters because of ignorant people breeding their PETS and not screening homes properly.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to buy a dog from a responsible and ethical breeder.

There is also absolutely nothing wrong with adopting a dog from a shelter.

Breeding pet dogs by pet owners is wrong.
