Wondering about dog attack news? pit bulls, etc?


user not active
Feb 18, 2005
Here's a fun thing for you to do if you have time on your hands.

Go to news.google.com and search for something like "dog attack" or "pit bull"

Usually it finds around 3000 news sites, you can see how many "dog attack" one's are actually by pits or other dogs.


Disappointed :(
Dec 29, 2004
I didn't really find it fun, but in the last 5 mins I just did a google search (overall, not specifically news) for "dog attack" - of the 5m+ pages found, the first 10 were mainly about law, avoidance, what to do . . .

I think "fataldogattacks.com" found in the top 10 is trying to sell a book, but it contains the following on the home page


Many communities and cities believe that the solution to prevent severe and fatal dog attacks is to label, restrict or ban certain breeds of dogs as potentially dangerous. If the breed of dog was the primary or sole determining factor in a fatal dog attack, it would necessarily stand to reason that since there are literally millions of Rottweilers, Pit Bulls and German Shepherd Dogs in the United States, there would have to be countless more than an approximate 20 human fatalities per year.

Since only an infinitesimal number of any breed is implicated in a human fatality, it is not only unreasonable to characterize this as a specific breed behavior by which judge an entire population of dogs, it also does little to prevent fatal or severe dog attacks as the real causes and events that contribute to a fatal attack are masked by the issue of breed and not seriously addressed.


No breed of dog is inherently vicious, as all breeds of dogs were created and are maintained exclusively to serve and co-exist with humans. The problem exists not within the breed of dog, but rather within the owners that fail to control, supervise, maintain and properly train the breed of dog they choose to keep.


Any dog, regardless of breed, is only as dangerous as his/her owner allows it to be.


Interestingly the top story on news.google.com as of right now (seach "dog attack" on US news - "Dog attack gets man a 20-year prison term") is about the keeper of pit bulls getting a long stay in jail, the DA saying "people need to realize it is not pets causing injuries, but how they are raised" and "if people do not take responsibility to protect the public from vicious dogs they will be held accountable if their dogs attack"


Disappointed :(
Dec 29, 2004
Renee - sometimes on purpose!!

Check out the 3rd story showing right now on "pit bull" (searching news.google.com / US)

"Pit bull attack reported by boy is false, police say"


A pit bull attack reported in Green Bay on Wednesday was false, police said Thursday.

A boy reported being bitten by a pit bull Wednesday in the 1400 block of West Mason Street, but he was actually bitten a German Shepherd when the boy entered an acquaintance’s fenced yard in the 1100 block of Day Street on the city’s east side, according to the Green Bay Police Department.

The boy falsified the report to protect the acquaintance, police said. The dog’s owner told the Green Bay Press-Gazette the boy had been warned to stay out of the yard.

The boy has been cited for making a false report.

— Nathan Phelps/Press-Gazette


Disappointed :(
Dec 29, 2004
LEA, off topic, but here you go... this was up before, Bonnie on dry land playing soccer

enough 'research' for now.... off to do this for real !!



according to the us hospital insurance group (not sure if thats the right name, but thats basically what it is) pit bulls are 3rd on the list of top 100 breeds for dog bites. 3rd from the bottom that is!!! german shepherds are #4 from the bottom. the top 10 are small dogs like chihuahuas, dachshunds, terriers, beagles, shitzus. labs and other breeds no one ever considers dangerous are also at the top of the list. the reason is these small dogs, and labs, goldens, etc are breeds people dont consider dangerous. its more likely for someone with a gsd, rottie, pit bull etc to keep their dog/dogs enclosed, on leash, properly socialize and train them, and supervise any interaction they have with children or strangers. if you get a tiny lap dog or (I hate to keep saying lab) a big dog thats considered a big teddy bear/sweety, your more likely to not be so attentive. so a lot of people get those types of dogs and think "oh, every (pick a sweet reputationed breed) Ive ever seen or heard of would NEVER hurt anyone, maybe lick or wag them to death." and they dont watch them closely, let them run loose, let kids play with them without supervision, etc.
also on that list its not just dog bites (mostly but not only) its also general injuries. and according to the cdc, most "dog attacks" dont result in a bite. they result in the dog jumping up to greet, the dog running up and scaring the person who then falls down and gets hurt, the dog crawls on top of them and starts licking and the person thinks they are being attacked.
according to the hospital list, the worst injuries from dog bites occur from smaller dogs who grab on and dont let go, resulting in flesh being torn rather than just punctured.
regardless of what breed you have, and where it currently lands on any list, properly train and socialize your dog, keep it on a leash in public unless you are CERTAIN that it will obey no matter what, and closely supervise ALL interaction with children, strangers, friends, etc.

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